COVID-19 Didn't Break the Public School System. It Was Already Broken.
Families are leaving traditional schools in record numbers for pods, homeschooling, charters, and more.

We are witnessing an exodus from public schools that's unprecedented in modern U.S. history. Families are fleeing the traditional system and turning to homeschooling, virtual charters, microschools, and—more controversially—"pandemic pods," in which families band together to help small groups of kids learn at home.
The result has been an enormous backlash. A recent New York Times opinion article claimed that families forming pods is "the latest in school segregation." Denver Public Schools issued a formal statement in August urging parents not to unenroll their children—even though the district is not reopening its schools in person—because it is "deeply concerned about the pods' long-term negative implications for public education and social justice." Falls Church City Public Schools in Virginia issued a similar statement the next day, pressuring families not to withdraw their children. Administrators were concerned about "pandemic flight" and worried that "an exodus of students" would cause schools to lose money.
The vast majority of students have been out of the classroom for nearly half a year because of the K-12 school closures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Although it's technically back-to-school season, millions of children won't actually be returning to school buildings. About three-quarters of the nation's 100 largest public school districts decided not to reopen with any in-person options this fall, which has left families scrambling for alternatives.
We now have substantial data suggesting that the public school system will likely lose millions of students this school year. An August nationwide survey from Gallup suggests that the proportion of students enrolled in traditional public schools might drop by seven percentage points, with a random sample of 214 parents telling pollsters what type of education option they will choose for their oldest child this year—whether that be a public, charter, private, parochial, or homeschool option. Because around 50 million children were enrolled in public schools pre-pandemic, this finding implies that about 3.5 million students may leave the system.
While the direct cause of this wave of departures is the pandemic, the exodus didn't come out of nowhere. Many families simply realized the school system wasn't going to be there for them. Some expected the remote learning disaster from the spring to repeat itself. Others didn't like what they saw going on when they got a closer look at their child's curriculum at the end of last year. And being offered slightly less poorly choreographed Zoom lessons—or nothing at all—wasn't enough to keep the skeptics around. For many, COVID-19 was the final push they needed to leave a system that was already barely meeting their needs.
The education establishment is panicked, but there is little it can do to stem the flow once families determine to take matters into their own hands. What remains is the task of restructuring the underlying funding mechanisms to attach money to students instead of institutions, so that more families are empowered to escape a system that isn't working for them.
The Exodus
As COVID-19 started to spread domestically and schools began to close in the spring, many families struggled. But some discovered that they really liked homeschooling. The pandemic-induced test drive of home-based education gave millions of parents a chance to reassess the factory model. Some families reported that their children were less anxious, more engaged with learning materials, and learning more in a fraction of the time. Other families realized that they could actually make homeschooling work—and decided never to turn back.
In fact, national polling from EdChoice has found each month since March that families are growing more positive about homeschooling as a result of COVID-19. A survey from July found that 74 percent of parents reported having a more favorable view of homeschooling, whereas only 15 percent reported having a less favorable view.
A Google Trends search reveals that public interest in homeschooling reached a peak in mid-July, as it dawned on millions of families that their public schools weren't necessarily planning on reopening in person.
The August poll from Gallup estimated that the proportion of homeschoolers—defined as students who are not enrolled in a formal school—would double this school year. And a survey conducted in May and June by EdChoice found that 15 percent of families reported they were "very likely" to make the switch to homeschooling full-time this year.
Another national survey by Civis Analytics found that nearly 40 percent of families have disenrolled their children from the school they were supposed to attend because of reopening plans. Notably, this survey suggests that some of these changes could last. About 17 percent of the families who withdrew their children reported that they would not place their children back in the original school even after it's considered safe to do so.
These indications aren't limited to surveys. We also now have hard evidence of actual public school enrollment declines across the country. Arizona's largest school district reported a 5.6 percent decrease in enrollment from last year. Clark County, Nevada, reported a 3.4 percent drop. In Florida's Orange County, enrollment is down about 9 percent from projections. In Nashville, it's down 4.5 percent from projections. And as of August 28, over 3,000 students—about 1.6 percent of total enrollment—had filed to withdraw from Virginia's Fairfax County Public Schools and switch to homeschooling or a private school.
Each of the reported enrollment reductions has been larger for elementary students than for higher grade levels. The drop in Mesa Public Schools in Arizona is around 10 percent for elementary schools and 17 percent for kindergartens. The drop in Dallas Independent School District is about 8 percent for elementary schools. Each of these districts reporting enrollment reductions has announced that they do not plan to reopen with any in-person instruction.
Homeschool filings are also through the roof in many states. Nebraska reported a 21 percent increase from the same time last year. In Vermont the rise is 75 percent; in Wisconsin it's 128 percent. These spikes have been as large as 175 percent in the biggest school district in Utah, 229 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona, and 288 percent in the state of Texas. So many families filed to homeschool in North Carolina that they crashed the government website.
Pods and Microschools
Pods and microschools are a midway point between modern private schooling and homeschooling. "Microschool" is a broad term to describe groups of around five to 10 children together, often in a home, with a teacher or "guide" to facilitate learning. Many families are now applying the microschooling approach to the current situation and creating "pandemic pods." These groups allow families to pool resources to cover the costs of private tutors or just to share supervision responsibilities to make home-based education more efficient and affordable. Put differently, microschools and pandemic pods allow families to economize by outsourcing the process of homeschooling. Although many families forming pods are unenrolling their children from the public school system altogether, others are banding together to offset child care costs while their children receive instruction from their traditional public school teachers virtually. In states like Arizona, eligible families can even use a portion of their children's K-12 education dollars to cover the costs of microschools. One private Facebook group helping families form and find these pods has picked up 41,000 members since it started about a month before the beginning of the school year.
While some families are using pods to administer the virtual curriculums provided by the schools where their children are still enrolled, others have opted out entirely. This trend, perhaps more than any other, is what spooks the public education bureaucracy.
Given that the U.S. spends about $15,000 per public school student per year—and given that districts are partly funded based on enrollment counts—the departure of 3.5 million kids could drain up to $52 billion from the public school system.
The public school monopoly is afraid of this exodus—and for good reason. Arizona's Chandler Unified School District, for example, already estimated that its expected loss of 1,656 students would lead to a funding shortfall of around $21 million.
Denver Public Schools in August issued a statement noting that "the district loses approximately $10,600" for every student who withdraws. It urged families not only to "stay enrolled in your school!" but also to "reject the notion of school vouchers and stipends," arguing that allowing public dollars to follow children to the educational setting of their choice would "siphon funds from public education."
The reality is that the public school system siphons funds from families; school choice returns that funding to its rightful owners.
Private and Charter Schools
A nationally representative survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs found that private and charter schools adapted to the lockdown better than did district-run public schools. The survey found that private and charter school teachers were more than twice as likely to meet with students each day—and about 20 percent more likely to introduce new content to their students—than were teachers at traditional public schools. Parents of children in private and charter schools were also at least 50 percent more likely to report being "very satisfied" with the instruction provided during the lockdown than were parents of children in traditional public schools.
Special interests, hoping to protect their monopoly, have been fighting hard to prevent families from having access to these alternatives. Oregon's teachers union successfully lobbied to make it illegal for families to access virtual charter schools back in March. The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators likewise pushed to block families from switching to virtual charter schools, and California passed a bill that prevented funding from following children to public charters. One charter school in the Golden State reported that the legislation forced it to put 500 already-admitted students back on the waitlist. The teachers union in Alaska opposed the state's move to partner with a virtual school that had been successfully providing remote education for decades.
A coalition of 10 teachers unions and the Democratic Socialists of America called for a ban on new charter schools and private school voucher programs, and the Los Angeles teachers union called for a ban on all charter schools.
Families are hitting other government-imposed roadblocks as well. Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland; Dane County, Wisconsin; Sacramento County, California; and Oregon have ordered private schools not to reopen in person, even though day care centers are permissible in each of those places. A private school in Sacramento rebranded as a day care, going so far as to retrain its teachers as child care workers, in an attempt to get around the regulation, but the county ordered it to close anyway.
Massachusetts now requires pandemic pods with more than five unrelated students to be licensed—and paying a private instructor is forbidden. New Mexico is currently under pressure from the U.S. Department of Justice for unconstitutionally limiting private schools to 25 percent capacity while public schools are limited to 50 percent capacity and day cares are permitted to operate at 100 percent capacity.
Even now, the outflow of students could be staunched if schools reopened. But public schools, especially those in major cities, have been deeply resistant to in-person instruction. Eighty-five percent of the nation's 20 largest school districts decided not to offer any in-person instruction this fall. New York City's part-time in-person reopening plan was met with fierce opposition. Teachers groups poured into the streets to protest with props such as fake tombstones and body bags. Amid threats of a teacher strike, Mayor Bill de Blasio pushed back the reopening date to September 21. After more discussions with union officials, he further delayed the reopening of schools until September 29 for elementary schoolers and October 1 for the rest of the student body.
The American Federation of Teachers, which boasts 1.7 million members, threatened "safety strikes" over fall reopening plans. An Arizona school district had to cancel classes in August at the last minute because of a teacher "sick out" that left families out to dry. Families in Kenosha, Wisconsin, found out after 10 p.m. on a Sunday night that public schools weren't going to be there for students the next morning because 276 teachers called in absent at the last minute. And after pushback from the teachers union for voting to reopen schools in person, the Ft. Worth Independent School District board voted again, at around 3:30 a.m., to delay reopening for two more weeks.
The latest data suggest that these reopening decisions have more to do with union influence and politics than safety. Using Education Week's data on the reopening decisions of 835 public school districts, researcher Christos Makridis and I found that districts in places with stronger teachers unions are much less likely to be offering full-time in-person instruction this fall. Even after controlling for several county-level demographic variables, including age, gender, marital status, race, political affiliation, and household income, we found that a 10 percent increase in union power was associated with a 1.3 percentage point reduction in the probability of in-person reopening. In Florida, 79 percent of the 38 school districts included in the dataset are planning to offer full-time in-person instruction. In California, a state with much stronger teachers unions, only 4 percent of the school districts included in the dataset are planning to do the same.
We did not find evidence to suggest that reopening decisions were statistically related to health risk as measured by recent COVID-19 cases or deaths per capita in the county.
These results make sense. Stronger unions are in better positions to get the policies they want. And keeping public schools from reopening in person minimizes any safety risks for union members while keeping benefits for teachers, in terms of job security and wages, about the same.
Yet teachers aren't the only stakeholders in this debate. Reopening schools without any in-person instruction ignores the needs of families.
Some public school districts in Arizona, California, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Virginia, and Michigan have reopened otherwise-closed public school buildings as "day cares" and started charging families for the service—in addition to what they already pay in property taxes. But if public schools can reopen as day cares, why can't they reopen as schools?
The answer is that one group of workers is willing to supervise children in person while another group is refusing to do so. Day care workers are watching students at schools while teachers provide remote instruction from their homes. This may be a great deal for teachers, but families and taxpayers are getting the short end of the stick, since they now have to pay two people for the job of one.
Teachers unions also pushed to limit requirements for virtual instruction. In the spring, the Los Angeles teachers union struck a temporary deal with the district to require just four hours of work each day. Some public school districts even attempted to use language from the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as an excuse, in the name of equity, to not provide any virtual instruction to any students. These districts reasoned that they would be contributing to inequality if some students had better access to remote learning than others. Instead of stepping up to the challenge presented by the pandemic, they decided to shut down learning for all children.
In fact, an analysis by the Center on Reinventing Public Education found that only one in three school districts required teachers to deliver any instruction this spring—and less than half of districts expected teachers to take attendance or check in with students on a regular basis. A national survey conducted in August by Common Sense Media found that 59 percent of teens reported online learning was worse than in-person learning. Only 19 percent reported the opposite.
Although the five largest school districts in Massachusetts aren't reopening with any in-person instruction this fall, the state's teachers union successfully reduced the 180-day school year by 10 days for "planning purposes." And The New York Times has reported that "many teachers have expressed anxiety about how they and their homes would look on camera during live teaching."
At least one public school in Indiana in August even conducted a nonsensical "virtual fire drill" for students to participate in from home.
Fix the System
Families are getting a bad deal, and they know it. Hopefully, they're reevaluating the structure of K-12 education funding and realizing that there's no good reason to fund institutions instead of students. As with many other taxpayer-funded initiatives, from Pell Grants to food stamps, the money should go directly to students, and families should be able to use it on the provider of educational services that works best for their children.
This has always been obvious to supporters of educational freedom, but it's now becoming clear to others as well. Schools aren't even reopening, yet the system is still getting our children's education dollars. And in most cases, none of those dollars follow the child when they switch to a private school or homeschool. That doesn't make any sense.
Even if a school does reopen, families should still be able to take their child's education dollars elsewhere. The money should be for educating children—not protecting a government monopoly.
More and more families are starting to understand this. A national poll from August found a 10 percentage point jump in support for school choice (from 67 percent in April to 77 percent now) among parents with children in public schools.
Although educational freedom isn't the norm right now, there are at least five proposals that have been recently introduced in Congress—in addition to legislation in states such as North Carolina and Pennsylvania—that would allow more funding to follow children instead of institutions.
Families are waking up to the fact that they have been powerless when it comes to K-12 education for far too long. This realization is already pushing parents to unenroll their children from the public school system. It could also push them to demand their children's education dollars back from that system. In this sense, the public school monopoly's latest failure to meet the needs of millions of families just might be the straw that breaks its own back.
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Hey, these kids can always get a job at shop rite. I hear there's plenty of openings.
Or work from home with just a laptop.
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Disaffected, anti-social clingers don't like the mainstream schools that built modern America?
Who cares? The liberal-libertarian mainstream calls the shots in America. The clingers' jobs are to (1) comply and (2) mutter bitterly and inconsequentially about it.
RALK skating the edge of Poe's law, but he has gone beyond a parody of the left and closing in on a parody of himself.
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Artie is a prime example of what mainstream schools built.
It certainly wasn't what built modern America. It just might produce the United Socialist States of America though. Don't worry Artie, I'm sure you won't get cancelled, at least, not right away. You've done well at virtue signalling that you are the right kind of bigot.
Denver Public Schools issued a formal statement in August urging parents not to unenroll their children—even though the district is not reopening its schools in person—because it is "deeply concerned about the pods' long-term negative implications for public education and social justice."
And those two things, public education and social justice, are deeply intertwined. Social justice requires that your child's education be sacrificed for the common good. No matter that your child comes out of high school illiterate and with a head full of nonsense about the way the world works, as long as he isn't any smarter than anyone else the system will have worked.
That statement right there sums up what public education has become, and it’s disgusting.
Yup, a toxic Progressive porridge. Totalitarian socialist propaganda, emotional and intellectual coddling, deliberate distortion of history, science, and even math, gender-confused indoctrination, and self-hate studies. All taught by role models who are simultaneously cowards and self-serving greedy cunts.
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COVID-19 is spreading faster in our homes and more often than we thought, study says
You mean being cooped up in a building spreads Kungflu as fast as Flu/Colds? You don't say.
But they won't conclude that They will demand masks and social distancing in the homes. Or even come and get your kids and shove them in an isolation camp. But it's okay. They're going to hire the finest people and serve Scottish oatmeal.
The teachers unions are making the case and generating more supporters of vouchers. This article just shows that many more parents will want school choice not the one size fits all system dictated by self serving unions.
Unfortunately I think when this mass panic event is over, most of these parents will happily send their children back to public school.
Dude, parents are the ones so blindly cowered in fear they shove masks on their kids despite it a) being unnecessary based on the science and data and b) potential pernicious impacts on their health.
So yeh. They will keep sending them to the sausage factory.
NO NO NO, a thousand times NO. The direct cause is the politically inspired lockdowns, which are long past the curve flattening "necessity" which "justified" them originally.
The "plandemic", or "panDEMic", aka Democrat caused panic.
The hypocrisy of allowing monopolistic labor unions, such as the teacher unions, autoworkers, teamsters, longshoremen, etc, has always annoyed me. I wonder if any administration or court will ever have the guts to either shut down anti-trust actions or force unions to break up, and end the hypocrisy. I doubt it, but it would be interesting.
Especially unions for government employees.
Civil servants. They prefer to be referred to as civil servants.
What about Heroes?
Heroic civil servants.
You misspelled "serpents".
There should be a documentary on how teacher's unions across North America abandoned all sense and science and acted like a bunch of middling cowards screwing kids over.
My wife's a teacher and lemme tell ya, the stupidities of their idiotic measures is painful to listen to. School is a miserable, caged up mess for both teachers and students. Already it was bad, imagine now.
That's because of the teacher's unions who were cheerleaders for masking kids. Burn it to the ground.
So, Giant Meteor?
I sent my children to private school, then Catholic school, and when they were old enough, to the A rated public school.
That a school is a rated because it teaches the old fashion way.
The kids salute the flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and learn reading writing arithmetic in addition to all the computer stuff. There is an ROTC program that brings in lots of minority students to this school which located in an upscale white area.
You don’t see anybody kneeling for the flag in the school.
And I would say over 90% of the students go on to university including the minority kids.
If you act out or cause trouble you are kicked out of the ROTC program and can’t attend the school anymore
The school has been in a way to school for over 10 years, and is plainly educated in the next generation of leaders..
It gives me hope for the future of America when I see the graduation ceremony here
I support the SMOD/Yellowstone Mega-caldera ticket! No
More half-measures!
So true...and just wait til the layoffs hit these districts as tax collections have plummeted. These people that don’t want to work will use the media to spew there propaganda about how they need a bailout “for the kids”..
If the Dems clean up tonight, they will most assuredly get their 100% bailouts.
North America
We are very different countries you and I.
I cannot even get into yours. Used to drive to Niagara and had some great fishing trips up there.
Fix your house then talk with me.
Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support the White Genocide that’s being carried out by massive third-world immigration and forced assimilation i.e diversity in every White country and only White countries.
Their teachers never tell them, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
Those teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
People under 50 are more likely to die from the vehicle injuries, homicide, suicide, drug overdoses and the flu than from Covid.
And the risk of dying from Covid is far lower for those under 25.
But schools that shut down citing Covid never shut down due to concerns over those other causes of more premature death.
If the Democrats shutdowns of schools (or workplaces) was actually based upon sound science or risk (it never was), public schools will never reopen in the future (citing the even higher risk of students dying from vehicle injuries or the flu).
But of course, the Covid blamed school lockdowns were never imposed by Democrats for public health reasons, but rather (just like their business lockdowns) were (and still are) imposed in order to create a public panic and destroy America's economy, all in an seven month long campaign to defeat Trump (immediately after their attempt to impeach Trump failed).
The Republicans and Democrats in the comments agree! Yes, blame the teachers. Don’t put any blame on the students, their work habits, their parents, or the overall indulgent and decadent culture of America, just blame their teachers. It is easier that way, you don’t have to take any responsibility, and you can scream all you want. The LA times came out with an article per today about how all the sad poor kids are failing, they don’t have wifi and how LA Unified passed them all last semester... Which was very kind... And.... The implication is clear, The kids aren’t doing much, and the teachers can only fluff the work so much, and so they will pass all these kids in high school who haven’t done crap. Even if the teacher marks an F, the district will go back and make it a D. The public school system has been broken for a while, but the blame game is still blame the teachers, so don’t expect the students to do anything, why should they? They are victims after all. Democrat or Republican, they both agree. And that is why the system is is broken. Our society is all about passing the buck and whining, and playing the victim. Wait, that reminds me of somebody famous...
As long as actual teachers cast actual votes or take other actions to resist opening schools, we can blame the teachers.
Got it in one.
Food for thought...
Our children were being prepared in school to step boldly into the only fully human life that had ever existed on this planet. The skills they were acquiring in school would bring them not only success but deep personal fulfillment on every level. What did it matter if they never did more than work in some mind-numbing factory job? They could parse a sentence! They could explain to you the difference between a Petrarchan sonnet and a Shakespearean sonnet! They could extract a square root! They could show you why the square of the two sides of a right triangle were equal to the square of the hypotenuse! They could analyze a poem! They could explain to you how a bill passes congress! They could very possibly trace for you the economic causes of the Civil War. They had read Melville and Shakespeare, so why would they not now read Dostoevsky and Racine, Joyce and Beckett, Faulkner and O’Neill? But above all else, of course, the citizen’s education–grades K to twelve–prepared children to be fully-functioning participants in this great civilization of ours. The day after their graduation exercises, they were ready to stride confidently toward any goal they might set themselves.
Of course, then, as now, everyone knew that the citizen’s education was doing no such thing. It was perceived then–as now–that there was something strangely wrong with the schools. They were failing–and failing miserably–at delivering on these enticing promises. Ah well, teachers weren’t being paid enough, so what could you expect? We raised teachers’ salaries–again and again and again–and still the schools failed. Well, what could you expect? The schools were physically decrepit, lightless, and uninspiring. We built new ones–tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of them–and still the schools failed. Well, what could you expect? The curriculum was antiquated and irrelevant. We modernized the curriculum, did our damnedest to make it relevant–and still the schools failed. Every week–then as now–you could read about some bright new idea that would surely “fix” whatever was wrong with our schools: the open classroom, team teaching, back to basics, more homework, less homework, no homework–I couldn’t begin to enumerate them all. Hundreds of these bright ideas were implemented–thousands of them were implemented–and still the schools failed.
Suppose the schools aren’t failing? Suppose they’re doing exactly what we really want them to do–but don’t wish to examine and acknowledge?
Who are you calling "we"? It certainly does not include me. It does include most of the "professional" [1] education establishment, and that's the problem.
[1] Professionals take responsibility for their own career and never willingly join a union.
Public service unions are a malignant cancer.
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We pulled our kids from public schools this fall, and I now love homeschooling so, so much.
My 4th grader is doing 5th grade US history (well, what would be 5th grade history if it was a subject that was formally taught in the schools). When I told her this, she said "but I'll be bored when I go back next year". Nope, sweetie, you're not going to have to go back there.
The schools are echoing the plaintive bleat of the wife-beater whose victim has discovered that she really DOESN'T need him, after all these years.
I may be looking for non-public options for my kids. One maybe midyear, the other May 2021.
Deangelis is right, there is so much wrong with education right now, Covid is revealing rather than causing an appreciable fraction of it.
Never rely on an institution for this many things.
I found myself explaining to someone the other day about Ivy league admissions - she had read an article in the Atlantic about college admissions and niche sports like college racquetball - people don't say it, but college admissions departments know it, Americans are not the best prepared, often not even that well prepared. Blaming the Ivies is all the rage right now, but if the Ivies are choosing more and more international students, it's not just for the tuition, it's because they think of themselves as looking for the best, and American education is not the best by a long shot.
The anti-intellectual culture is partly to blame. So are the schools, though. Batty curriculum, which I have now had to drink too deeply of, helping my kids through it. No internal structure, no realizations hidden behind other realizations, just read a wobbly paragraph and scribble out some BS observations. Lots of "excerpts." From interesting books, sure, but the kids never get the full arc of interpreting a whole book.
They sense it's stupid, and they have self-preservation instincts, so they avoid it.
There is no "best solution" to a problem, now. Instead, the kids are learning to describe what they think is the best solution, and it drops like a pebble into a pond with little feedback and the kids accumulate terrible habits. Society has no idea how to work together. There is no guidance or pushback from teachers in a positive way or in any way at all. No, "What about this?" No, "Please correct the underlined areas and resubmit." Just the wagon, rolling down the hill.
Even the parts that are interesting are so piecemeal it's scary.
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I went to public schools when I was young. The junior high school I went to was the worst of the schools I went to. The teachers only cared about their jobs and student attendance. They did not care about the students. The teachers got an hour for lunch and the students only got twenty minutes. If you got a detention, you had to walk home.
Modern education has stood on the path of transformation. And it's not surprising! Look around. Unemployed people with higher education become more year by year. Then why do we have to give 4+ years of life to get it? It is much easier nowadays to take online courses that sit well with you, for example, copywriting and provide essay writing services, earning real money.
Unfortunately, the educational system has long been broken. Nobody wants to learn and nobody really wants to teach. Many seek to solve educational tasks with the help of money. One has only to look at how many college essay writing services have sprung up recently
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