The Second Great Age of Political Correctness
The P.C. culture of the '80s and '90s didn't decline and fall. It just went underground. Now it's back.

The 1994 movie PCU, about a rebellious fraternity resisting its politically correct university, was a milestone. Not because the movie was especially good—it wasn't. It was a milestone because it showed that political correctness had officially become a joke.
The derisive term "P.C." had referred to a genuine and powerful force on campus for the previous decade. But by the mid-1990s, it had become the butt of jokes from across the political spectrum. The production of a mainstream movie mocking political correctness showed that its cultural moment had passed.
At the same time, punitive campus speech codes were being struck down. Among the most prominent cases was Stanford Law School, which boasted a notorious speech code banning "speech or other expression…intended to insult or stigmatize" an individual on the basis of membership in a protected class arguably including every living human. You don't have to be a lawyer to see how a ban on anything that "insults" would be abused: Even showing PCU itself, which makes fun of campus activists, feminists, and vegetarians, could potentially get you in trouble under such a broad and vague rule. The 1995 court defeat of the Stanford speech code marked the end of the First Great Age of Political Correctness.
Some assumed this meant political correctness was a fad that was gone forever. On the contrary, it gathered strength over the next two decades, rooting itself in university hiring practices and speech policing, until it became what people now refer to as "wokeness" or the much-abused term "cancel culture."
Political correctness didn't decline and fall. It went underground and then rose again. If anything, it's stronger than ever today. Yet some influential figures on the left still downplay the problem, going so far as to pretend that the increase in even tenured professors being fired for off-limits speech is a sign of a healthy campus. And this unwillingness to recognize a serious problem in academia has helped embolden culture warriors on the right, who have launched their own attacks on free speech and viewpoint diversity in the American education system.
We've fully entered the Second Great Age of Political Correctness. If we are to find a way out, we must understand how we got here and admit the true depths of the problem.
The Ignored Years
In the decades that followed the First Great Age of Political Correctness, you could be forgiven for assuming that campus attacks on free speech were a thing of the past.
Professors and administrators dismissed concerns, claiming there was no shortage of viewpoint diversity (and that those who suggested otherwise had sinister, probably racist motivations). Speech codes had been roundly defeated wherever they were legally challenged. The P.C. movement had been reduced to a punchline. Indeed, it was such a common punching bag that some pundits rejected the whole idea as a kind of right-wing hoax. Problem solved, right?
Hardly. In reality, the major change after the mid-'90s was that professors were less openly enamored of speech codes. The campus speech wars entered their Ignored Years, during which far less attention was paid to campus speech even as the underlying problem grew worse. It was during this period that the seeds were sown for a deeper change just one generation later.
After the Stanford policy was defeated in court in 1995, speech codes should have faded away into legal oblivion. Instead, their number dramatically increased. By 2009, 74 percent of colleges had extremely restrictive codes, 21 percent had vague speech codes that could be abused to restrict speech, and only eight of the top 346 colleges surveyed had no restrictive code. Unlike in the '90s, many of these policies were championed by a burgeoning administrative class rather than by faculty.
Meanwhile, viewpoint diversity among professors plummeted. In 1996, the ratio of self-identified liberal faculty to self-identified conservative faculty was 2-to-1; by 2011, the ratio was 5-to-1, according to the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.
More recent statistics paint a starker picture. A 2019 study by the National Association of Scholars on the political registration of professors at the two highest-ranked public and private universities in each state found that registered Democrat faculty outnumbered registered Republican faculty about 9-to-1. In the Northeast, the ratio was about 15-to-1.
In the most evenly split discipline, economics, Democrats outnumber Republicans "only" 3-to-1. The second most even discipline, mathematics, has a ratio of about 6-to-1. Compare this to English and sociology, where the ratios are about 27-to-1. In anthropology, it's a staggering 42-to-1.
In the Ignored Years, higher education became far more expensive and considerably more bureaucratized. From 1994–95 to 2018–19, the inflation-adjusted cost of public college tuition nearly doubled. Meanwhile, the administrative class expanded, from roughly one administrator for every two faculty members in 1990 to nearly equal numbers of faculty and administrators in 2012.
What's more, preliminary research showed a "12-to-one ratio of liberal to conservative college administrators," wrote Samuel J. Abrams of Sarah Lawrence College in The New York Times in 2018. His conclusion: "It appears that a fairly liberal student body is being taught by a very liberal professoriate—and socialized by an incredibly liberal group of administrators." Following the Times article, Abrams was targeted twice by students in an unsuccessful campaign to get him fired for speaking out.
The '00s also brought the popularization of "bias-related incident programs," commonly known as "bias response teams" or "BRTs." These programs exist to root out "bias" (once called "prejudice") on campus by empowering anyone within the community to file complaints with the administration, often anonymously. They are attempts to enforce campus orthodoxy in ways that might be (just barely) constitutional. By 2016, nearly 40 percent of surveyed colleges had BRTs.
Early versions of BRTs involved policing inside jokes and pop culture references. Eventually, reported speech included everything from a "snow penis" at the University of Michigan to a humor magazine at the University of California San Diego that had satirized the idea of safe spaces to an incident at John Carroll University in Ohio, where an "anonymous student reported that [the] African-American Alliance's student protest was making white students feel uncomfortable."
It was also in the '00s that ideas such as "trigger warnings" and "microaggressions" burrowed their way into everyday campus parlance. Meanwhile, the number of speaker disinvitations, in which speaking requests were rescinded because of protests or other objections, slowly crept up.
Education schools, in particular, became even more activist, which had an outsized impact on where we are today. The early 2000s began with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)—the accreditor of over 600 graduate education programs—"recommending" that education students be required to demonstrate a commitment to social justice. The extremely influential Teachers College at Columbia University adopted the requirement, as did others. In 2005, in the face of protest from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), where I am president and CEO, NCATE removed the recommendation. But many schools, including Columbia's Teachers College, did not.
Education school graduates who had been steeped in social justice activism went on to dominate not only K-12 teaching but also the swelling ranks of campus administrators. A random sample taken by Sarah Lawrence's Abrams indicates that 54 percent of college administrators have degrees from education schools.
Two education school graduates helped develop and popularize "orientation" programs, implemented in various forms around the country, that could be described as efforts at thought reform. At the University of Delaware in the late '00s, for example, students were subjected to interrogations by student leaders about all manner of personal topics—their views on gay marriage, their own sexual orientations, when they discovered their sexuality, whether they would consider dating members of other races and ethnicities, and more. The program then sought to provide students with "treatments," such as mandatory one-on-one sessions with their resident advisers, meant to inculcate them with "correct" moral beliefs.
Requiring "diversity statements" as a condition of faculty hires and promotions is yet another way colleges enforce ideological conformity on campus. These statements effectively require faculty to affirm and provide examples of their commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion—which, of course, are rarely defined. Like NCATE's recommended social justice requirement, they function as political litmus tests—demonstrations of one's commitment to prevailing orthodoxies.
The University of California, Berkeley, uses a rubric to score prospective faculty on adherence to specific ideological positions. Candidates are scored negatively, for instance, for attesting to the position that one should "ignore the varying backgrounds of their students and 'treat everyone the same.'"
During the Ignored Years, then, university administrators created infrastructure to keep P.C. alive—moving from speech codes to BRTs as speech codes were shot down in court; encouraging the hiring of even more politically homogeneous professors and administrators; and reframing speech policing as a crucial part of protecting students' mental health.
An Explosion in Censorship
If a single piece of writing marks the end of the Ignored Years, it's Jenny Jarvie's "Trigger Happy," a March 2014 New Republic article critical of campus trigger warnings—the practice of alerting students anytime a potentially sensitive topic is about to come up in class conversation if the teacher thinks it may "trigger" a trauma response in students or just upset them in some way. Jarvie's piece presaged a marked increase in coverage of such issues beyond conservative media. Other milestones included Jonathan Chait's New York magazine article "Not A Very P.C. Thing to Say" and Jon Ronson's book So You've Been Publicly Shamed, both published in 2015. Suddenly, people were paying attention to speech on campus again.
But it wasn't just an increase in coverage. Something else had changed on campus. During the previous two decades, administrators were usually the leaders of campus censorship campaigns. Students, in turn, resisted those efforts. In late 2013, however, there was an explosion in censorship that was student-led. The infrastructure built during the Ignored Years was producing downstream effects.
The generation hitting campuses in 2013 had been educated by the graduates of those activist education schools. In some cases they were literally the children of the students who had pushed for (or at least were OK with) speech codes in the '80s and '90s.
This generation also grew up with social media; it had a genuine awareness of how hurtful and nasty speech can be, especially when anonymous and online. But it had not been taught that freedom to engage in nasty speech is necessary to the functioning of our democracy and to the production of knowledge.
In 2015 alone, there were multiple high-profile free-speech blowups on campus. Perhaps most famous was the confrontation between sociologist Nicholas Christakis and students at Yale that began over school guidance about inappropriate Halloween costumes.
In 2017, there was outright violence at Berkeley and Middlebury College, with activist students using force in response to speech they opposed. (At Middlebury, a professor named Allison Stanger was permanently injured in a melee during an appearance by the author Charles Murray.) Then came 2020, with hundreds of high-profile examples of attempts to get professors and students canceled, all across the country.
One might assume that the increased media attention and the numerous high-profile incidents of campus speech crackdowns—including violent confrontations caught on video—would have definitively demonstrated that the campus free speech situation has become dismal. Yet not only were there debates about whether campus speech was really in crisis but new arguments appeared insisting that campus censorship and academic freedom simply weren't problems at all.
Stranger Than Fiction
Netflix's The Chair is a smart, well-written, well-acted show. The series examines the many challenges facing an English professor and her department at an elite liberal arts college with dwindling admissions. One of the series' main throughlines occurs when a tenured professor is pushed out of his job after giving a satirical Nazi salute during a lecture on modernism. Students call him a Nazi and demand his resignation.
It's not quite as overtly comic, but it could be seen as this era's PCU, in that it signals that it's OK to mock and resist the illiberalism we've seen emerge on campuses over the last five or six years. And it might be taken as a sign that people are finally willing to address the repressive atmosphere at many colleges.
But not all viewers saw it that way. New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote that "a real-world tenured professor like Bill would be extremely unlikely to lose his job for making fun of Nazis in the wrong way." She also posited that concern about the climate on campus is really about people over 40 feeling ashamed of being "repelled by the sensibilities of the young."
In fact, polling finds that Generation Z (the cohort of young people born in 1996 or after) has the most negative outlook on cancel culture of any generation. And Goldberg's assertion that The Chair used an implausible example of a threat to free speech on campus is undermined by the fact that something very similar actually happened earlier this year.
In January, University of Pennsylvania anthropologist Robert Schuyler was pushed into retirement after he reacted to being silenced in a departmental meeting by giving a mock Nazi salute. Critics characterized this one-second gesture as "heinous acts" and called on the university to punish Schuyler in order to demonstrate its opposition to "all forms of prejudice." The student newspaper dutifully reported that Schuyler told it "he does not endorse Nazism," as if his sarcastic reply to the rigid enforcement of faculty meeting rules could legitimately be interpreted as an expression of support for the National Socalist philosophy.
For those who defend free speech on campus, a case involving a Nazi salute would be among the less sympathetic cases in a given year. (The fact that Schuyler's gesture was sarcastic barely registers in an age when the alleged effect of speech is deemed more important than the intent.) But it doesn't take an accusation of Nazism to get you in trouble these days. Professors have been targeted for quoting James Baldwin and Martin Luther King Jr.; for asking students to analyze the consequences of the historical shift in trading and travel patterns known as "Columbian exchange"; and for speculating on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, University of Illinois Chicago law professor Jason Kilborn was placed on leave and subjected to months of investigation after students complained about a self-censored reference to two epithets—literally, "N_____" and "B____"—in a law school exam hypothetical about workplace discrimination.
If anything, The Chair made the students demanding the professor's resignation look more reasonable than they often do in real life. The series features a confrontation with students evocative of Christakis' confrontation in 2015, an encounter I witnessed. There, students surrounded Christakis, screamed at him, broke down in tears, called him disgusting, and told him he shouldn't sleep at night. The cause? Nicholas' wife, Erika, had argued in an email that students should be able to decide which Halloween costumes to wear—an argument in favor of student autonomy that was surely less offensive than a Nazi salute.
Since 2015, there have been at least 200 attempts to get speakers disinvited from campuses; 101 of those were successful. But even when the events go on, student protesters sometimes physically block the entrance to speeches deemed problematic or chant, bang drums, or pull the fire alarm so the speeches can't be heard. A few speakers have actually been assaulted, including unknown chemicals sprayed at conservative podcaster Michael Knowles at University of Missouri–Kansas City. Riots at Berkeley in 2017 over a Milo Yiannopoulos speech included smashed windows, bloodied spectators, and fire bombs.
The 'Chilling Effect'
Goldberg's article was premised in part on the claim, advanced by Liberal Currents editor Adam Gurri, that only a small number of professors have been targeted for cancellation. "If any other problem in social life was occurring at this frequency and at this scale," Gurri wrote, "we would consider it effectively solved."
Gurri's count of targeted professors comes from data collected by FIRE. In context, it does not show a problem effectively solved.
From 2015 through mid-October 2021, FIRE identified 471 attempts to get professors fired or punished for their constitutionally protected speech, with almost three-quarters of them resulting in some type of sanction. In 106 of those cases, the sanction included the loss of a job. The frequency of these attempts has risen dramatically, from 30 in 2015 to 122 in 2020. And the list includes 172 tenured professors who were punished, 27 of whom were fired.
Tenure was designed to be a nearly invincible protection from termination for one's speech, beliefs, teaching, or research. Until very recently, even a single fired tenured professor for anything related to his or her speech or scholarship was a huge deal. Twenty-seven tenured professors fired in a handful of years for their expression is unprecedented. It undermines the whole function of tenure, which is to protect academic freedom by assuring professors they won't find themselves unemployed for exercising it. Contrary to Gurri's framing, this number is not small.
His argument resembles another misleading argument made by those who say campus speech culture is not a problem. It typically starts by noting that there are 6,000 colleges in the country and then shrugs off the hundreds of attempts to push out professors as a small number. This makes the problem look diffuse. In reality, it's quite concentrated.
Of the top 100 schools according to U.S. News & World Report, 65 have had a professor targeted since 2015. Meanwhile, the top 10 schools had an average of seven incidents each.
In fact, if you start with the top 100 universities and then eliminate the schools that appeared in FIRE's Scholars Under Fire database, schools with severely restrictive "red light" speech codes, schools where FIRE intervened on behalf of a student or faculty member, schools with a successful disinvitation campaign, and schools with a Bias Response Team, you are left with only two institutions: the California Institute of Technology and the Colorado School of Mines. If you eliminate schools with vague "yellow light" speech codes as well, there would be no colleges in the top 100 left.
But the problem is disproportionate in some places. Take the "most influential university in the world," Harvard, which educates a notably large share of America's ruling class. Keep in mind that the Harvard faculty, as at most elite colleges, is politically homogeneous: Just 2.5 percent of its faculty of arts and sciences identifies as "conservative" and 0.4 percent as "very conservative." Despite that overwhelming ideological unity, there have been 12 public attacks on professors just since 2015.
In 2017, Harvard rescinded the admission of 10 would-be students over offensive memes in a Facebook group. In 2013, the school surreptitiously scanned resident deans' email accounts in the wake of a cheating scandal—not to find the cheaters but to sniff out who had leaked an email about the scandal, a gross violation of faculty privacy.
By downplaying the scale of such problems, Gurri and others are wishing away the "chilling effect," the well-recognized fact in both law and psychology that when people have to guess as to which opinion, joke, or idea will get them in trouble, they tend to self-censor. Indeed, professors have been telling us they are chilled for years. As far back as 2010, when the Association of American Colleges & Universities asked professors to respond to the statement, "It is safe to have unpopular views on campus," only 16.7 percent strongly agreed.
According to a 2021 report from Eric Kaufmann at the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, 70 percent of conservative academics in America say that there is a hostile climate toward their beliefs, and 62 percent of conservative graduate students agree that "my political views wouldn't fit, which could make my life difficult." Meanwhile, 1 in 5 faculty members openly admit to having discriminated against a grant proposal because it was perceived as conservative or "right-leaning," and slightly more than 1 in 10 faculty members say they have discriminated against conservatives on both paper submissions and promotions.
Perhaps the saddest story of a targeted tenured professor is that of University of North Carolina Wilmington criminology professor Mike Adams, whose struggles at the school spanned nearly 20 years. After Adams was denied tenure because of his conservative writing, he filed a successful lawsuit, which not only won him tenure but also resulted in an important 4th Circuit appeals court decision protecting academic freedom in five states. Nonetheless, last summer, Adams was pushed into early retirement after he tweeted a sarcastic comparison of COVID-19 restrictions to slavery. In the weeks that followed, he killed himself.
Race to the Gutter
Of the 471 incidents mentioned above, most have come from the left of the targeted scholar. But 164 of them have come from the scholar's right. In fact, many of the efforts by conservatives to turn the tide on campus have mutated into approaches that look uncomfortably like the very speech codes they battled for decades.
In one case, researchers trying to determine whether liberals were becoming more comfortable with political violence were targeted by conservative author Todd Starnes, who insisted that a survey to discover student attitudes was equivalent to endorsing violence. In another case, the chairman of the Virginia Republican Party demanded that the University of Virginia investigate professor Larry Sabato for tweets that were critical of former President Donald Trump.
Across the country, conservatives trying to reduce the influence of campus-style identity politics have passed laws banning what they dub "critical race theory" (CRT), a catchall term for a constellation of ideas that encompass a certain perspective on race and its intersections with society. For most of its history, critical race theory was a niche area of study within the academy. But since the George Floyd protests of 2020, it has gone mainstream with the political left and become a villain to the political right.
The laws that Republican lawmakers have written in their effort to counter CRT are almost always unconstitutional as applied to higher education. What's more, they're likely to backfire. Giving campus administrators permission to get rid of professors who teach or subscribe to a particular ideology will almost always be used to get rid of dissenters. And conservatives who honestly express their opinions are, by definition, dissenters on most campuses today.
What's remarkable about this debate, as The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf has pointed out, is that the right and the left have swapped places. Two of CRT's leading thinkers, Richard Delgado and Mari Matsuda, were two of the strongest proponents of hate speech laws and campus speech codes in the '80s and '90s. And both have contributed to books with titles such as Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and the First Amendment. By relying on the idea that ideas are dangerous, the anti-CRT laws now being promoted by activists on the right are direct descendents of the speech policies long favored by Matsuda and Delgado.
Pennsylvania H.B. 1532 bans requiring "a student to read, view or listen to a book, article, video presentation, digital presentation or other learning material that espouses, advocates or promotes a racist or sexist concept" in public K-12 schooling and higher education and bans hosting or providing a venue for a speaker that "espouses, advocates or promotes any racist or sexist concept." Laws in Arkansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma ban courses that teach that "any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex"; bills in eight more states would impose the same language; and a federal bill referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform proposes restraining Washington, D.C., schools in the same way.
As with Matsuda and Delgado's work, the underlying notion is that some discomforting speech—especially speech that causes discomfort about race or gender—is harmful and should be prohibited.
Defenders of anti-CRT laws usually concede that the legislation's language is overbroad and poorly crafted. Almost invariably, they then insist the laws' vagueness should be ignored because of the scale of the problem and because those crafting the laws are on the side of the angels. I have seen this exact same argument made for decades to defend speech codes aimed at addressing racism and sexism on campus: In the face of such a terrible problem, the specifics of the law don't matter; only the intentions do.
As anti-CRT laws have proliferated, many on the left suddenly became aware of how broad and vague speech codes can be used to punish ideologies, and educators, they are fond of. Meanwhile, many on the right suddenly began to embrace the same sorts of codes they had fought for decades, hoping such codes could be the weapon they've long needed in order to turn the ideological tide on campus.
True believers from across the political spectrum seem to believe that some weapons are good if they're wielded by the right people and bad if wielded by the wrong people. That's a problem that needs to be solved, lest campus culture become a tit-for-tat race to the proverbial gutter.
How To Save Higher Ed
Amid the Second Great Age of Political Correctness, American higher education has become too expensive, too illiberal, and too conformist. It has descended into a period of profound crisis wrought by shifts in hiring, student development, and politically charged speech codes developed during the Ignored Years, when too few were paying attention. American campuses should be bastions of free expression and academic freedom. Instead, both are in decline.
We cannot afford to just give up on higher ed. College and university presidents can and should do the following five things:
- Immediately dump all speech codes.
- Adopt a statement specifically identifying free speech as essential to the core purpose of a university and committing the university to free speech values.
- Defend the free speech rights of their students and faculty loudly, clearly, and early.
- Teach free speech, the philosophy of free inquiry, and academic freedom from Day One.
- Collect data and open their campuses to research on the climate for debate, discussion, and dissent.
Those who donate to colleges should refuse to do so without demanding these changes.
But we need to do more than reform our existing institutions. We need alternative models to traditional higher education.
In early November 2021, an upstart called the University of Austin announced the intention to create a new academic institution on the principles of radically open inquiry, civil discourse, and engagement with diverse perspectives. Publicly available information is sparse, but according to Pano Kanelos, the incoming president of the University of Austin and a former president of St. John's College, it plans to launch masters programs in 2022 and 2023 and an undergraduate program in 2024.
Meanwhile, Khan Academy is an online program where anyone can watch free, high-quality instructional videos on a variety of topics and receive an assessment of their abilities in return. Minerva University is an ambitious hybrid model offering brick-and-mortar facilities in San Francisco and several foreign cities and online instruction to students around the world. It focuses on teaching "critical wisdom" to top-tier students and claims to be more exclusive than the most elite colleges. It's not too hard to imagine a future in which employers value a mastery level from the Khan Academy or a degree from Minerva more than a degree from a middling traditional university.
The bottom line is that the opinions of professors and students should be ferociously protected, and that those who run universities must reject the idea that colleges and universities exist to impose orthodoxies on anyone. Over the past decade, too many academic institutions have grown used to promoting specific views of the world to incoming students.
Radical open-mindedness would be wildly out of place at most contemporary universities. Getting there will take substantial cultural and political change.
That starts with self-awareness. One lesson of the First Great Age of Political Correctness and the P.C. wars of the 1980s and '90s is that it was a huge mistake to think that because a movie like PCU skewered campus culture, the problem had already fixed itself. As a result, the problem was allowed to grow worse.
We can't make that mistake again. The ideal time for achieving real change in higher ed was 30 or even 40 years ago. The next best time is now.
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I think the forces that are arrayed against, the 'PC' in-group is too vested, too biased and too unwilling to surrender their power to people they don't respect to allow for any of the listed means of saving education.
That's it, and that is the result of so much emphasis on getting that diploma. People go to college because they're "supposed to"; they have no need of it, they have no interest in it, they don't have the intellect or discipline to get any productive degree, so they go for the useless degrees, taking years extra to manage even that.
And they are bored to tears because those useless gender fluidity classes necessary to get the useless gender studies degree are, well, useless.
Everybody knows they are useless. They won't help get a job, they won't help pay off even the smallest student debt, and your bored graduate (if they even managed the patience to graduate) is now frustrated at having wasted so much time and having nothing to show for it, while the productive degree graduates have been working and making money for several years.
So rant and rave, scream and shout, show your envy of the productive people, burn, loot, murder, or go into politics, hold mostly peaceful protests, loot and burn the McDonalds where you work.
That's where all the woke PC crap comes from.
It won't be solved until the feds stop handing out student loans like candy and employers stop requiring useless diplomas. And that won't happen because way too many people have way too much vested in bloated college staffs doing useless woke PC crap.
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The Second Great Age of Political Correctness
Like the Lewis Grizzard punch-line said: "It's a trick, General Sherman! There's two of them!"
They're obviously not going to give up their power voluntarily, but the laws exist to force them out if we develop the political will to do so.
Or the physical will.
I've got my first check total of $15,550, pretty cool. I am so excited, this is the first time i Actually earned something. I am going to work even harder new and i can't wait for next week payment.jjy Go to home tab for more detail.......I highly recommend to everyone to apply...
Join this right now............Pays-/24
If "political correctness" means telling cisgender females they're hateful bigots for being reluctant to share female-only spaces (sports, locker rooms, prisons) with transwomen, then is the most PC website around. See Scott Shackford's work.
If "political correctness" means being so sensitive to racism that enforcing a national border is considered racist, then Koch-funded libertarianism is the most PC movement in American history.
The new PC movement (the Woke movement) is nothing but a cudgel to be used when convenient to score points against and silence anyone not in the "in group" (in this case, upper middle class "educated" liberals). They dont actually care about BIPOClgbtq++cia people, they want to label enemies as bigots who "dont care"
This is how you have the black face of white supremacy.
"If any other problem in social life was occurring at this frequency and at this scale," Gurri wrote, "we would consider it effectively solved."
Problems like lynchings in the US or innocent unarmed black men shot/killed by racist cops - effectively solved; its only value is its use as a political wedge/cudgel and to continue the extortion.
racist / control freak cops murdering people is OK.
PC prevents outing it.
Police in Pasco WA murdered a Mexican migrant worker for the horrible crime of THROWING STONES AT CARS.
.Small stones. A minor Civil matter
The bastards fired 17 times and nearly kilked a woman in a nearby bakery. She told us shed just stepped away from a cash register when one of the Jack Boited Thugs shot right thru the front windilow to the register.
Two men who came to organize a public march were harassed by the Pasco police.
The murder was covered up by the City and State.
"A minor civil matter"? In Virginia, throwing things (like stones, even "small stones") is a felony.
Covered up? There was a coroner's inquest that determined that Antonio Zambrano-Montes was hopped up on meth, was throwing rocks and "large chunks of concrete" at cars. He turned to throwing them at the cops when they showed up, hit one of them three times, refused to stop, and was finally shot when a Taser had no effect.
Notably, Pasco, Washington state and Federal prosecutors declined to prosecute the three officers.
There are two takeaways here:
1) Just because you don't like a result doesn't mean the incident was covered up
2) Since the three officers fired 17 rounds and only struck Zambrano-Montes five times (all in the front) maybe they need more range time.
Throwing heavy objects at people or their property is an extremely serious matter. It's a shame that it ended with loss of life but rock-throwing is a case of living by the sword.
6. Eliminate federal student loan guarantees.
Ditto. It's the number one factor escalating tuition costs. Handing out easy credit to the most credit risky is just stupid. Have the parents co-sign. If it's too expensive for even that, then maybe Harvard or Yale isn't the school to attend. Try Midvale instead. Nothing wrong with Midvale.
Nothing irritates me more than an Harvard educated barrista demanding her loans be forgiven. Wait... you got a diploma for Harvard and the best job you can get is a barrista? There's a teaching moment right there, but they are unwilling to learn.
Many parents already co-sign or otherwise take on unwise debt.
How about we get the universities to co-sign?
"How about we get the universities to co-sign?"
Exactly this. If the university isn't willing to provide any kind of guarantee or warranty for it's primary product, what does that say to the quality of the product.
They do something like that in England. The amount of your student loan payment is a percentage of your income. If your degree turns out to be worthless, you end up paying little or nothing.
That sounds nothing like making the universities and departments responsible for selling expensive nonsense, unless the universities provide loan funding from their own budget (and not tax dollars).
It's providing a warranty for the victims of fraud who purchased the expensive nonsense. I seem to be the only one here who cares about the victims of this scam.
"The amount of your student loan payment is a percentage of your income. If your degree turns out to be worthless, you end up paying little or nothing."
Um, where's the DISincentive for students there? Get a loan, get a worthless degree, then not have to pay very much as a result???
Am I missing something, or is this Econ 101 times minus 1?
Make student loans dischargeable under bankruptcy. Change just that, and the whole scam collapses.
"Make student loans dischargeable under bankruptcy. Change just that, and the whole scam collapses."
Student loans were Federalized under the Obama administration. What you are asking for is just a student loan bailout. No, way should students and universities be given a pass on their irresponsibility and near fraudulent behavior. Effectively that's penalizing every student who decided to work a part time job in order to avoid massive student loans. Or decided to take the hard classes and get a good paying job, instead of partying their way through college.
What you are asking for is just a student loan bailout.
Nope. The borrowers would still have to convince a judge that they were unable to pay back the loans. I'm just saying treat the loan program the same as any other creditor.
No, way should students and universities be given a pass on their...fraudulent behavior.
The students are the victims of the fraud, not the perpetrators.
The practice of the federal government contracting out student loans servicing to independent companies creates a powerful lobby for keeping things the way they are. Make the loans dischargeable in bankruptcy, and they lose their permanently entrapped customers.
The students are the victims of the fraud, not the perpetrators.
Victims, hunh? I think it shows more that they were never college material in the first place. We encourage them to vote and pretend that their opinions have merit. Perhaps Obama was right and the age of adulthood should be raised to 26.
they were never college material in the first place.
Then the schools defrauded them by admitting them.
the age of adulthood should be raised to 26.
I would be on board with that—at least to 24. We expect too much from 16-, 17-, and 18-year-old adolescents trying to plan their futures. They should have adult guidance and protection at that age.
And Obama would love that, since the 'age of adulthood' would tie into subsidies and deductions for more kids. Yeah, great idea with no possible Unintended Consequences, right? No.
"The schools defrauded them by admitting them"???
You mean, like the latest policy trend of eliminating any and all exams to determine if the applicant is Ready or Prepared for potential success IN college? That's not fraud; that's codependence or co-conspiracy!
And please remember what the high-end colleges have been doing for a few decades, now... They want to sell themselves as "exclusive," so they set a low percentage for 'acceptance' into the college. That makes them LOOK more desirable and Exclusive, so more HS grads apply, letting the colleges keep the acceptance rates low or even lower! Self-licking ice-cream cone, as a friend puts it.
That 'exclusivity' also is an excuse to raise tuition to "demonstrate how valuable their education will be."
Now, as for the silly "minimum loan payments set as a small percentage of the graduate's annual salary, that probably won't work, as I've said elsewhere. But what if there were a Minimum Monthly Payment level for the loans (and NO 'forgiveness,') so the grad with a lousy income gets feedback that their career and education courses were BAD decisions, and the grads with the good career choices can pay that same minimum percentage, but also add any additional amount they want, over and above that: incentive to get a good career and pay off their loans asap. ????
I did pretty much exactly that with my last jobs. If I got a raise, part of it came home to enrich our lifestyle and choices. Part of it went into the bank, IRA or other investments, and part of it was ADDED to our monthly mortgage payment, whether it was $20, $50 or $100 or more! Just amazing how much shorter the term of a loan can be if you do something like that.
That penalizes the lenders. Granted, since everybody knows the government will bail things out, there is a moral hazard for bad loans.
To stop skyrocketting tuitions, just have Congress refuse to guarantee new loans for any student who attends a university that increases tuition by more than 2% or the rate of inflation, whichever is more.
Then hold for 20 years and unwind all this stuff.
Hint: You are not noble for attaching to a loan scam with a moral hazard from government guaranteed loans. You are a scammer.
Hint addressed to profs, but much more to bloating sinecure positions.
That penalizes the lenders.
As JWatts pointed out above, these days the lender is almost always the federal government. The only people I propose "penalizing" are the hyenas who service the loans on contract to the government.
Vernon, that just means that you're penalizing different parts of the "Loan Supply Chain," whether it's the borrower, the 'hyenas' or the Government.
In the end, Who Is The Ultimate Entity that covers the costs of those 'penalties'? And where's the incentive to NOT game the system?
All the loan money comes from the 'government,' which means, from all citizens' tax payments. The 'government' Never Pays For Anything.
The 'hyenas' are just 'middle-men' in the money supply chain, and if you lower their profits with penalties, they Must pass on those extra expenses either to the student-borrower or back to the government, meaning: the taxpayer pays even more.
Critical Thinking demands to identify The Real Problem and then ask, "Why does That Happen?"
The first answer is nearly always NEVER the 'root cause of the Problem,' so when that first 'answer' is dished up, Critical Thinking Process says, look at that 'answer' and repeat, "Well, Why Does THAT Happen?"
And keep doing that until you find the deepest underlying causative element, then address THAT one.
Meanwhile, many on the right suddenly began to embrace the same sorts of codes they had fought for decades,
I think this is not true, beyond the "many on the right..." vagueness; they aren't the same sorts of codes other than that they are enacted by someone.
CRT actively proposes and teaches (insists) that a single current race is responsible for the misery of 75% of the people in the world who are, and who have ever, lived. It uses speech codes to prevent dissent and extort compliance from its victims.
Anti-CRT laws address the overt and expressed racism in that Theory by preventing Public Funds from being used to promote or enable Racist/Sexist/Religious practices.
The one is literally Racist. T'other one says everyone gets serviced equally under the government.
The odds of being published here go down substantially unless you sufficiently "both sides" whatever it is you are babbling about.
Yeah... this didn't sit quite right with me either. How does Lukianoff propose you stop the left? Doing nothing hasn't worked for decades. Don't get me wrong... he is right that there is a growing sense of censure you before you censore me on the right. Illiberalism to fight illiberalism. And there is a truth to the argument even though I don't like it and it worries me. But I am at a loss for a better answer. If the Communists are coming for you and the liberal democracies are inviting them to come get you and the fascists are the only ones actually fighting the communists... who do you start to ally with? And for many, sadly, that begins to turn into assimilation rather than mere coincidental interests.
But the anti-CRT bills are not quite as bad as he makes them out to be, either. The bill in OK for example says you can not teach as truth that race is determinant. That guilt is based on sex or gender or any other group. You can teach CRT all day long. Just like you can teach socialism and nazism. But there is a huge difference in saying "Here is an idea someone has/had. Jews were bad and that lead to the Holocaust. Let us talk about that," compared to "Jews are bad. They are guilty by virtue of being Jewish. Ben... you need to apologize for your guilt to Suzy because you are Jewish." The former is still allowed by the law in OK. The latter is not and how we can not come to an agreement on that says a lot about the left... not the right.
Apparently, the French are resisting "woke".
It’s a shame Americans are as resistant or even more resistant to French cultural ideas as the French are to American cultural ideas. French “universalism” is a much better way of thinking about racial equality than American woke anti-racism.
It’s all bullshit. And the Europeans are idiots. They are not to be emulated. Of course, a Marxist, such as yourself, is usually wet to the knees over anything European.
For the writer Brice Couturier, a member of the Laboratory for the Republic think tank, "wokeism puts people into tribes in order to control them. It says you belong in my tribe, and the leaders of my tribe will tell you how to behave. This is foreign to French mentality".
That certainly was evident 30 years ago in France and a good thing too:
Jordy--Dur Dur D'Etre Un Bebe
However, the Statist French are all for everyone obeying L'Etat, so non plus le chemin de le Libertaire and Dur Dur D'Etre Un Adulte Aussi.
Plus ça change...
If there's one thing to admire about the French, it's the fact that they never apologize for their Frenchness. I wish we Americans were half the cultural chauvinists the French are.
The 1994 movie PCU, about a rebellious fraternity resisting its politically correct university, was a milestone. Not because the movie was especially good—it wasn't.
Fuck you, PCU was great.
Nerds was the better movie, by far.
I love PCU and was angry when I read that line. It's a great movie.
And to think it was directed by the guy who played Ellis in Die Hard ????
One interpretation of the (ab)use of bias accusations by conservatives is the "race to the bottom". The other interpretation is that 'see how you like it' is a valid tactic (and sometimes the only tactic) when your opponent refuses to see it as a problem in the first place.
Rule of law instead of rule of man helps ensure that the laws passed are ethical. If I am to be subject to it, even as a ruler, then I consider how I must live under such a law. Modern woke-ism denies universalism among people, wants the law to treat some poorly and others with special carve-outs. If a rational argument against this does not work... forcing the powers that be to suffer under it as well can (hopefully) compel them to change their tune. I think there is a large part of the right who would prefer not to do this (think of shooting someone trying to kill you... you would prefer the situation never have been created by your attacker in the first place). But as humans are want to do... bloodlust kicks in and I think there is a growing part of the right who just wants to hurt the left back for the sake of vengeance, not justice. And that is a perverting sentiment that easily transforms into just malice.
There's only so much abuse people can take...
Lukianoff writes that in the future, employers may become increasingly likely to accept subject-matter-mastery certifications from Khan Academy and its ilk as an alternative to degrees conferred by traditional colleges and universities.
That might be the case if the chief purpose of a college degree was to verify that someone knew the subject at a certain level. But another and perhaps even more important purpose is to show that the graduate's demonstrated certain non-academic qualities, including punctuality and ability to work with others.
I might be absolutely top-notch as far as knowledge is concerned. But if I'm incapable of getting assignments done on time, or if I make life hell for my co-workers, then I'll be useless, or worse than useless, to an employer.
Self-paced online courses can't distinguish between people who can meet a deadline and people who can't, or between people who can get along with others and people with intolerably prickly personalities. For this reason, they're significantly less useful as an indicator of the sorts of qualities that an employer wants.
Unless you have specific and detailed knowledge of the practices of the individual university program, the holding of a traditional degree doesn't give any useful indicator of those traits and abilities, either.
Yes, plenty of people get hired who don't have the qualities Old Smokin' describes.
Agreed. Work/study programs, such as Drexel's or Northeastern's, demonstrate to potential employers that the applicant is more ready to hit the ground running than someone with a degree from a school where gentlemen 3.0s were issued if one's tuition was paid.
at the rate things are going, certain online-only certifications are going to carry a lot more weight with employers than feel good group struggle degrees.
they have Feel Gooders to hire now...
The circle is completed
But another and perhaps even more important purpose is to show that the graduate's demonstrated certain non-academic qualities, including punctuality and ability to work with others.
This, plus it allows employers cover to discriminate based on class while giving legal cover to avoid accusations of discrimination based on race. Beyond sympathetic ideology that's a big reason why DE&I bureaucracy is so fat at colleges - they steadfastly need to be bulletproof for their business model to continue to work.
Political correctness is an oxymoron.
Intimidation to censor is as old and prevalent as corruption itself.
Smart people, the founders, recognized this along with the need for free speech to be an inalienable right.
The others, who advocate intimidation to censor, are creating an environment of corruption where they will thrive.
Don’t let them.
and never apologize when you've done nothing wrong
Once you apologize, it's all over for you. You'll have nowhere to go. The leftists do not ever offer forgiveness, and the sane people will reject you for grovelling to them.
CE and Vernon, why ingratiate yourselves with this asshole? Misek is a Holocaust Denier Nazi sympathizer who by his own admission would censor you and all of us for proclakming that the Holocaust was real. He is part of the problem this article attempts to address.
You are a bald faced liar! A cuttlefish is a slimy invertebrate like you and here is your pathetic squirt of ink.
“ by his own admission would censor you and all of us for proclakming that the Holocaust was real.”
Cite required.
Lies, like the latest holocaust and the 166 previous holocausts falsely claimed by Jews, are hate speech, crimes of coercion.
People who commit crimes need to be punished. If that means worthless wastes of skin like you will self censor your lies, good.
You have had the opportunity to refute anything I have said to prove it is a lie. You never have slimeball.
You have stated in the past and indeed just now that all lies should be outlawed and you have also held as long as I've been here on the Hit & Run Comments that proclaiming the existence of the Holocaust is a lie.
Therefore, by the necessary truth of the Aristotlean syllogism, it follows that you think that proclaiming the existence of the Holocaust should be outlawed.
Oh, and I use electrons here, not ink, so try to keep up. And even though the Cuttlefish has no backbone, it does have a single internal cuttlebone that serves the same function of keeping it stable, which is more than what can be said of your sanity with a whole stack of vertebrae.
So you’re finally admitting that the holocaust is a lie.
Frankly, if it wasn’t currently a crime in every nation where it allegedly occurred to show proof that the holocaust is a lie, that bullshit could never have been supported by the widespread propaganda it has been.
You satanists don’t recognize the difference between good and evil, truth and lies. That’s why you conflate criminalizing evil with censorship.
Where do you get that I'm admitting anything, let alone the truth of your bullshit?
By the way, Satan does not exist any more than God does *Tips Fedora* Mein Fraulein!
Here is my cite to prove the truth that you can never refute. Where’s yours?
Just a couple of excerpts from the link Embedded within the lying holocaust jew statements are some telling perspectives
“The Chicago Tribune on July 20, 1921 published an article headlined: “Begs America Save 6,000,000 in Russia.” This article claimed that “Russia’s 6 million Jews are facing extermination by massacre. As the famine is spreading, the counter-revolutionary movement is gaining and the Soviet’s control is waning.” The United Jewish Campaign of New York in 1926 set a fundraising goal of $6,000,000 to help the “dying” Jews of Europe. On December 29, 1931 a Montreal newspaper ran a baseless claim from Rabbi Stephen Wise that 6 million Jews faced starvation in southeastern Europe.[7]”
” the counter-revolutionary movement is gaining and the Soviet’s control is waning.” tells us that Jews perceived waning Jewish Bolshevik communist control of Russia to be a threat” Jews for communism, secret police and the Cold War.
“The New York Times on May 31, 1936, published an article headlined “Americans Appeal for Jewish Refuge.” This article appealed to Great Britain to “…throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust.””
“ throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews” tells us that 6 million Jews were waiting at the perceived “gates of Palestine” to be ushered in by the allies a full 12 years before the Middle East conflict. So much for the Arabs being the aggressors.
Copypasta, which I showed to not say what you claim it said, which was that the Jews claimed 6 million deaths multiple times in history.
Are you reduced to copypasta just like every other troll and loon up in here?
Oh, am I being too politically correct for you?
You're certainly Politically Correct in your own Totalitarian world inside your head, but to me and to objective reality, you're just insufferable.
Apologies are only a symptom of the problem.
The corrupt fuckers who use intimidation to censor truth aren’t going to apologize for violating 1a.
The Jews, right?
"He said it! He said it!" 🙂
Monty Python's The Life of Brian--The Stoning Scene
Funny thing, Misek would be right at home here if only he were the Pharasee. The roots of Totalitarianism go way back and even further than this.
I know I turn some people on with clever patter, but my type is more intelligent and affactionate and not lunatic thug-worshippers.
Rohm away, Ernst, and let me enjoy my Two Cents Plain Seltzer.
You know who else intimdated to censor?
“The greatest enemy of clear language is insincerity.”
George Orwell
Here’s the whole quote, it illustrates the thoughts and motives of those who use insincerity to obfuscate truth when they know they can’t refute it.
Sounds like more than a few posters, cuttlefish, here.
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.“ George Orwell
You know who else had a gap between real and declared aims?
Another squirt of ink.
You can’t refute anything I’ve said.
Is thiis ink you keep squirting like Wite-Out...or maybe hair gel for a Mary-'do?
I told you're not my type. Go play with the other Boot Boiz.
Star Fleet?
By the way, Misek, you never answered my question on a previous thread:
Since you say that the right to free speech and expression doesn't end on someone else's private property, would a group of Jews have a right to free speech and free expression on your private property?
Cite required. Provide the link.
I vaguely remember sincerely answering your insincere question.
So no free speech and expression for Jews, whether on your private property or not?
No cite from the slimy invertebrate.
I recall Firing Line had a debate titled "Resolved: Political Correctness is a Boor". If memory serves, it was Bill Buckley versus Cornell West. That must have been forty years ago.
Yesterday I saw a tweet saying that The Great Awokeness was due to thirty years of relentless effort by activists.
Meaning, none of this is new. It's just the culmination of decades of anti-speech work. At the beginning there was no pushback because the politically incorrect speech was indeed offensive to all. We got rid of Nigger and then then Kike and Spic. I remember the Water Buffalo brouhaha. You insult someone and they get offended, what did you expect?
But the push wasn't to get rid of offensive insults. The push wasn't for your grandma's polite speech. The push wasn't about speech at all. It was about rightthink. And it extended to racially and identity neutral politics. Cutting spending was politically incorrect. Tax cuts were politically incorrect. Democrats were not left off the hook, but Democrats first saw the way the winds were blowing and adjusted. The goal was a paternalistic government. Big Father government to punish the wrongthink and unbelievers, Big Mother government to provide all the freebies and kisses.
We now have college campuses run by administrators who were thoroughly steeped in political correctness. They're in charge now. There are more administrators than there are professors and groundskeepers. The solution is to severely cut back on college administrators. Higher education can survive a kook in the Victims Studies department, but it cannot survive True Believer administrators.
There's no way that show was 40 years ago. No way, if it used the term "political correctness" it HAD to be in the 90s.
Gimme a minute...
As I thought:>
(disclaimer-- ~30 years ago... so I need to be careful to not forget how long this shit has been going on).
Resolved: That Political Correctness Is a Menace and a Bore
Episode aired Dec 13, 1993
1993. "Political correctness" was a term that popped up in the early 90s and was a term the left invented to describe itself However, just like "fake news", just like "woke" and just like "critical [Race] Theory", it's a term that got turned against it as a derisive phrase.
"Politically correct" was a way to describe language that was bereft of offense, usually in the realm of race or sexism.
For instance "Oriental" was considered a "politically incorrect" term, "Asian" was the "politically correct" term.
so " slanty eyed Chink" is strait out?
How about bat eaters?
What do you call a fat chinaman?
A chunk.
Of course, Robert Bork would have upheld the so-called "State's Rights" to impose menacing and boring Political Correctness if they so desired. Good thing he never made it to be one of The Supremes.
The first time I heard the term "politically correct", it was from unironically Maoist college students in the mid-1970s.
So I've read in the pages of Commentary, the term "Political Correctness" is at least as old as Leninism from the beginning of the Russian Revolution.
Of course it isn't new. "Culture" had been cancelling gay people for millenia. And that's putting it mildly.
There are those around here who lament they cannot be jailed anymore, to hell with merely losing their job or getting married or being shunned.
And gay isn't the only thing. Racial effects, especially legal. Religious ones, too.
War against Christmas? Be glad there isn't a real one because you've been warring for millenia.
"There are those around here who lament they cannot be jailed anymore"
Ask Misek. If you kiss him, he might tell you.
What used to be called Political Correctness (or PC) is now referred to as being Woke or a Progressive.
In fact, its all just left wing propaganda, intimidation and socialism.
I've glad you mentioned "both sides" do it.
Both. Sides. When the only way to tell the difference between two sides is the color of their flags, there's really no difference between them.
if you don't see a fundamental difference in their aims to suppress unapproved speech, you're not looking hard enough
or dishonest
One side starts the fight, the other fights to protect himself.
The dishonest observer abstracts one level to claim "both sides are fighting".
That's to evade the moral necessity of siding against the aggressor.
Anyone who thinks the '80s were PC didn't live through the '80s.
Case in point - The Morton Downey Jr. Show. In this clip from the Apollo Theater episode, Al Sharpton gets his ass kicked by Roy Innis.
Richly deserved, but I'm holding out for the day Sharpton gets the same treatment he has fomented and espoused for decades.
..that race baiting gas bag Sharpless needs to ride on the front of the bus..
On it..
Hes a POS just in it for himself.
Campus culture was PC. All the same shit people complain about now was happening then.
People who support and promote PC and other ideological restrictions are on a spectrum. At the bottom end are the useful (useless?) idiots who respond to emotional impulses like puritanism and Karen/Ken busybody urges. The most vocal are the coddled class, described by Greg and Jonathan Haidt, who truly believe they will die if they hear challenging words.
But at the top end are people motivated by power. These are conscious, deliberate schemers who seek to control individuals and societies. They know controlling speech is an effective path to power. Whether Marxist or critical theorist (or, more traditionally, monarchist, theocracist, or just plain dictator), these people write openly of their urge for power, their plans to force others into submission, and their strategies about and against speech.
This new University of Austin is a nothing burger. At best, it’ll fail to launch. At worst it’s nothing more than another “elite” institution recruiting out of touch, upper middle and upper class snobs who will go on to create more out of touch policy in a misguided attempt to “fix” the problems created by the previous generations of out of touch snobs’ shit policies. Regardless of which out of touch ideology it finally settles on, it’ll become a propaganda factory of homogeneity.
What The University of Austin should include is STEM and vocational training as well as it's present palette of Humanities and Social Sciences. Ideally offer a double major package with one Humanities or Social Science major and one STEM or Vocational major.
That way, students can make a living and a good life regardless of what any "Cancel Culture" or "Callout Culture" or Politically Correct or Wokeist Mob may try to do to them. And students can be more prepared to pay off any education debts or even go debt-free and pay-as-they-learn if University donors sponsor paid internships or apprinticeships.
And offer Continuing Education packages, in keeping with the notion that the Universe is infinite, Reason and Science are dynamic, and Knowledge and Wisdom, properly understood and pursued, are endless!
Yes, unlimited student loans did make it easier for colleges to hire more admins to enforce PC speech codes, for the 20 or so years when PC seemed to have died, college also became more just something you needed to do to get a decent job than challenging the cisgender white heterosexual patriarchy, so there wasn’t much interest. But during this time, the students who were there during the first wave became professors, admins, and parents to the current crop of woke dipshit college kids, throw in evil orange man and you have a perfect storm.
its interesting how the radical Left in the 1960s was anti Government whereas now its pro....
The recent admission that CIA are going back to spycraft instead of " terrorism" is telling IMO.
Today, they see the government as being captured by their side. They're pro-government now that the bureaucratic state is on their turf.
...baited/ enabled from inside...
PCU was a great movie! Plan to make my sons watch it should they decide to go to college.
PC culture didn't go underground, so much as people laughed it off and went on with their lives.
Then Twitter was invented, and anyone saying anything remotely questionable could be gang-tackled and taken down.
Not exactly anyone. Anyone small.
Some people, J.K. Rowling or Jordan Peterson, for example, are big enough to not be easily taken down.
It depends how one defines "taken down". When Rowling is disinvited to a reunion of the movie production, that's still a form of cancel culture. Yes, she remains wealthy, but it's possible she'll never have another movie made from her works.
However, in Rowling's (and Peterson's) defense, not apologizing goes a long way in surviving.
FYI, Rowling is not entirely innocent here. She's been known in the past to mobilize her own twitter mobs in service of her own leftist causes.
This article feels like it should have been printed in 2014.
I wore a College Liberal Arts Prof out with it in 2004...
Had to write an essay on a personslal fault. Thats a Psy Ops move to invade and control peoples minds.
It backfired in them hard.
I wrote a paper on the horrid "N-word"
I wrote that Im very biased against stupid WHITE people.
It blew his mind. The fact it was aimed at him and them in Academia may have gone over his head. Pearls to Swine...
I ultimately did it to lay them out for their systematic racist hiring practices.
He DID grasp that I was a better writer than his Staff as he said so. I just smiled.
Then I turned their lives into 57 varieties of hell...
I thought I had come upon an article that had taken 5 years or so to post. PC culture never went underground just mutated into the hyper cancel culture of today.
It did disappear for a while. The only question is "why". After the late 90s, it kind of got tamped down and throughout the early 2000s those of us that were concerned about it almost forgot about it for about 10 years.
Internet. Thats why " 1990s"
Internet communications became mainstream.
A Clinton economy with a Reagan cultural milieu. In my memory of the 90s, there simply were no minorities except on the occasional sitcom, where they acted like white people.
Tom Hanks playing gay was brave, but he had to have AIDS of course.
You must have missed UPN’s Monday night prime time line up.
So you never watched a whole bunch of TV in the 90s, 80s, or 70s.
The Author and whomever made the image above is SPOT ON.
CATHOLIC CHURCH. See the keys?
There You Go.
"After the Stanford policy was defeated in court in 1995, speech codes should have faded away into legal oblivion. Instead, their number dramatically increased"
Thus the lawsuit was used to define what they can get away with...
Fuck Joe Biden
PS " nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
So what you are saying is that we need an educator to mimic Martin Luther and nail a 95 theses to the door of the diversity office of Harvard university with his shoe?
No. Burn it to the ground.
Luther failed when he nailed. He didnt flee the Abominatioable Church, he just dissented a bit.
And now Lutheranism may as well be Rome.
As to Luther, there was one at UNC. He wrote scathing rebukes of the Ed system as Professor Plumb and Im afraid this reference referred to him:
"a targeted tenured professor is that of University of North Carolina Wilmington criminology professor Mike Adams, whose struggles at the school spanned nearly 20 years."
"Damnit, Marty! Don't do that! Use Post-It Notes instead!"
What PC culture in the 80s? In the mid-80s at least everything goes and fuck you if you can't take a joke. Good times.
Yes it was. And anyone that claims to remember the 80s is lying...
old joke..
The Moral Majority tried to push back but it was futile but they didn't have nothing on the progressive puritans.
Look at the state of disarray, immorality and money grabbing that the MM came from. The likes of the PTL Club ( Pass The Loot.)
A moral majority must be.
Sixties, sir.
WOW. Prophetic.
I clicked into the dead pigeon segment at 12:00. Fitting.
I can't think of a more appropriate response to "speech codes" and "political correctness."
1. PCU was fucking hysterical
2. Tonight at The Pit - Everybody Gets Laid!
3. That pre-frosh snagged the B.
4. Can you blow me where the pampers is?
-And the walls are painted white; and the chalk is white; and even the copy machine paper is white. This, my friend, is the white devil's conspiracy!
-Those pit offenders are singlehandedly destroying the sensitivity levels on campus!
-I think Bisexual Asian Studies should have its own building. The question is, who goes? The math department or the hockey team?
Extreme prescience on the part of the writers. The old adage that history repeats first as tragedy then as farce is exactly backwards in regards to the new state religion.
exactly. also any movie with Jessica Walter *and* P-Funk can't go wrong lol
meat tossers!
Do many of you recall how our parents taught us that it is not nice to hit someone "below the belt?" How come it seems that so many people these days are wearing their belts above their ears?
Censorship is as old as humanity. the Puritans objected to the censorship on their ability to practice religion but they had no problem throwing people out in the middle of New England winters when those people didn't conform to the Puritan's idea of PC.
Roger Williams (founder of RI colony) objected in the 1644 & fortunately for most of us his ideas carried others who followed including the Founding Fathers. Censorship should be abjured on both the left & right. If bad arguments can't be silenced by better arguments (Trump suggests otherwise but we have to try) then we are lost as a nation & as an idea for democratic rule.
they killed people that didnt agree. Sunday Blue Laws on pain of death.
The psychopathic progression is:
We believe in God
God is perfect and demands that of us ( first flaw)
We represent God
Therefore God demands we denand you be perfect.
And that devolves into the Catholic Crusaides and Nazi Germany.
The rest is repeated history.
One of the main reasons for PC and speech codes on University Campuses is that the culture of those institutions is one run by the "know it alls" who really believe they are the most knowledgable and wise members of society. This despite the fact that most all can't do simple things like fix a plumbing leak, change a tire or most things needed to make the world run smoothly.
Their arrogance knows no bounds. Parenting? They have all the answers even though they might not have children. Interpersonal relations and how to get along even though many in the University culture are backstabbing, rumor mongering careerists who will do most anything to get ahead. You get the picture. One of the most dysfunctional groups in our society has taken it upon themselves to be the arbiter of others rights and privileges. This insular and inbred group of self ordained royalty parallels the blue bloods of past eons. They immorally impose their weirdness on the children placed in their charge for the purpose of education. How ironic.
Very cogently written and expressed, Budwick!. I imagine you would do well as a double major in Humanities and STEM if you don't already!
Academia is the new Planter Class. Instead of living off the current stolen labor of their slaves, Academia is living off the stolen future labor of theirs. Like the Planter Class Academia also demands total control of government.
The solution is what should have been done at the end of the Civil War, break up the huge plantations and give former slaves forty acres and a mule.
Student debt is destroying the country. It is preventing a huge part of the population from starting families and buying their first houses. Academic salaries have soared to incredible levels.
Pay off student debt by taking the huge endowments. Refund those who paid their way. Then forbid paying anyone but teaching faculty from endowments and tuition.
Academic salaries have soared
As the article talked around but didn't come out and say, it's not just the money for faculty that has come from loans. The student loans have enabled the leftist takeover of higher education by dramatically increasing the number of administrators at schools, most of whom, as the article does point out, are left-wingers with degrees in education.
"—the practice of alerting students anytime a potentially sensitive topic is about to come up in class conversation if the teacher thinks it may "trigger" a trauma response in students or just upset them in some way"
So the real purpose is to sensitize them, HYPNOTIZE THEM, to respond as Pavlovs Dog to any Race or Class Whistle...
When the Cupcakes run out of legitimate things to get " upset" over, they can invent them.
And of course, this ' equal protection' does not apply to anyone not in a ' protected class.'
That is, White Conservative mostly males.
Defenders of anti-CRT laws usually concede that the legislation's language is overbroad and poorly crafted.
Anti-CRT laws are also unnecessary. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 already prohibits discrimination in education and employment. Anyone implementing the CRT programs as they have been developed are doing so illegally and are guilty of violating the civil rights of students and/or employees.
Developing a case framework to sue school administrators and business managers who develop or employ these trainings should be step 1 of the action plan. We should be sure to include the demand that no institution employing (directly or indirectly) any person convicted of violating others civil rights is eligible to receive federal funds.
Separately there are two cases from the 90s which show how closelt tied the new and old PC versions are to each other. Antioch College (I think) proposed a sexual assault policy requiring verbal consent at every escalation. Then as now this illegalizes essentially every sexual encounter in the history of the world. In the 90s this ridiculousness was recognized and while the policy was implemented it was scrapped shortly afterward due to the negative publicity. This policy is now common and in fact some states including California require all post secondary education institutions to implement this policy.
The second case is the Seattle Public Schools claim that having a "future time orientation" which means planning ahead or deferring gratification is racist. They arrived at this by noting racial disparities on tests of this characteristic which according to them then and CRT proponents now proves racism. This is the same reasoning CRT uses to justify its claims that expecting blacks to show up on time is racist. In the 90s this generated much ridicule and it went nowhere. Now anyone not believing this is labelled a racist.
"Anti-CRT laws are also unnecessary. "
A clever liar. You want to let them teach it but burden parents with sueing them.
The laws ARE necessary to prevent them teaching this trash in the first place. As in TN.
It's interesting you think one law prevents people from "teaching this trash in the first place" but a different law which also prohibits it somehow does not. In truth any law needs to be enforced.
I'm with you on this. We don't need laws against books and media teaching or advocating Critical Race Theory any more than we need laws against books and media teaching or advocating Communism. All that is needed are existing laws against actually carrying these horrible ideas out.
It's already against the law for government institutions to racially discriminate and it's already against both Constitutional law and criminal law to violate private property rights, so just enforce those law and let that suffice.
Three steps to fix higher ed:
1. Redirect all fed and state subsidies away from social studies programs to STEM
2. Require colleges/universities to guarantee repayment of student loans. Colleges would then screen applicants on basis of income potential upon graduation.
3. Require annual independent performance audits as against Student Bill of Rights and Teacher Bill of Rights, both modeled after U.S. Bill of Rights.
Because why would we need lawyers, artists, and philosophers in a society that has it all figured out already?
We could use a lot less of all those professions right now.
We're drowning in bad law, incompetent art, and ridiculous philosophies. Definitely time to cull that herd.
Rooting out all the marxists first would be a good idea.
Political correctness was always a joke. A joke the left told about itself. The left, unlike the right, can be self-reflective. The same thing was going on with "woke."
That is until the dirty stinking rightwinger authoritarians decided that our own little internal dialogue about evolving language use and hurt feelings was the most oppressive thing since the income tax.
You people aren't even at universities. You aren't in cities. It's not your problem and never was. You're not getting canceled for using the N-word at your local shitty dive bar. If you are, then fair play to your bartender for being more enlightened than your average American yokel.
Meanwhile, language continues to evolve. You feel like a fool for using the N-word in public, because it's a mean thing to do. So you don't do it, do you? Not around any black people for sure, but probably not even around your friends, because it makes the whole room feel awkward.
Meanwhile, the only people who actually seemed to get canceled are the Dixie Chicks and every other public figure who dared criticize the Bush wars. That was some totalitarian shit. Remember when we had to like torture or get called traitors to America? Fuck you and your freedom fries.
Obviously, campus lefties are perfectly capable about downplaying the importance of free speech in favor of promoting and even enforcing nice language--always in a private environment where they are entitled to.
I've always been more of a speech absolutist than a lot of progressives, and, more to the point, someone who believes in forgiving and forgetting unfortunate slip-ups as basic good manners. But not everyone has to be a speech absolutist or else be totalitarians. Right now one of the big problems in the world right now is too much speech. You can't get away from people's fucking speech. Burn Facebook and Twitter to the ground and the social cancer they bring with them, then maybe we'll talk about too much censorship in the world.
You really are a silly bitch. One with delusions of being an intellectual. When the fact is you’re a raving faggot, and a drooling retard. With not one idea that isn’t terrible or beyond ridiculous.
Sorry for making so much sense and forcing you to confront the reality that you know nothing about nothing and are a fool.
Speaking of organizations that are fighting for freedom of thought and speech, as well as viewpoint diversity higher education, The Heterodox Academy is well worth checking out.
Their foundation statement:
"Heterodox Academy (HxA) is a nonpartisan collaborative of 5,000+ professors, educators, administrators, staff, and students committed to enhancing the quality of research and education by promoting open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in institutions of higher learning."
AFA India provides Classroom Coaching for entrance exam of NIFT, NID, NATA, CEED, UCEED, PEARL, IIAD, JSAA, JKLU, TDV, CODE VGU, ARCH ACADEMY, CHITKARA, WUD, ISDI, LPU, UID, UPES and other Top design institutes. We provide training for Studio Test, Situation Test, Design Aptitude Test, General ability test, portfolio, and interview Preparation.
#6. Defund all higher education subsidies/funds (including student grants) via Janus. Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for speech that is counter to their beliefs and/or downright hostile to their existence! Hate America, just not on America’s dime.
7. For lower grades, vouchers so that parents have a choice.
8. For lower grades, zero tolerance for partisan and or one sided teaching of controversial issues.
9. Total transparency on what is being taught including videotaping of the teacher. If cops can be videotaped, so should teachers.
10. No tenure - welcome to the real world in which you get don’t insult those who pay your salary and keep your salary.
Whether we like it or not people will always try to control speech. Sometimes it actually is warranted. But often it is reactionary and political. Because professors base their job on teaching knowledge it really does matter what they say and do. It makes no sense to let a dolt teach at the university level, by definition. So we need to recognize that sometimes policing speech matters. Nor should we be ignorant and avoid the fact that there is a long history of right-wing censorship. Ant-CRT is just the latest. Anti-BDS and anti-Communism are just a couple of other examples. We are not too old to remember when any critique of capitalism or free markets gets you labeled a Communist. And in some circles that's a big deal. Maybe not so much on a campus, but certainly in the broader society.
Blah blah blah both sides blah blah blah.
Nah, you fascists are the best at censorship. Certainly the most burn-y.
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Youre talking to a retard.
Expect appropriate responses