Is the GOP Worth Saving? Rick Wilson's Not Sure, But He's Staying Anyway
"The Party of Lincoln is going to become the party of pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs," warns Republican strategist Rick Wilson, author of Everything Trump Touches Dies. Also: "There's a giant market opportunity for the Libertarian Party."

"We are no longer a party that believes in fiscal discipline," laments Rick Wilson, the acid-tongued #NeverTrumper and author of the new bestseller Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever. "We are increasingly a party that doesn't believe in the law. And we're less and less a party that thinks that conservatism is about principles and policies, and more about a man and a mob."
Wilson, who has worked campaigns for George H.W. bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Evan McMullin, says that the "question of our time" is whether there "is any party out there right now that speaks to a philosophy of limited government" and "fiscal restraint," and that "believes strongly in individual liberty." Point out that that sounds an awful lot like the Libertarian Party, Wilson will say, "I think there's a giant market opportunity for the Libertarian Party to get a little more smart about how they run their things."
So why the hell is this man still a Republican?
I had a chance to ask Wilson that question and many more last week when I guest-hosted SiriusXM Insight's Stand UP! with Pete Dominick program. The frequent cable-news commentator was characteristically blunt about retiring House Majority Leader Paul Ryan ("he seems broken by Donald Trump and absolutely petrified to cross him"), the leadership of the House Freedom Caucus ("I think they've dismissed themselves from being serious people, probably pretty much permanently"), and Democrats ("as always, the Democratic Party will do the dumbest possible thing"). Meanwhile, he had some interesting things to say about how Puerto Rico's Hurricane Maria is impacting politics in Wilson's home state of Florida.
The following is an edited and shortened transcript of our conversation.
Welch: Let's talk about that phrase. So, the obvious retort that I want you to engage with is, "Look, he touched the Republican primary, and he won. He touched this race, and he became president." What, specifically, are the things that he has touched that are already dead?
Rick Wilson: Well, one of the big things he's touched is the actual underpinnings of any kind of remaining conservative philosophy in the Republican Party. We are no longer a party that believes in fiscal discipline. We are increasingly a party that doesn't believe in the law. And we're less and less a party that thinks that conservatism is about principles and policies, and more about a man and a mob.
A lot of the damage he's done, the short-term damage that's pretty evident, is he's broken a generation of conservative leadership, who now have done backflips to pretend [they agree with him] and to normalize everything that he says. You've got guys like [Sens.] Ted Cruz and Marco [Rubio] and everyone else who, if Donald Trump's name wasn't "Donald Trump," they would be laughing hysterically at how ridiculous of an authoritarian he is.
Welch: You've been a Republican for a long time, and active. Has it been a large surprise to see so many people being revealed as either opportunistic or just kind of gormless?
Rick Wilson: Well, it has been a surprise to me. Because look, I'm a realist and I've been in the behind-the-curtain side of politics for 30 years, and so I understand that there's no West Wing playing out in the Republican Party, OK? I reckon there were a lot of people that were opportunists, were playing the game. But I also thought there were some people who believed in things, who I knew personally, who I thought believed in some of the actual things they said.
And it turns out that either they are too scared to actually express it publicly, or they're—and I outline this in the book—there are three basic broad categories: There are the opportunistic, like [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell. His contempt for Trump is not a giant secret in Washington, but he's playing the ballgame, he's getting things done he wants to accomplish.
Then there are the folks who are just cowards. And I put Paul Ryan in that category more and more, because he just seems terrified of the man; he seems broken by Donald Trump and absolutely petrified to cross him. And I think you and I both know Paul Ryan's not a dumb man; he's a very smart guy, he's got a lot of ideas he wanted to execute.
But it turns out none of his dreams will come true. Not one. Including a successful tax bill that [was supposed to] be a legacy item for him. That thing has got so much poison built into it, so much crony capitalism built into it, and so many trip wires. The tax bill, to sustain itself over time, requires roughly 5 percent economic growth every quarter, forever and ever.
Welch: That sounds reasonable.
Rick Wilson: Yeah, also I'm going to ride down a parade with a unicorn that farts rainbows. These are things that are just not legacy-builders in the end. It's going to look like a caucus that sold itself rather cheaply to Donald Trump, because they were scared of his Twitter followers, they're scared of Fox News.
Welch: Those are two categories—the opportunists, the cowards. What's the third?
Rick Wilson: Well, there's cowards, opportunists, and there are retirees. Guys who are, like, out the door. And then there's sort of the amorphous, small cadre of true [Trump] believers. There are a few—I would say in the House, there are between 40 and 50 guys who are actual Trumpers, who are actual Donald Trump cult fanatics, who really actually believe that this is the new wave of conservative government. This is the Republican Party of the future.
The opportunists are by far the most effective class. The cowards are the largest. And you see these guys who are retiring, and they're totally liberated.
Welch: Yeah, they're like a former Mexican president who's suddenly against the drug war.
Rick Wilson: Exactly. Exactly. It's easy now.
Welch: That vision you're sketching out of a political party; does it deserve to exist? Does the Republican Party as we know it, or as you have known it, given that it has been revealed to be this now, is it worth staying a Republican?
Rick Wilson: That's kind of the question of our time, is: Is there any party out there right now that speaks to a philosophy of limited government? Is there any party out there that speaks to a philosophy of fiscal restraint? Is there any party out there that believes strongly in individual liberty?
Welch: The Libertarian Party, three for three, just right there.
Rick Wilson: Yeah. Unfortunately, it's less and less obvious that that's the Republican Party. And I think there's a giant market opportunity for the Libertarian Party to get a little more smart about how they run their things. Which, getting Libertarians to organize around a single principle has always been sort of an uphill climb.
And the Democratic Party, they have a market opportunity here. Which, as always, the Democratic Party will do the dumbest possible thing. And so instead of saying, "Oh, my God, there's a huge opportunity for us to be in the middle and say that we're going to be the ones who are fiscally responsible, we're going to be the ones who are going to reform these entitlement programs," instead, they're going to go [Democratic Socialist] and that sort of thing, and say that's their future.
Welch: Well, the counter argument to that that they would say is, "Hey look, the Democratic Socialists actually didn't win a lot of primaries this time around." When there was an establishment candidate and someone else, they didn't win all that much.
But it's funny, when I mentioned that I was going be talking to you on the Twitter machine earlier, the number one response from people was, "Ask him why he's still a Republican." So why are you, if you are indeed, still a Republican? Why aren't you a Libertarian, or independent, or Democratic, or anything else? Why are you who you are, Rick Wilson?
Rick Wilson: In part, because I'm a stubborn bastard. In part, because it irritates them even more that I stayed in the party. They would love to say, "Oh, he just ran away. He's a liberal Democratic cuck shit, blah, blah, blah," or whatever. [Instead] I'm a human middle finger right now to the Trump GOP.
There was a little brouhaha last week—I had given an interview, and they were like, "Well, do you want Democrats to win the House?" I'm like, "I want people to go on a case-by-case basis." Because increasingly there are a number of Democrats this year in the field who are more conservative than their Republican counterparts when it comes to economics, which blows my mind to say.
Welch: Can you name a race that come to mind?
Rick Wilson: Dan McCready in North Carolina in 9th [district]. The guy's a fiscal conservative and his opponent has gone full Trump trade war.
I'm an American first, I'm a conservative second, Republican third. So what the party is today is a dead man walking, demographically. Trump has bought them a future where the Party of Lincoln is going to become the party of pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs. This is not a party with a future right now outside of Trumpism, and that is a very bounded and narrow demographic appeal.
Welch: Talk about what's happening politically in Florida; it seems kind of fascinating. One representative, Carlos Curbelo, is a pretty interesting guy, a Republican there in a Hilary district. And last time I looked, he seems to be doing pretty well in his re-election.
Rick Wilson: Well, I'll tell you why: He has publicly opposed Donald Trump. He has publicly in his district said, "This is not my guy. This is not what I believe in. Here's what I believe in." He has a work ethic and he's been vocal about being opposed to Donald Trump, especially on matters of immigration and how Donald Trump treats other human beings.
Welch: How has the hurricane diaspora and immigration politics affected Florida's political calculus, it being the mother of all swing states there?
Rick Wilson: If you look at the last five presidents, the difference in voting totals is about 20,000 votes on average. The Puerto Rican diaspora that came to Florida after the hurricane—and frankly there was a lot coming in before that also—as much as Donald Trump doesn't believe it, they are American citizens, and they can vote the day they get here. It has altered politics in Florida quite a bit.
One of the reasons that Rick Scott is actually competitive against Bill Nelson is that the day the hurricane hit, Rick Scott started turning state resources to help the Puerto Rican community here, and to the ones that were coming here, and he went down to Puerto Rico, I think five or seven times, something like that. He worked the problem and the policy, and so he's got a little bit of a shield on that.
A lot of other Republicans, though, have underestimated the fact that in the last 10 years, there are about 700,000 new Hispanic voters who have come here from either Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, or Haiti. These voters come from voting pools that are traditionally Democratic, and that Republicans have either ignored, belittled, or walked away from, except for Rick Scott. And he's reaping some benefits from that; he's actually right-side up with Puerto Rican voters in his approval ratings.
A lot of [Republicans] are underestimating the impact this is going to have on future redistricting in the state of Florida. And when those counts get done in 2020, you're going to see in the state Senate and the state House and the congressional delegation, the Democrats are probably going to pick up seats.
And so the embracing of Trumpism, which Hispanics roundly hate across the board, it's a downstream risk for Florida Republicans, and one they're not really grappling with at this point. It's political malpractice, but a lot of them are much more concerned about, "Did the president tweet something nasty about me? Does Fox News say that I'm an open-borders shill?" And then the crazies come out of the woodwork if they propose something that treats people, say, from Puerto Rico, as if they are fellow Americans, which they are.
Welch: Let's talk about stuff Trump touches that dies, or that might die. When you referenced the tax bill earlier—you've certainly heard it, I've certainly heard it, when people who are not Democrats talk about, "Well, at least we got some stuff under Trump," they mention three things, four maybe. Policy-wise, they mention three things, which is: tax cuts, the judicial appointments and nominees that have come through, and deregulation, or the slowdown of the regulatory state, which has exceeded [expectations].
One of the worries that I hear from people who are, let's say, libertarian-leaning, or who like a couple of those things, is that association of those policy aims or achievements with this person will make those things toxic. Do you think that's true?
Rick Wilson: Well, I think there are two things. The first is, I agree with that basic premise. The second part of it is, the policy changes he's making are not legislative, they are ephemeral, because they are based on executive orders. They're based on internal tweaks with a pen and a phone, like we used to mock Barack Obama for. And because they're ephemeral, if you don't think President, let's just say Michael Avenatti or Kamala Harris would on day one have a portfolio of every regulation that the Trump team created by executive order, to redo them by executive order, you're smoking something.
As a constitutional conservative, I dislike executive orders. I mean, I think the executive has that power, however I think a better outcome is something that is achieved by legislative victory. Those things are permanent. Those things are statutory. Those things have—pending court review—those things have a life to them that isn't based on the political whim of the day.
It's like the crappy kid on the kickball team who somehow has the ball for two seconds and thinks he's won the whole game. Everybody else is about to pile on him down the line. Don't declare a victory in the regulatory war when you've done something that can be flipped off with a stroke of a pen from the next Democratic president.
Welch: You mentioned the phrase constitutional conservative to describe yourself. There's a pack of those self-described people in the House associated with the Freedom Caucus, including at least one or two that I'm fond of; Justin Amash comes to mind. But the head of the Freedom Caucus these days, Mark Meadows, is a guy who formed the Freedom Caucus in 2015 by saying, "We really need to take our constitutional duties seriously as a coequal branch, interrogating the executive branch." What's it like for you to watch your fellow constitutional conservatives run the Laura Ingraham gamut on a daily basis, talking about impeaching various members of the Justice Department and echoing Trump's language about witch hunts and all this?
Rick Wilson: Well look, I think they've clowned themselves. And I think what they've demonstrated is that their adherence to the Constitution is about a mile wide and inch deep.
The behavior of the Mark Meadowses of the world, I mean, it's guys who would have been screaming bloody murder if Barack Obama was engaged in the same kind of Trump-style behavior and trying to tear down institutions that were investigating him, are now completely given over to the Trump cult. I think they've dismissed themselves from being serious people, probably pretty much permanently. It just came at the price of their integrity, because they wanted to make sure that they were on the side of Fox News, the fourth branch of government, and Donald Trump's Twitter machine. And because of that, there's no depth they won't stoop to.
Welch: So the fourth category of reasons that I hear people say that they've either made their peace with Trump or kind of like him, who you might otherwise think, "Hey, maybe he goes against your principles," is a non-policy aspect: It's that it's a great way to own the libs—I love the taste of liberal tears in the morning! The fact that he drives the media nuts is just pleasing to some people on such a basic level. Is that, in the final analysis, kind of the main glue that's holding together what remains of the Republican coalition? This kind of animus toward perceived cultural elites sneering down at their perceived inferiors?
Rick Wilson: Absolutely. And it's Tom Nichols' The Death of Expertise, and the idea that owning the libs and causing people to engage in moral panics and being the party of the stompy-foot rage is a substitute for conservatism. I think it portrays an incredible sort of inferiority complex that I've seen in the party for a long time. It's the country party versus the city party. And it's the evangelicals and the social conservatives versus the economic conservatives.
This whole moment when [Sarah] Palin became a national figure and became a Fox News star, you saw this merger between politics and entertainment that was a real preview. They didn't care that she wasn't a serious person. They didn't care that her command of the English language was indifferent on the best of days. And they love this idea that you can have this crude buffoon of a president now, who owns the libs and causes these rages, and causes all this anxiety among educated elites. It's an incredible, like, "Hey, I remember my first beer!" moment for a lot of these people. They think it's a substitute for real politics at the end of the day. But it's not a governing philosophy, it's not a governing strategy. It's not something that sells you outside of an increasingly small base….It's juvenile. It's petty. And it doesn't seem serious.
Welch: Is it possible that it was always like this, and Trump was just the belated wake-up call for the likes of you to realize that it wasn't all about beautiful Burkean ideas and intellectual consistency?
Rick Wilson: Yeah, I've had a lot of moments here in the last two years where I realize that I drank the Burkean Kool-Aid a little bit, and believed that other people were serious about it and that we were trying to actually reform government in a way that would make it smaller, smarter, and better, and more adherent to the operating system of the Constitution. But I was quite obviously mistaken in that regard.
Welch: A lot of the people who are #NeverTrump heroes or #Resistance Republicans of some sort—Bill Kristol!—they willingly played to the Republican base for years, for decades, kind of winking and nudging whenever they had a challenging election coming up. [John] McCain would build the dang fence in 2010 when he was running against J.D. Hayworth, and then go back to comprehensive reform when he was safely back in the Senate. Isn't there some blood on the hands of the establishment here?
Rick Wilson: I fully admit that there were a lot of times in the last 15 years that guys like me would build ads that we knew exactly who we were talking to in the party to get them fired up. And we would build messages and communication tools that would encourage them. I write about it, almost a whole chapter, on the fact that we let this monster out of the box. And we trained it and we built it and those folks were out there.
And unfortunately, what we realized way too late was, the first side of this equation, the Democrats and the Republicans, we basically built nuclear weapons. We had this sort of deterrent effect with those weapons for a long time—we always promised we may poke our base, but we would never unleash them fully. Likewise on the other side. And unfortunately, we let Donald Trump get the keys to the missiles.
And so now he's appealing only to the furthest, edgiest core of the base. And there are some people there that I've had to come to the grudging realization that they love the racial politics. They love the ethnic politics. They're delighted by it. They think this is a winning theory of the case for the future. And I regret the role I played in some of that.
There's this philosophy we all embraced: Just win baby, say what you gotta say, get over the finish line, all that stuff. Well, eventually, there's a sort of moral reckoning on it. And in a lot of ways, my book is my moral reckoning for myself, and not just for where the party went wrong.
Welch: Thanks you Rick Wilson for joining us and confessing your sins to a national radio audience or broadcast.
Rick Wilson: I shall say five Hail Donalds.
Welch: What's in the immediate future, as far as you are concerned? I recall seeing you on the campaign trail in 2016 for Evan McMullin; I don't think that we're going to see a big McMullin challenge in 2020. What are you going to be focusing on in terms of a Trump challenge two years from now?
Rick Wilson: Well, it's a little soon for that for me, because I've honestly been rather wrapped up in the writing of the book for a little bit, and I'm going to be out doing the book tour for the next few months.
But obviously 2020 is going to be a moment where conservatives have to make a decision. They have to say: Do we want to be the party of Donald Trump forever, with all of its downsides? Or are we going to take it seriously and put somebody forward who represents our values, win or lose?
There's a value sometimes to taking a stand. There's a value sometimes to standing up and saying, "Listen, I'm not going to just lay down here and accept the status quo that an authoritarian, anti-conservative movement is acceptable in this country." Unfortunately, that challenge is a longshot no matter who it is, whether it's a Republican or independent.
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"Wilson, who has worked campaigns for George H.W. bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Evan McMullin, says that the "question of our time" is whether there "is any party out there right now that speaks to a philosophy of limited government" and "fiscal restraint," and that "believes strongly in individual liberty.""
(gasp, pant)
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! v
Preposterous!!! I've never heard of such a far fetched idea.
Oh, it's "out there", alright!
LOL x Infinity!!!
Yep - that's as far as I made it.
What a douche.
The love affair that beltway libertarians have for neocons is not surprising, but is very revealing.
Welch playing along with this charade is rather pathetic.
Thank you for speaking for us all.
He just mad he out of a paycheck. Now he has a new one with his TDS book. Good for you!
Now whenever Tony asks derisively where all the right wing comedians are, we can point right to this interview.
Exactly what I was thinking. Can Rick Wilson ever say when Republicans were in favor of fiscal discipline outside of the empty campaign speeches?
George H.W. bush,
k.d. lang, bell hooks, ....
Don't underestimate the 55 year old white cigender male with GED living in mom's basement demographic.
Those guys have never stuck with or accomplished much that is lasting in life.
I see no reason to expect them to begin soon.
Or ever.
On second thought, some of them have stayed addicted to street pills for a long time.
Those guys have never stuck with or accomplished much that is lasting in life.
They did beat your dumb hicklib ass, so there's that.
You really need to decide whether you want to insult Republicans as (1) unaccomplished geezers or (2) greedy, wealthy capitalists who want to protect their massive capital gains. It can only be one or the other.
"party of pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs"
"Those guys have never stuck with or accomplished much... addicted to street pills..."
Fuck, Rick Wilson IS Kirkland!
The pretentiousness, the hatred for the hoi polloi. It suddenly all makes sense.
Voting is an act of choosing the lesser of two evils.
In my experience it has never been anything but choosing the lesser of two evils All politicians have proven themselves to be deceptive, manipulative, violent, homicidal psychopaths. All of them...including President Trump.
I will wager that Trump's record of causing death and destruction, at the end of his two terms, will eclipse that of the evil of Barry Soetero and surpassing that of the evil of George W. Bush. I also predict a $40 Trillion National Debt at the end of his two terms if the USA lasts that long. That is called STEALING FROM THOSE NOT BORN which is also evil.
When you choose the lesser of two evils how can you expect anything but evil from that choice? From evil one can only expect more evil. Like produces like.
Your vote does not frighten me. What matters is who counts the votes. And as that Marxist Globalist George Soros owns the machines then you can reasonably wager that the results from the upcoming November Mid Term election have already been decided.
Your threat to fuck my stuff up does not amount to anything. I've been shooting guns for the last 50 years.
You'll reap the harvest that you've sown So have a good drown as you're dragged down in the end. Dragged down by the stone.
Thank you for that.
You know who else understimated the voting power of the deplorables?
He means become the party of nation security, total surveillance, foreign interventionism, crony capitalism, big spending and more regulation. Don't worry, you still have your pot, ass-sex and Mexicans
Which one of those items listed is Trump against. Oh, yea, he wants less regulation except for the regulations he wants.
"Listen, I'm not going to just lay down here and accept the status quo that an authoritarian, anti-conservative movement is acceptable in this country."
Stop, stop! I'm laughing so hard I'll suffocate!
Except both major parties are authoritarian, anti-conservative movements.
What part of 'he's a former employee of the former head of the CIA' do you think we missed?
George H.W. bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Evan McMullin
Now THAT's a downward career trajectory.
They lost because they public wasn't ready for their hard-core libertarianism!
Maybe he should do Trump next.
C'mon Welch, now do Cheri Jacobus and Louise Mensch.
Haven't read the full transcript yet, but the Republican Party hasn't been the "part of Lincoln" in a long time. Even if Trump never showed up, it still wouldn't be the "Party of Lincoln". Same on being the party of "fiscal and personal responsibility". Those just aren't traits the party has actually shown in decades, even if it's a mantle they make claim to.
Which frankly damages whatever credibility this guy has. He had no problem with the party not being the party of the fiscal and personal responsibility... when it was Bush in office. That he suddenly discovered these principles, two decades too late, once it's Trump in office makes it look like the problem isn't the party's ideals, it's the party leader.
Republican Party hasn't been the "part of Lincoln" in a long time.
Silencing the Copperhead Press, suspension of Habeas Corpus, arrest and silence of political opposition including sitting Judges and Congressmen, and the targeting of (American) civilian populations in a time of war, accumulation of war debt to be paid off by the defeated... the party of Lincoln intermittently and occasionally stopped being the party of Lincoln.
That said, his "I'm a realist and I've been in the behind-the-curtain side of politics for 30 years" line was hilariously naive.
The second the GOP decided on a southern strategy, they ensured that a bunch of southern white Lost-Cause neoconfederate Dems would take over the GOP and turn it into what they had always wanted the Dems to be during the Jim Crow era.
Your entire comment is nothing but how that sort of neoconfederate Lost-Causer type has ALWAYS viewed the GOP. To them, the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery but with opposing Lincoln as a tyrant.
Read it now.
This guy thinks this isn't what happened in 2016.
And I think that about sums it up. He fundamentally thinks the Republican party is, and was, something that it isn't, and wasn't.
Who knows what it is? Was it the party of millionaires and bankers in 2012 when Romney was the standard bearer? How large is the "Trumpian" caucus in the House? How many got elected by imitating Trump's policies? Trump energized a segment of Bill Clinton/Obama voters that felt disenfranchised. Every election hinges on energizing some segment (it was Security Moms in 2004). That doesn't dictate the future of a party.
But it does give a really good hint regarding the now of a party.
Not for realignment elections that change the political calculus of the entire system. FDR's win in 1932 required the mobilization of several distinct voting groups (rural and/or working class whites, urban machines, and black voters); McKinley's win in 1896 hinged on support for the Populists in rural areas and in the South, as well as with urban blue-collar types.
I'd even argue that it's true for most elections in general. Obama's election in 2012 hinged on high minority/youth turnout and minimal defections from blue-collar whites, whereas Bush needed high evangelical turnout and enough "soccer moms" and suburbanite voters to win in 2004.
Also I think it's safe to say that both the Dems and the Reps have distinct social identities that have developed over the past few decades. The Dems are the party of high-tech, capital-intensive service industries (social media, Google, finance, etc) and upper-middle class professionals (professors, journalists, managers, etc). The GOP is the party of old-style capitalism (industry, mining, transportation) and small businesses. This doesn't even begin to factor in things like race or religion, but I think its a fair sketch of where the two parties are at in 2018.
Re: Gracchus,
I would take that seriously if it weren't for the fact that the party became the party of tariffs and repealing the Law of Comparative Advantage.
I would take that seriously if it weren't for the fact that the party became the party of tariffs and repealing the Law of Comparative Advantage.
Back before World War II, most of those industries were pro-tariff to reduce competition from foreign industries. I'd imagine they still are, or at least are not as bothered by tariffs as some other industries (FIRE, high-tech, social media, etc). Most of the outrage over the tariffs is coming from Big Ag (mostly concerns regarding a potential trade war) and "new age" industries like social media and finance that are sticklers for free trade and globalization (and already hated Trump before he got elected).
You're wasting your time talking to that idiot.
But Trump's not really a Republican.
The party that's figured out that Pareto optimality is bullshit, because the winners don't actually compensate the losers.
It doesn't seem like it was the Democrats who were passing legislation gaming the system for MegaBigCorp and against small businesses...
It doesn't seem like it was the Democrats who were passing legislation gaming the system for MegaBigCorp and against small businesses...
Just the ones that benefited their major donors.
Your comic is Bugman Life personified, FYI.
Republican Party hasn't been the "part of Lincoln" in a long time.
Not since 4/15/1865.
Both parties are the Party of Lincoln -- big central government uber alles.
Everyone wants to be a modern Lincoln. But you can't kill the idea of consent of the governed twice.
Wilson is just lying. Trump did much better with Florida Hispanics in 2016 than Mitt Romney in 2012. Latinos love Trump!
Cubans committed to another 50 years of totally effective sanctions against Cuba!
Yeah, they're the "wrong" Hispanics because they don't vote the "right" way. Let white liberals like Happy tell you
We are no longer a party that believes in fiscal discipline. We are increasingly a party that doesn't believe in the law. And we're less and less a party that thinks that conservatism is about principles and policies, and more about a man and a mob.
And yet the guy isn't grateful to Trump for opening his eyes to something some of us recognized 30 years ago.
We're no longer party that just pretends to want less government and regulation. This Trump guy seems to believe some of our rhetoric.
Something has to be done!
To be fair, Trump is all for less regulation.
He also said that the recent omnibus spending bill would be the last one. So we will see if he keeps that promise.
Now talk to a democrat about how they are heading in the wrong direction. That's totally a discussion Welch is eager to have. I'll just be holding my breath here and waiting.
...turning blue
Matt actually seemed offended when Wilson talked bad about the Democrats.
And that is why I can't take Welch or most of the Reason staff seriously anymore. As much as I try to cast it off, I do still have some team red sympathies even if that is only due to acknowledging they are the lesser of two evils. There is no problem with pointing out the problem with our two parties in our two party electoral system. What I'm constantly annoyed by is that they ignore or brush aside the greater problems with one side while going crazy about the other. Ideologically, the left has abandoned all reason and is almost completely at odds with libertarianism. They also seem to have much more institutional power (ignoring the ineffectual elected majority the R's hold.) Would it really kill them to acknowledge how much farther from our principles that side has gone? Best we'll get on that is the occasional local story that never seems to be held up as an example of how far gone the party and left have gone off the deep end.
I'm telling you, it's the march through the institutions, and Reason has been marched through. Anybody who doesn't play along is going to lose their job.
I'm telling you, it's the march through the institutions, and Reason has been marched through. Anybody who doesn't play along is going to lose their job.
author of the new bestseller Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever.
When your own party men write that......
He should join the Democrats and raise the average intelligence of both parties.
Is he not one of you Aborto-Freaks?
That is really all you give a shit about.
Yeah it's totally hilarious when somebody has principles, like "tho shall not kill." Hilarious.
"I think there's a giant market opportunity for the Libertarian Party to get a little more smart"
I also frame most of my worst-insults as compliments.
Weld/McMuffin 2020!
Kasich/Gonzalez 2020!
Note: Gonzalez, Alvarez, Rodriguez, whatever. Something identifiably Hispanic is all that matters.
We'll have those hispies voting Republican for the next 100 years.
There's always Susana Martinez, governor of New Mexico. Her time's almost up in that office.
Welch squirted a little in his pants over that.
Get this party started!
To one of you Trumptards - why don't you care about cutting spending?
Fiscal conservatism is dead in the New Age of Trumpism.
If Trump cuts spending he's a hero. If he raises spending he's a hero. If you don't like it you're a Big Government Anarchist who voted for Hillary.
I'm really getting sick of your mini, passive aggressive, banarchism.
As opposed to 2002-2008 when government was slashed to the bone. Oh wait....
It was dead back then too.
The GOP needs to die. Democrats suck too though. I'm already sick of hearing about Medicare For ALL!
Too bad a third party is out of the question.
PB - Is it true you tongue fucked Hillary while Bill watched?
Oh, I was mean to your beloved TEAM RED?
fuck the GOP and all the rednecks, bigots, and criminals that make it up.
So yes.
Nah, PB is definitely a bottom.
Hey douchebag, most of the rednecks maybe in the GOP, but you progtards have a mortal lock on bigots and criminals.
"Fiscal conservatism is dead in the New Age of Trumpism."
Uh, have you been in a coma for the last 100 years? Fiscal conservatism died after Calvin Coolidge, if not even earlier, when Teddy embraced progressivism.
Yeah, Coolidge was our last hardcore fiscally conservative President.
Also, my favorite President ever.
He can do that without Congress? Wouldn't that make him an authoritarian? True Republicans Rick Wilson loves like McConnell and Ryan still run Congress.
He can actually cut regulations and is doing so.
Re: Palin's Buttplug,
Trumpistas believe in Making America Grating Again, one additional trillion in debt at a time.
"Making America Grating Again"
So you're upset they're stealing your job?
Each time I think you've finally bottomed out, OM, you prove me wrong.
Now you're a comrade of shrike? Damn. You're not even sad anymore.
And Hihn is now Tony's sloppy bottom.
Shorter version: No.
That's kind of the question of our time, is: Is there any party out there right now that speaks to a philosophy of limited government? Is there any party out there that speaks to a philosophy of fiscal restraint? Is there any party out there that believes strongly in individual liberty?
Oh, cut out the crap! The Republican party has been in power plenty of times. When did it ever deliver on any of that? And you're surprised you have an angry mob on your hands now?
But you see, surveys show that Trump voters can't identify a salad fork and don't know who won the Yale/Harvard rowing championship.
See, this is enough to turn me into a Huey-Long style, frothing-at-the mouth populist, and I'm not really into populism. Except in comparison to what people like McMuffin Man are selling.
So why did they vote for a guy who openly, pathetically aspires to be the type of person who knows those things? If there was ever a human whose brand was "elite," it's Mr. Gold Toilets. None of that culture shit is real or matters to anyone. Trump is a populist because he feeds his voters' racism, period.
Oh, get off it. Poor people can be impressed by rich people, even tacky cousin-screwing rich people like FDR (whose policies on race make Trump look good in comparison).
A poor voter looks at a super-rich candidate and thinks "at least they can't buy this guy off."
"at least they can't buy this guy off."
I suppose we're supposed to giggle uncontrollably at the irony that he's the most compromised, corrupt, blackmailed president in history.
And how very impressive that he's better than 1940s politicians on race.
He said Trump, not Obama or Clinton.
Hillary was way worse.
But no matter how many times you're told you don't believe it.
Only to a complete moron with mommy issues.
As opposed to a hicklib with cousin-fucking issues.
He likes really young boys too.
I wasn't familiar with this person until now, but I think I'm going to have to add him to my list of respectable conservatives and Republicans along with David Frum and Jennifer Rubin. Hopefully these sane, patriotic conservatives can regain control of the party from the GamerGate / alt-right faction that emerged in recent years.
Sure, there were things to complain about in the George W. Bush era, but that version of the Republican Party ? when people like Frum and Wilson had more influence than they do now ? was obviously superior to Drumpf's white nationalist Putin Puppet regime. I'm sure Bush never did anything as inhumane to black and brown bodies as Drumpf has done with his draconian immigrant family separation policy.
"I'm sure Bush never did anything as inhumane to black and brown bodies as Drumpf has done with his draconian immigrant family separation policy."
Or drone strike American citizens without evidence or trial like the lightbringer did. Trump is a fucking retard but let's not pretend he is some kind of new evil. The last evil douchebag just had more than a 12 word vocabulary.
Don't forget Bill Kristol!
Or David Brooks! If you get far enough left he sounds like a conservative sort of.
That new found respect for George Will truly was a sentinel event.
"In a deadly display of defiance, 125 women in South Korea swallowed abortion drugs in protest of the country's pro-life laws....
"Wearing black, they demanded that the government legalize the killing of unborn babies. The pro-abortion group claimed 125 women abort their unborn babies illegally every day in South Korea, according to the report.""
I don't know how they do things in South Korea, but over here the conventional wisdom is that women were killing themselves with coat hangers without access to safe drugs to perform abortions. So if they have access to the safe drugs without abortion being legal, what point are they making?
Did they all get pregnant on purpose for the protest?
Couldn't they just club some baby seals to make the same point more humanely?
Trump must have touched Rick Wilson's consulting business.
Guys, I have a confession to make. I was a little afraid of coming to a libertarian website as a staunch Trump backer and supporter of the MAGA Badass Movement. Why? Oh... I had heard from certain libertarians things like Trump was a narcissist who only cares about himself and did this whole thing on a lark and has since then become a fucking paranoid recluse appointing a bunch of industry flacks to positions of authority where they could just get all the little people out of the way and just dump their pollution on some poor Black Guy with no money who won't be able to go to court any more because Trump put in some fucking industry flack who's probably getting paid off by the companies he's supposed to regulate. You know, commie bull crap like that. But, I have to say all you guys have made this Trump supporter and solid vote for the Republican party's libertarian agenda feel very welcome. I just wanted to say thank you. You guys are the best!
Re: LeaveTrumpAloneLiberal-tarian,
"I knew it. He's finally coming out!"
"What? NO! I'm not coming out or anything!"
"Believe us, son, that we will still love you no matter what."
"What? Do you guys hear me? I'm not coming out! I just wanted to confess that I support MAGA!"
"Oh, my god. Why couldn't the Lord given us a gay son instead of a Trumpista?"
Or calling them "Rapists and Drug Dealers", the (now) normal Trumpista terms of endearment. Nothing helps a party curry favor with a BIG voter block than insinuating that they, their children and the children of their children are unwelcome inside the territory of the Don.
Because, replied the scorpion, it's what I do.
Relax. Statistically, at least ONE person out of a pool of 700,000 is likely to whack a pretty white girl at some point. That will justify continual hostility to the whole lot of 'em.
Since when are Haitians considered Hispanic?
You might think Republicans would be more welcoming of hard-working, Christian immigrants with family values. They are natural Republican voters is you don't scare them away.
Yeah, a bunch of socialist mestizos are "natural Republicans."
hard-working, Christian immigrants with family values.
Dude, these people can't even feed their kids three meals a day.
Or calling them "Rapists and Drug Dealers",
Not Puerto Ricans, Dominicans or Haitians, OM--just Mexicans. Mexicans are sending rapists and drug dealers, and, if you're any indication, the feeble-minded.
Kind of makes you wonder what kind of dirt Trump has on Ryan, or if Ryan's always been a spineless quisling. I suspect it's the latter. If there was dirt to have, the Dems would have dug it up in 2012.
How exactly is Ryan spineless? He's broken from Trump on his tone and the Republicans even passed a bill that forbade the president from eliminating sanctions against Russia?
What exactly has Trump done that Congress needs to hold him to account for, because I've never heard an answer to this
Continue with the empty virtue signalling, though
In a democracy, parties that believe in fiscal discipline are free to believe in it, so long as they make no effort at all to put it into practice.
That's the sad truth: Once buying votes with borrowed money is on the table, with very rare exceptions, only politicians willing to do that can get elected. Anybody who refuses gets outbid. Any government that's allowed to borrow, does, until it can't anymore.
And the debt goes up and up and up, until finally there's a reckoning.
'94, when the Republican dog unexpectedly caught the car, was the last chance for fiscal discipline. They promised to bring a balanced budget amendment to a vote, and they did: And they deliberately managed the process so that everybody who needed to vote for it could, without any risk of it passing.
That was the last shot fiscal discipline had to be survivably implemented. We were headed towards the cliff, and the Republican leadership promised to stomp on the brakes, and cut the brake line instead.
I can't really blame current Republicans for not trying. You can't do anything if you're out of power, and if you make any effort to restrain spending, you're out of power. If you make any effort to raise taxes, you're out of power.
I actually think Trump is doing the only thing that remains to be done: Try to achieve some level of economic self-sufficiency, so that our economy can go on after nobody will loan us any more money.
Where do Trump's $1.5 trillion tax cuts fit into his extra special fiscal responsibility plan?
They fit into my pocket very nicely, asshole.
They fit into my pocket very nicely, asshole.
Nothing wrong with cutting the stealing.
Now they need to cut spending.
And when do you suppose they might get around to that?
Until the government shows some ability to reduced spending I see no justification for any sort of tax increase. Ever.
They'd just spend more than it brought in.
Where did I say that he was being fiscally responsible?
No, I said that being fiscally responsible was political suicide once buying votes with borrowed money becomes a viable option.
We'll get back to being fiscally responsible once the crash comes, and nobody will loan us money anymore. Until then, fiscal responsibility isn't an available option in this democracy. The best we can hope for is fiscally irresponsible government that spends the borrowed money on something useful.
I actually think Trump is doing the only thing that remains to be done: Try to achieve some level of economic self-sufficiency, so that our economy can go on after nobody will loan us any more money.
So, the plan is Juche... let's ask the N. Koreans how that worked out for them.
Nothing helps you when you've got a command economy, CA. It's not like attempting self sufficiency is North Korea's biggest problem.
My opinion? We're over the cliff and headed towards the rocks, and the only question is whether we're going to land feet first and crawl away, or head first and die. I said back in 2016 that Trump's greatest qualification to be President was taking large enterprises through bankruptcy, and I still think that.
'94? That was about 17 trillion in national debt ago.
It's going to be very interesting if the GOP primaries Trump. How many progs register as republicans to vote against Trump and what effect will that have on the Dem primary?
Why would we want to run against someone else? I intend to make sure he's on as many future ballots as possible, even if he's not actually on them. Of course there's always the real possibility that the next Republican guy is even worse, if that's even possible.
You're gonna run Hillary as a Republican are you?
Oh, don't worry, the next Republican guy will be even more Hitler-y than Bushitler and Trumpf. In fact, columnists will write nostalgically of the good old days of Trump, when we had a President who was a dealmaker and willing to talk to Democrats, and yeah, maybe he had a few rough edges, but at least he wasn't a nazi like (name of current Republican).
No shit. The press adores all Republicans the moment they are no longer a threat to power.
I'm not a big fan of him compared to the republitarians who frequent here, but sorry man, he is a lock for a second term barring a recession. Mark my words.
Possibly by losing the popular vote by 10 million this time.
Tony|8.28.18 @ 12:34AM|#
"Possibly by losing the popular vote by 10 million this time."
You mean "losing", loser. Grow up.
Which he will blame on the lack of a national ID card -- another great Libertarian plank.....
That was your strategy last time.
He's got an approval rating among Republicans that's pushing 90%, nobody is going to seriously primary him, except as a gesture on their way to retirement.
Kasich is a legend in his own mind.
Kasich is somewhat popular among democrats as republicans go. Since Kasich is basically a democrat anyway.
This. 90 percent. That is insurmountable. And unless the left can pull someone as charismatic as Obama out of their ads, they have no chance.
Ocasio-Cortez will charm them with her free stuff campaign.
I think their plan at this point is to "deplatform" him sometime in mid 2019, early 2020. Then march to victory because he can't get anybody to run his campaign ads, or air his complaints about being censored.
Less than 1 percent. And none.
Can stop pretending like a party that is pimping Bill Weld is any kind of alternative?
Sounds a lot better than Trump or Warren.
No, he doesn't. Would much rather have Trump than Weld.
Or we could just do what's natural and let the Republicans finish out their decades-long dominance of American policy by falling into extremism and becoming a minority for a few decades. That's where they'd already be if they didn't cheat to win at every level.
I believe that actually happened to Democrats
One thing I find fascinating about both sides is there neverending insistence that their side is a poor underdog fucked over by the other side.
I constantly see Tony's point made and you can just swap who's dominating who and you have a regurgitated point from whomever you need.
Yeah in the late 70s. It's cyclical. It's just that nobody thought to cheat so much before.
Tony|8.28.18 @ 12:35AM|#
"Yeah in the late 70s. It's cyclical. It's just that nobody thought to cheat so much before."
Do you hope, you lying piece of shit, that no one will remember you being called on your lies, you lying piece of shit:
"Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept."
WaPo, shitbag; I gave you the link.
"Clintons Began Taking White House Property a Year Ago"
LA Times, and no, it wasn't 'towels', you pathetic piece of shit.
What's amazing is cheating so much and still managing to lose.
Trump is being raked over the coals for $130,000 in possible campaign violations.
Hillary and the Dems laundered about $84M. All in thorough violation of campaign finance laws.
Wow. So disconnected from reality that you get it exactly backwards. Impressive.
The Blue Wave is real this time.
The new love affair of beltway libertarians and neocons has been very revealing
"Everything within the beltway, nothing outside the beltway".
Don't forget "nothing against the beltway."
And of course nothing below the beltway.
"Wilson, who has worked campaigns for George H.W. bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Evan McMullin..."
Rudy "Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do" Giuliani?
You don't say.
That's one of my favorite quotes. It's amazing.
Like Loki, he will free us from freedom. If only he had a Tesseract.
"The Party of Lincoln is going to become the party of pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs," warns Republican strategist Rick Wilson"
NeverTrumpers are simply the right wing of the Globalist Uniparty. They oppose government of, by, and for the people.
But they're increasingly moving to the Left. DeepState Rick joins the Left in hatred of working class white men, because they're the fundamental impediment to the rule of an unaccountable global ruling class.
The Globalist Uniparty wants only a single government which they would be in control of which would give them the control of the world. This I would not like. I am for each nation to control its own self and not have a world overlord.
I'm not sure who he is trying to appeal to by writing stuff like that. Perhaps elitists and toolbars?
In any event, this guy seems like an asshole and a worthless political parasite hack.
Attacking the majority is never a long term winning strategy. Even the most unhinged liberal can only feel guilty about their skin color for so long.
Rick Wilson May want to rewrite the book if Trump continues to win. Another trade agreement was just announced and will be waiting for senate conformation. And just look at the stock market take off on the announcement, over 26000 with the announcement. If thinks continue by the time that who knows how high the stock market will be? Now I know that the valuation of the stock market does not tell how solid the US business is but it does indicate that investors think that there is money to be made in stocks.
"The Party of Lincoln is going to become the party of pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs," warns Republican strategist Rick Wilson, author of Everything Trump Touches Dies. Also: "There's a giant market opportunity for the Libertarian Party."
Cause nothing is more libertarian than choosing to spend extra years in one of the economy's most nationalized sectors doing work for free that gets thrown out after the tax paid high school teachers and professors mark it as alpha level, beta level ...
Ex-nuncio claims the Pope enabled a sexual predator. The Wa Po ponders how to cover the situation, and comes up with this.
Start by saying "Pope Francis has long faced criticism from traditionalists."
Say that the claim of a homosexual subculture in the Church has been "roundly dismissed by researchers" (not mentioning the researchers at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who found that in the US, "...81% of victims were male and 19% female").
Finish the article with a touchy-feely quote from the Pope about parents reaching out and talking to their gay sons and daughters.
There, nothing to see here!
This is the media's counterpart to Republicans pounce!
Catholic parents *should,* of course, be worried about who is reaching out to their sons and daughters.
WaPo was actually quite accurate. Except never mentioning how the Pope's liberation theology pisses off many Catholic conservatives in the US -- not just traditionalists in the clergy. But we all know WaPo is communist.
The Wa Po is an outlier, even *Newsweek,* which took pains to call the former nuncio "anti-gay," at least didn't use the "conservatives pounce!" technique, and headlined their article "Will Pope Francis Resign?"
Only CNN entered Wa Po territory with a headline about "The 'Coup' Against Pope Francis."
The NYT, of course, broke key revelations in the McCarrick story.
Even The Atlantic, while not endorsing the allegations, kept the focus on the scandals and not "Pore Francis has long faced criticism from traditionalists."
"Pore Francis" was the best Johannine-style typo I've done.
Wow, the Wa Po article is even an outlier to the Wa Po, they did another article which *didn't* lead with "conservatives pounce!" - "American Catholics' demands for reform intensify after letter implicates Pope Francis in sex abuse coverup."
NPR doesn't bury the lede either, though it makes sure the audience knows McCarrick was walking around loose under Benedict, and that there isn't any "connection between child abuse and sexual orientation" - thus by its definition ruling out of consideration the abuse of seminarians who are legal adults.
Some report the news. Others are pussies, for pussies.
Word salad; but you earlier referred to liberation theology, which I'm sure will be of great assistance to the victims of clerical abuse.
YOU were the one who brought up "conservative pounce"
I just reported what was "inconvenient" for you, on .... your own point!
Try ti remember what you're talking about. I have no time to keep reminding you
P.S. Since you mentioned it, what the FUCK does "conservative bounce" have to do with the victims of clerical abuse that you NOW care about, but not originally??
Anything else?
Word salad.
Word salad.
Word salad.
"I have no time to keep reminding you"
You take no time to explain the meaning of what you're saying.
"the victims of clerical abuse that you NOW care about, but not originally??"
The extra question mark doesn't make your remarks any truer.
Your wacky conspiracy caused you to LIE about a "conservative pounce" -- what it said was "traditIonalists" -- IN THE RELIGIOUS SENSE -- which be either liberal or conservative in your political conspiracy screeching ... as proven by your entire series of rants.
Say "word salad" again, so I cab laugh even harder.
Dumbfuck Hihnsano having a manic stroke again.
You compared a headline with content.
You must have mistaken a sugar pill for your regular medication.
This is content
These are titles/headlines
Thank you for playing,
Ellis Wyatt|8.28.18 @ 12:09AM|#
"You compared a headline with content."
You hoped someone would see your bullshit as something other than it is.
BTW, dumbass, did the Kocks get back to you about being bullied here? Did they laugh out loud like they should have or, in deference to a worn-out pathetic piece of shit, did they say nice things and wait to laugh after you left?
WaPo was actually quite accurate. Except never mentioning how the Pope's liberation theology pisses off many Catholic conservatives in the US -- not just traditionalists in the clergy. But we all know WaPo is communist.
He could have mentioned that Trump has ALREADY increased the debt by more than Obama's entire 8 years! (8-year forecast vs 8-year actual)
No surprise, since he ran like the Democrat he's always been, something for everyone, paid for by magical fairies.
Increase spending, cut taxes AND pay off the debt in 8 years! (Only his goobers could swallow that much bullshit)
WITH no cuts to Social Security and Medicare!!
AND provide universal health care!!!
It's like he was waving this large red banner, "I'm screwing you all." And he is! If he's not in prison by 2020, for money laundering, he'll promise "immortality for all," repeal all taxes AND run YUGE government surplus, Don Jr will be in prison for conspiring with the Russian government, so the conspiracy will be by Eric this time. With China.
And North Korea,
let's fact check this nonsense:
"He could have mentioned that Trump has ALREADY increased the debt by more than Obama's entire 8 years! (8-year forecast vs 8-year actual)"
2017 Donald John Trump $671,455,302,116.72
trump deficit 2017
The total deficit from Obama
Obama total debt
9 trillion.
Many Trumpsters have trouble with the written word.
That's why they're so easily brainwashed,
Trump's 8-year debt is forecast art $10 trillion. However,
Obama inherited the 2nd worse recession since the 1930's
and handed Trump the longest recover EVER for an incoming President.
Anything else?
"Trump's 8-year debt is forecast art $10 trillion."
My wealth is "forecast" at some several millions in the near future, dumbass.
"However, Obama inherited the 2nd worse recession since the 1930's"
and managed to keep the economy in the tank for eight years, dumbass.
"and handed Trump the longest recover EVER for an incoming President."
Handed Trump a pretty much stagnant economy, dumbass.
Pretty sure we have a turd sock here.
"Anything else?"
Yeah, fuck off, liar.
Oops, just one more of the asshole Hihn's socks.
You pathetic piece of shit, do you hope you can hide?
Stuff it up your ass.
Many Trumpsters have trouble with the written word.
That's why they're so easily brainwashed,
Trump's 8-year debt is forecast art $10 trillion. However,
Obama inherited the 2nd worse recession since the 1930's
and handed Trump the longest recover EVER for an incoming President.
Anything else?
No, Hihn, you're just a really bad writer.
We know what a forecast is. You said "already".
First, he lies abour I said.
Or he didn't lie, but is kinda stupid,. I'll TRY to dumb it down.
1) Take the tax cuts and spending increases.
2) Project them over 8 years
Still confused?
1) Assume you get a raise of $1,000 per year.
2) How much more will THAT raise increase your gross pay over the first 8 years.
3) I realize you're a Trumpster, but ,...
Anything else from the Goober Gang?
Your statement "Trump has ALREADY increased the debt by more than Obama's entire 8 years!" is unambiguous (despite its ungrammaticality) and wrong. The nonsensical parenthetical remark doesn't alter that.
Not possible for you.
Or he didn't lie, but is kinda stupid,. I'll TRY to dumb it down.
1) Take the tax cuts and spending increases.
2) Project them over 8 years
Still confused?
1) Assume you get a raise of $1,000 per year.
2) How much more will THAT raise increase your gross pay over the first 8 years.
3) I realize you're a Trumpster, but ,...
Anything else from the Goober Gang?
Michael, 'already' means that the event or action to which you refer is in the past. It has taken place.
A 'forecast' cannot have already happened because then it would not be a forecast. It would be reporting about something that happened in the past.
Is there something upsetting you? You're less coherent than usual.
Still confused?
1) Assume you get a raise of $1,000 per year.
2) How much more will THAT raise increase your gross pay over the first 8 years.
3) The raise already happened. The 8 year total is a forecast
4) I realize you're a Trumptard, but ,...
Anything else from the Goober Gang?
Dumbfuck Hihnsano having another bitchfit of stupidity.
How many Trumptards fucked this up? Count them!
Trump manipulated their pea brains with bullshit, and THAT is what they deny (being so totally suckered)
ODS = Obama Derangement Syndrome
Pity them
Any idea why the Fed felt the economy wasn't strong enough to justify increasing interest rates under Obama but is now?
Ummn, we're in the 8th year of the recovery that Obama handed Trump -- the longesr recovery EVER for an incoming President.
Obama -- who had several quarters of higher GDP growth than Trump's 4.1%
Now, don't throw another hissy fit. I'm delighted by the 4.1%
But I'm informed on reality, not a squawking ventriloquist dummy.
Actually, the stronger the economy, the worst Trump FAILS on the debt.
He promised to pay off entire federal dent in 8 years.
Instead, the 8-year forecast of Trump's INSANE policies show MORE new debt ALREASD added, then Obama added AFTER 8 years in office.
BUT .... (laughing hysterically)
Obama inherited the 2nd worse recession since the 1930s,
and handed Trump the longest recovery EVER for an incoming president.
Anything else?
Dumbfuck Hihnsano doesn't know how to do math.
How many times are Democrats like Lanny Davis going to pull down their pants and fart on camera, trying to explain how horrible someone else is?
Because President George W. Bush appointed Davis to serve on the five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, created by the U.S. Congress as part of the 2005 Intelligence Reform Act.
And I know some random facts, too.
That was tolally relevant to your tribal sneer.
Actually, why are you cutting and pasting from HuffPost?
Do you hang out there a lot? Is thinking of your own words hard?
I'm better at fucking research than you.
And making an ass out of you tribal dumbfucks -- twice on this page (so far)
My cite was from Wikipedia Fourth paragraph, just above the "Contents" box.
(laughing at the tribal hack.)
Anything else?
What's the significance of the bolding?
Hihn trying to make his pathetic post look like a ransom note.
Already stated.
Calling out a dumbfuck tribal insult ,.. and proving that he made a public ass of himself.
Self-defense is the prerogative of the victim.
Anything else?
Fuck off, dumbfuck Hihn.
David Nolan|8.28.18 @ 12:37AM|#
"What's the significance of the bolding?
Already stated."
Dumbfuck Hihn hoping that claiming to be someone else will fool people into thinking his dumbe
fuck posts are worth reading.
Hey, dumbfuck Hihn! No one is fooled!
Think of it as the HTML equivalent of a beet red face, a throbbing vein, and a voice so angry that it becomes a falsetto.
To any literate person, you've described Sevo.
Your own raging hatred is no better. But yout cause is so righteous.
Dumbfuck Hihnsano is super ass-mad that I own him like Kunta Kinte.
Right-wing wacko defends slavery. (yawn)
Oh! OH!
Research from WIKI! How...............
Call your doctor, Hihn, you need treatment.
Dear hater,
I have so much more to enrage you.
Just be patient.
It ridiculed him, with PROOF that he was full of shit. You somehow missed that HE researched Huffpost, sloppily. So I'm now entitled to ridicule you too!
Throw another infantile hissy fit.
David Nolan|8.28.18 @ 12:43AM|#
Dear hater,
I have so much more to enrage you.
Just be patient.
Oh! OH!
Research from WIKI
It ridiculed him, with PROOF that he was full of shit. You somehow missed that HE researched Huffpost, sloppily. So I'm now entitled to ridicule you too!
Throw another infantile hissy fit."
Oh, oh, look!
One more moronic post from someone who keeps making up new handles in the hopes that his pathetic excuses for posts will be seen in a better light than the ever deserve.
Fuck off, Hihn. And you haven't answered: When you whined to the Kochs, did they laugh out loud at your condition, or wait until you left to do so?
Dumbfuck Hihnsano having another manic episode.
Apparently you're not the only one who manages to cut-and-paste. However, in the future: citations are polite.
"Hihn" and "polite" don't deserve to be in the same sentence.
Speaking of "polite," this was your Grande Fuckup
Mess with the bull. Get the horns.
Dumbfuck Hihnsano having another manic episode.
Are you trying to imply that Lanny Davis, former Clinton advisor, political strategist, and registered Democrat, is not actually a Democrat?
Umm, no.
It's part of Reason's task to present click-bait masquerading as news, but we'd hope they'd attempt a political balance in doing so we can assume this is the 'balance' to the article regarding the lefty idiot Ocasio-Cortez:
"We are increasingly a party that doesn't believe in the law. And we're less and less a party that thinks that conservatism is about principles and policies, and more about a man and a mob."
Perhaps he's right about the "we"; voted R once when there was an R mayoral candidate in SF and don't know many R's, so maybe this TDS victim really does represent a "we" in the R party
But claiming the R party "...doesn't believe in the law. And we're less and less a party that thinks that conservatism is about principles and policies, and more about a man and a mob."
needs more than a book tour for support.
What laws are being ignored? I'm on the open-borders side, but Trump is not ignoring laws there, he's enforcing them. IMO, several should be changed, but no one is acting as if laws don't apply. Ditto his tariffs; they are mistakes, but they are perfectly legal.
"[M]ore about a man and a mob."
Total bullshit. There are no "mobs" supporting Trump; it anything, those who support him tend to be pretty quiet, except the loud-mouth white supremacists who hope to ride some coat-tails.
The "mobs" oppose Trump. Look at the whining losers like Rampell:
"CATHERINE RAMPELL: No collusion? What about tax fraud? "
(NYT; you can look it up)
She, and our resident shitbag losers have nothing other than their dislike of the "man"; law be damned. They'll search until they find something, regardless of any legal issues.
You lost, losers. And no, you don't get 'participation' trophies. Grow up.
Sorry, if there is a "mob" and (anti)"man" party, that party's name begins with a D.
Well said Sevo. The problem that Rick Wilson has is that others dont agree with him, not the law. Yet he claims Trump has authoritarian tendencies.
All true. Its just TDS pure and simple.
His belief that the next election will mean choosing between Trump and a Democratic Socialist looks likely, though. It also means that I'm likely to pull the lever for Trump again, and not feel the slightest bit of doubt about it.
(Note: I'm also open(-ish) borders and against the tariffs).
"(Note: I'm also open(-ish) borders and against the tariffs)."
I live in CA, so my vote for POTUS is totally irrelevant other than to pad the stats. The Lib Party could run MacAfee and I'd still vote for him just to add a number to those who aren't voting D.
Yep. I'm in Florida so the republic hangs on my...hanging chad
This ^^^^^ is an example of why discussions about the popular vote are so meaninless. In places like CA and NY there is no point in anyone other than Democrats to vote, and to a large extent they stay home.
If we actually had a popular vote system, the popular vote we currently record would not be an accurage predictor of anything.
The candidates plan and execute campaigns based on the electoral system. If we had a popular vote based system they would plan and execute campaigns differently and voters would decide to vote or not differently.
You'd also see voter fraud at levels that'd make Richard Daley blush.
The candidates plan and execute campaigns based on the electoral system. If we had a popular vote based system they would plan and execute campaigns differently and voters would decide to vote or not differently.
This is why we DON'T have a popular vote system.
With a popular vote system population concentrations control who gets into office.
Population concentrations have a major flaw. In any society most of the useless, surplus and parasitic people live in population concentrations--because it's much harder for them to leech off people when there aren't as many people. Eventually they outnumber the productive and the concentration begins to consume itself as it fails.
Some of the productive try to save the concentration, some flee to start over. And the surplus, useless and parasitic either die or scatter like roaches.
A country where their opinion is the only one that matters isn't viable.
Do you have anything relevant?
Fox and Brietbart have not reported the tax fraud that everyone else has? Based on Trump's LIE that HE paid Cohen for the money, when it was his business, which is illegal, plus falsified it as a legal expense.
P.S. Collusion has nothing at all to do with Mueller;s appointment. So Trump denying something that's not part of the probe is more brainwashing for his adoring Trumptards
Now ... conspiracy ... dumbfuck Don Jr. witlessly confessed to conspiring with a hostile power, Russia, in a meeting the President got caught lying about.
(You may now close your eyes, cover your ears and say .... "la-la-la FAKE NEWS' .... closing with "Fuck off")
Ellis Wyatt|8.28.18 @ 12:30AM|#
"CATHERINE RAMPELL: No collusion? What about tax fraud? "
(NYT; you can look it up)
Do you have anything relevant?"
I see you didn't look it up, shitbag.
Yes, relevant, particularly in the case of a fucking imbecile like you, but a s such, you won't figure it out, will you?
Nice try, Hihn, fail. Now, try to get him on an unpaid parking ticket.
Should Pelosi be indicted for wasting her money on plastic surgery as 'campaign funds'?
You are a pathetic piece of shit, grasping at straws; fuck off.
Dumbfuck Hihnsano having another manic episode.
Fox and Brietbart have not reported the tax fraud that everyone else has? Based on Trump's LIE that HE paid Cohen for the money, when it was his business, which is illegal, plus falsified it as a legal expense.
P.S. Collusion has nothing at all to do with Mueller;s appointment. So Trump denying something that's not part of the probe is more brainwashing for his adoring Trumptards
Now ... conspiracy ... dumbfuck Don Jr. witlessly confessed to CONSPIRING with a hostile power, Russia, at a meeting the President got caught lying about.
(You may now close your eyes, cover your ears and say .... "la-la-la FAKE NEWS')
Wilson is just a propagandist for statist, war-mongering politicians, and he is unhappy that his brand of pseudo-conservatism is clearly losing. While Trump clearly isn't the torch bearer for a new, better conservatism, he is a symptom of a rejection of the evil crap Wilson likes, and that makes Wilson all sad and worried about his future.
I say the GOP is not worth saving. Neither is the Democratic Party. Both major parties should have gone extinct years ago. Sorry, but statism is statism, regardless of the flavor or seasoning you sprinkle over it.
Still true. Left - Right = Zero
Fuck off,Hihn.
Keep proving him correct, thug.
Michael, these 'handles' are all you--there is no 'him' to "David Nolan". It's all you, you have no supporters here, everyone who agrees with you IS you.
Perhaps you need to see a mental health professional?
No mental health professional in the world can help poor Mary Stack.
I wish someone in the Dallas/Fort Worth area would put her out of her misery already.
Left - Right = Zero
Both authoritarian slugs
The Authoritarian Right wants government out of your wallet and into your bedroom.
The Authoritarian Right want government out of your bedroom and into your wallet.
ONLY libertarians DEFY government intrusion into BOTH economic and personal issues.
Democrats borrow trillions to provide free stuff.
Republicans and faux libertarians borrow trillions to provide free tax cuts.
Libertarians know CUT SPENDING is the only way to shrink government. (Grade-school arithmetic, duh!)
A growing majority of Americans agree, and now SELF-define as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Left and right are now less than 40% of Americans combined and shrinking
Your time has expired
The Authoritarian Right wants government out of your wallet and into your bedroom.
The Authoritarian LEFT wants government out of your bedroom and into your wallet.
ONLY libertarians DEFY government intrusion into BOTH your economic and personal liberties.
Hihn - sock puppet = 0
Ya the democratic party sure doesn't look like it's worth saving either. They are fully endorsing out of control spending, govt expansion, SJW frenzy, and free shit for all socialism at this point. 2 party system has long fucked this country.
But the GOP, whatever happens to it, has devolved into a trash pile as well. I mean I guess with the dems are embracing what we knew their true colors were? Maybe that's one good thing for them (if you can call that good)?
The GOP's complete abandonment of any kind of fiscal responsibility and reduced govt, their evangelical wing touting bullshit social policies and their supposed moral highground (that they throw away as hypocrites at the drop of the hat for their dear leader) combined with their plummet into 1984 level anti-fact Trump cult subservience will stain the GOP brand, if it even has one left.
Exactly this! The GOP is not even trying to keep their promises.
"I mean I guess with the dems are embracing what we knew their true colors were?"
Dems have told us for years.. they want to regulate and start new programs, and then when they are in charge, they try to regulate and start new programs.
Meanwhile the GOP TELLS us they want to be small gov and they make a huge deal about fiscal responsibility. It's really important...until they are in power and do the opposite. It's not like just any broken campaign promise. They are not being forced to give a fiscally irresponsible tax cuts or spend money on the space force. They say free capitalism, and then start a trade war. The old ideals of the GOP are dead.
Those "pissed off 55-plus white guys with GEDs" also often happen to be successful entrepreneurs and businessmen.
That's quite unlike Mr. Wilson, a geezer who made his fortune (such as it is) by being a propagandist for wealthy establishment RINOs and has contributed exactly nothing to humanity or society.
Trumptard redneck says 5% = often! (lol),
Rick who?
Rick the propagandist and paid liar for George H. W. Bush. That's who. He has a sad because his days in politics are numbered.
So, what he really means by "Everything Trump touches dies." is, "Everything Trump touches ought to die. Die, damnit! Why won't you die!!!"
Yeah, that's what I thought he meant when he first said it.
How do Republicans like this guy delude themselves into thinking they care about individual liberty and "fiscal discipline"? They have never cared about those things, not since Calvin Coolidge, anyway.
I mean, how do they do it? Are they all just idiots?
In this case, simply a paid liar.
It seems that Reason will praise anybody who condemns Trump. How they haven't professed the Libertarian bona fides of Sanders or Warren is amazing.
Amazing? Ot proof that you're full of shit.
Left - Right = Zero
YAWN!!! I have heard before that the GOP is dead at least twice, after Nixon (was too young to remember his presidency at all, but that was the conventional wisdom at the time) and GW Bush-it didn't happen. The dems were almost written off too following Reagan. The vast majority of voters are conditioned not to consider other possibilities beyond Team Red or Team Blue, and so long as it stays that way, each party will take turns trying to destroy the other, only for it to come back like a zombie.
Does Rick realize that literally nobody will ever vote for ANYTHING he supports?
Will has done the same --- insured that he is the polar opposite of an endorsement for anything.
Question you will never, ever see Welchie Boy or any of the other professional fake libertarians at Reason ask in a million years: "Is the democratic party worth saving?"
Lesson for alt-right goobers who lie about libertarianism.
Left - Right = Zero
Both authoritarian slugs
The Authoritarian Right wants government out of your wallet and into your bedroom.
The Authoritarian Left wants government out of your bedroom and into your wallet.
ONLY libertarians DEFY government intrusion into BOTH economic and personal issues.
Democrats borrow trillions to provide free stuff.
Republicans and faux libertarians borrow trillions to provide free tax cuts.
Libertarians know CUT SPENDING is the only way to shrink government. (Grade-school arithmetic, duh!)
A growing majority of Americans agree, and now SELF-define as fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Left and right are now less than 40% of Americans combined and shrinking
Your time has expired, Cock Ring
Do yourself in Mary, you miserable, dried out, crazy old hag bitch.
Wilson claims he's for fiscal responsibility?
Great, maybe someone could ask him if he favors spending cuts? Which cuts?
How about entitlement reform? Specifically how?
Instead we get Welch letting him float his bullshit unchallenged.
Lesson for alt-right goobers who lie about libertarianism.
Left - Right = Zero
Both authoritarian slugs
The Authoritarian Right wants government out of your wallet and into your bedroom.
The Authoritarian Left wants government out of your bedroom and into your wallet.
ONLY libertarians DEFY government intrusion into BOTH economic and personal issues.
Democrats borrow trillions to provide free stuff.
Republicans and faux libertarians borrow trillions to provide free tax cuts.
Libertarians know CUT SPENDING is the only way to shrink government. (Grade-school arithmetic, duh!)
A growing majority of Americans agree, and now SELF-define as fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Left and right are now less than 40% of Americans combined and shrinking
Your time has expired, Cock Ring
Good pont. He's as fuckinh phony as Ron/Rand Paul's Cult.
Is that why you ignored the federal debt, like Rand shamefully did?
Republicans haven't been fiscally responsible or for small government for a very long time. At least it's clear now with Trump, but I suspect those who care about those things will stay GOP anyway.
Bush and the GOP brought us multiple tax cuts while running multiple wars. How much more fiscally irresponsible can you be? ( go look at the tax rates during WWII.)
Then he secretly wire taps our phones and starts an offshore prison where he tortures people? ( we prosecuted Nazis for waterboarding ya know.) Starts the huge new homeland security... hows all that for small government? I don't understand why any libertarian would vote GOP ever again after that. But hey, he wanted to restrict gay people from getting married, and all those things are the type of big government the GOP stands for, so he got re-elected.
If you support all those ideas, ok, you are a republican and no longer support small government or fiscal responsibility. If you consider yourself a libertarian you have no business voting republican ever again. I hope we can have reasonable libertarians to support.
Hello? Hello? Anybody home?
Trump promised to pay off the entire federal debt in 8 years.
Instead, he has ALREADY added more debt for 8 years ($10 T)
than Obama did AFTER 8 years,
Do the math. Trump's promise is a $31 TRILLION FAIL. So far.
Dumbfuck Hihnsano thinks anyone takes his cheeseboard rantings seriously.
(sneer) Is that why you stalk me down the entire page -- 37 personal attacks and childish name-calling?
Because you'd be CRUSHED (again) if you weren't such a chicken-shit on actual issues?
What are you so afraid of, pussy/?
The Hihn Puppets are restless tonight.
The Republicans gave up on their good principles a LONG time ago... That's the problem. We didn't have any serious attempts had holding back the leftists/big government folks for the better part of a century.
Donald came along, said the right things on those fronts, and was willing to go out on a limb on shit they wouldn't touch... So he won. Frankly I think the "Fuck it, he's worth a shot." voters ended up getting what they wanted. He's done as good or a better job from a conservative perspective than any other recent presidents, and is trying to deliver on his populist stuff too.
If the entire establishment of both parties weren't shitting their pants so bad, and attacking him so viciously, I think he'd actually be a LOT more popular president. Keep in mind he's polling basically as good or better than any other recent presidents, and that's WITH the attacks on him. Imagine if the press were shilling for him, or even just even keeled.