The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
More on Corona and the Constitution
I spoke with ReasonTV and the Little Rock Federalist Society Chapter. I am happy to speak to other groups as well!
Tonight, I spoke with the Little Rock, Arkansas chapter about Corona and the Constitution. I addressed the Supreme Court's recent decision involving the California church.
I also chatted with ReasonTV about some broader issues.
I travel a lot, but have not been on a plane since March. During the spring semester, I had to cancel about 20 speaking engagements due to the Coronavirus. Slowly, but surely, groups have started to schedule events by Zoom. This development is healthy. I worry that campus organizations will be severely constrained in their ability to hold events in the fall. There will not be enough space, and people will not want to pack into a room to watch a guest speaker. Also, the traditional model of serving food at events (buffet style!) is no longer permissible.
Zoom is a helpful replacement during these tough times. If your group is interested in hosting me for a talk on Zoom and the Constitution, please let me know. I already received an invitation from one student chapter in D.C., and am happy to help out.
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