The FDA Warns That Hand Sanitizer 'Can Cause Serious Injury' If You Put It in Your Eyes
"These are the same people who could not approve an at-home COVID-19 test for a year."
Last week the government issued a press release sure to distress anyone who was about to sanitize their hands: "FDA warns that getting alcohol-based hand sanitizer in the eyes can cause serious injury."
This is scary stuff. Everyone I know carries hand sanitizer at all times, particularly since the pandemic. Is hand sanitizer blinding an entire generation?
Well, not quite. It seems that, perhaps lacking other public health emergencies to deal with, the government decided to study the issue of eye injuries hand sanitizer might be causing. To do so, it reviewed calls to poison control centers, as well as the academic literature on sanitizer eye injuries, from January 1, 2018 trough April 30, 2021. That is, it studied two and a half years' worth of ocular incidents, starting a year before COVID-19 right on up through its crest. And in a country of 330,000,000 people over the course of 1,215 days, what horrible truth did the FDA discover?
Precisely "3,642 cases of side effects resulting from eye exposure to these hand sanitizers." How many of those folks went blind? Zero.
How many of them required eye surgery?
So what were the horrific "side effects" discovered by the FDA? Eye irritation and "red eye."
But that's not quite the whole story, the agency hastened to add. Among those 3,000+ cases of eye irritation, 58 were categorized as "more serious." These were treated via a radical intervention known as "rinsing the eye." Twenty-six of those folks also received antibiotics. In the end, 51 of the 58 were treated and released, but I don't think you have to worry that the other seven eventually turned up at guide dog orientation. Their particular cases "were either not followed or were minor."
The FDA adds that when it reviewed two other publications, it encountered 18 cases of "eye exposure" in children that required treatment in a hospital or by a health care professional (which I assume could include a school nurse). Ten had some eye damage, and two required surgery. And another study reported on two children who needed several days of eye-washing and medicine for their problems to resolve.
While that obviously must have been disturbing for those families, why is the government publicly warning us about something that happened to a truly minimal number of people when hundreds of millions of people are using this stuff day in and day out with no eye damage?
"Our policies follow our fears, not the facts," says David Ropeik, author of How Risky Is It Really?. We are a culture that distrusts chemicals and fears for our kids on almost every front. "Raising the alarm on behalf of public safety feels like a public service," Ropeik says. Even when it's not.
And as chemist Josh Bloom, Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science at the often-skeptical American Council on Science and Health, points out: "There are few chemicals that won't do damage if you get them in your eye."
The FDA also warns about the dangers of breathing in hand sanitizer vapors, having discovered 50 adverse incidents over the course of 11 years. That's almost five a year, or one incident for every 66,000,000 people. For comparison, your odds of dying in a lacrosse incident are 1 in 22,000,000.
"These are the same people who could not approve an at-home COVID-19 test for a year," says John Tierney, former New York Times science writer and author of The Power of Bad.
Blame it on the Purell fumes.
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It's mostly alcohol. Expect a LOT of redness and irritation, as well as screaming. A single application won't cause blindness, and no one who rubbed their eyes once with sanitizer on their hands is likely to do it again.
A single application won't cause blindness, and no one who rubbed their eyes once with sanitizer on their hands is likely to do it again.
Can't say for hand sanitizer specifically, but multiple 'doses' of various solvents including ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, MEK, and whatever various adjuvants and additives turn aftershave blue, mouthwash green, and nail polish remover pink, won't directly/certainly cause any known adverse effects. Pain that you'll remember 25 yrs. on, but not necessarily enough that you get hyper-paranoid about it.
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Early formulations of sanitizer for Covid included hydrogen peroxide, which will cause degradation of the lens of the eye.
The study was an attempt to learn if it has occurred in a small sample of cases.
Lenore, again, lies by omission.
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If you ever slice fresh jalapenos, or - god forbid - something spicier, be sure to wash your hands both *before* and *after* you pee.
This has been a public service announcement.
Manufacturers did not have the vision to put this as a warning label on the packaging? None of them are pupils of customer protection?
I See what you did there.
EYE see what you did there.
They lacked the foresight.
They voted against doing this and the eyes got it.
Aye knows what you did there.
Wink wink nudge nudge
Why exercise some foresight and potentially incur liability when you can just plead ignorance after the fact and wash your hands of the whole affair?
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One must have superior Aqueous humor.
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Did the FDA think to warn that tasering a guy slathered in hand sanitizer is also dangerous? I'll bet they forgot that hand sanitizer is alcohol-based and tasering a guy slathered in hand sanitizer will light him up like a torch.
Should they have beat him to submission with a two by four?
Or shoot him?
Taser was the least worst option.
Plat stupid games, win stupid prizes.
What, no flammability warning from the FDA?!?!
No emergency OSHA rule?
Can we have POTUS Biden drink it?
What makes you think he isn't already?
I think the FDA would be doing us a favor by coming up with an exhaustive list of Things That Could Cause Severe Rectal Trauma If They Were Shoved Up Joe Biden's Ass.
He'd poop them right back out.
Literally no one I know carries hand sanitizer with them.
Same here. Obsessively sanitizing everything in sight is a great way to weaken your immune system, though, which is certainly consistent with the CDC's policy of telling people to do a bunch of things that all weaken their immune systems.
Also, to bring this back to Lenore's specialty, does anyone else remember all those studies from a few years back about how the excessive sanitizing that people had been subjecting their kids to over the last twenty or so years was causing significantly more problems with allergies?
If it includes an antibiotic then it just conditions germs to evolve. Have mrsa-y!
People are dumb, what can you do?
Not to mention the problems of all those antibacterials getting into the water when you rinse them down the sink.
The only time I, and AFAIK, most of the people I know carry it is when the normal barriers to preventing food contamination don't apply. When there's no sink to wash your hands between food prep and consumption, such as camping and/or fishing, it seems reasonably/minimally prudent.
Otherwise, IRL, it seems like an overt way to signal to others that you think they're filthy and/or they're pathologically bad at cooking.
Or that the person carrying it is a hysterical idiot. Given recent events, I think it's safe to say that is by far the most likely scenario.
We were advised to carry hand wipes (and use them) in China. We sorta did, but the only guy who really got sick was an idiot who made it a point to buy and eat street-cooked foods.
Street vendors without easy access to running water are wise to use something like this, if only for their customers' peace of mind.
Soap. Water. Rinse. Repeat. Literally.
Lenore writes a Brickbat.
I bet if you drink it, that's bad too. Maybe we need another study about that?
Regulatory comments from disaffected, antisocial, backwater, fringe-inhabiting, old-timey clingers are always a treat.
Next up, of course: Virus-flouting, belligerently ignorant, lethally reckless pandemic tips!
Cut/paste bullshit from asshole bigot not surprising.
Why so cranky, Sevo? Still getting stomped by your betters in the culture war?
Wow. Who pissed in your Wheaties? Lots of vile insults there, "Reverend". So much hate. Not exactly reflecting the love of Christ, are ya?
Well, they do call it hand sanitizer, not eye or all-purpose sanitizer.
I wish someone had warned me to wash my hands after chopping up some jalapeno peppers. Don't touch eyes, don't touch penis, male or female.
"your odds of dying in a lacrosse incident are 1 in 22,000,000."
Hmm, I don't play lacrosse nor have I ever been to a lacrosse game as a spectator. Lacrosse must be really dangerous if MY odds of dying in a lacrosse incident are that high. 🙂
It's also hazardous is you strip naked, douse yourself in it and let the donut munchers taze you.
Up In Smoke!
They didnt want people having access to at home COVID 19 tests because then people could cross examine the results of formal tests and discover inconsistencies more easily. Also, the idea that they can distinguish COVID 19 from the infinite number of other strains of COVID out there with a test like that is not very believable.
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