Why Are Detroit Cops Killing So Many Dogs?
A Reason investigation reveals widespread, unchecked violence against pets during drug raids-including two officers who have shot more than 100.
A group of Detroit police officers executing a narcotics search warrant knocked on Nikita Smith's door on January 14, 2016. The only fact that both Smith and the officers agree on after that point is that, a short while later, Smith's three dogs were all shot dead.
What really happened in the moments between could be a costly question for the city of Detroit. In a federal civil rights lawsuit filed in May, Smith says the Detroit police executed her three pit bulls, Debo, Mama, and Smoke, without provocation. Essentially, they acted as a "dog death squad."

According the lawsuit, Smith tried to tell the officers she was putting her dogs away, and placed two in the basement and one in the bathroom. As the officers burst into the house, Debo slipped back upstairs. The officers shot it as it sat down by Smith. Next, they charged into the basement and shot Mama, who was pregnant and backed into a corner. Finally, they moved onto the bathroom, where Smoke was closed in.
One of the officers cracked the door open, peeked inside, and closed it again. "Should we do that one, too?" the officer asked, according to the lawsuit, before two of them fired through the closed door, killing Smoke.
In the police version of the story, told through reports filed after the raid, the officers received no response when they announced their presence and forced entry into the house. Inside, they encountered a "vicious grey pit bull" that charged at them. It was shot eight times. In the basement, they encountered another "vicious white pit bull" that charged toward them. It was shot five times. According to police reports, the third dog charged out of the bathroom toward the officers and was shot.
However, extremely graphic photos entered into evidence in the case show bullet holes riddling the outside of the door and the dog dead inside the bathroom.
"They produce two photos of the dead dog in the bathroom," Chris Olson, Smith's attorney, says. "It looks like The Shining. The dog is in the back of the bathroom and just covered in blood. But their story is that the dog opened the door itself and was coming to eat them. The problem is the door handle wasn't a latch. It was a knob. That's how fucked up it is. That's their story in federal court."
After shooting her dogs, the police arrested Smith for possession of marijuana and seized her car under civil forfeiture laws. The charges were later dropped, however, when the officers failed to appear at her court date.
Puppycide's Long, Sad History
Stories like Smith's happen all the time. They're so common that they've become known by the grim moniker puppycide. There's a whole category on Reason's website for such events, a 16,000-person-strong Facebook group that tracks local media reports of them, and even a database that attempts to collect information on dog shootings nationwide. But no one knows how many dogs are in fact killed by police every year.
A Justice Department official speculated in a 2012 interview with Police magazine that the number could be as high as 10,000 a year, calling it "an epidemic." That figure that is often repeated in media reports about dog shootings, but it's little more than a guess. A 2012 study by the National Canine Research Council estimated that half of all intentional police shootings involved dogs. There are no reporting requirements, unlike for other use-of-force incidents. Considering the U.S. doesn't even accurately track how many humans are killed at the hands of cops every year, it's no surprise the picture is so murky when it comes to dogs.
To shed light on the phenomenon in one U.S. city that's been hit with a series of lawsuits over dog shootings, Reason obtained the "destruction of animal" reports filed by Detroit Police Department (DPD) officers in 2015 and the first eight months of 2016. The reports provide a broader context for the individual shootings that have drawn local and national media attention. Unfortunately, they also illustrate the difficulty of getting public information from a major police department on how its officers use deadly force.
Detroit police officers killed at least 25 dogs in 2015. So far in 2016, they've shot at least 21. One officer was bitten by a dog during that time period, according to the records. There were two fatal dog attacks in Detroit in 2015 and 2016. The victims were a 4-year-old boy and a 71-year-old woman.
How do those numbers compare to other major metro areas? It's hard to say. In Chicago—a city with 2.7 million people compared to Detroit's 680,000—there were 84 incidents in which an officer fired a weapon at an animal over the same time period, according to public records obtained by Reason. In New York City, the 35,000 sworn officers of the NYPD killed nine dogs in 2014, the last year for which the department released detailed information about weapon discharges by officers. The Los Angeles and Philadelphia police departments rejected records requests for similar information, although the LAPD has admitted to killing eight dogs in 2015.
But the Detroit numbers too are incomplete. At least seven incidents registered in lawsuits and media coverage were nowhere to be found in the documents released to Reason. The Detroit Law Department, which handles public records requests for the city, said it never received those reports, which means the DPD either failed to find them—indicating a lax commitment to record keeping—or intentionally hid them, in violation of Michigan law. Either way, the actual number of dogs shot by police in Detroit is unknown and possibly much higher than the records would imply.
Detroit police officers killed at least 25 dogs in 2015. So far in 2016, they've shot at least 21.
The reports do show that in some cases, Detroit police were forced to do their best to control large, aggressive dogs running loose on the streets, sometimes in order to protect residents and other animals from being attacked. In some cases, officers spent hours trying to control loose dogs, often without any available animal control professionals to help them. Police have responded to more than 3,500 911 calls regarding dogs so far this year, according to data released by the city.
In other cases, though—especially during narcotics raids—officers have been known to leave a bloody trail of destruction behind them, with the officers' narratives often differing wildly from the stories told by the' owners. Instead of simply acting to protect themselves from "vicious, charging" animals, these folks say, Detroit police executed their dogs while the owners pleaded with them to stop. DPD officers shot some dogs while they were chained or confined, shot others merely for growling, and in some cases chased dogs from room to room and shot them multiple times before they finally died.
Vicious Dogs
Detroit Police Directives state that "an officer may shoot a dangerous animal that is posing an imminent threat of danger to the officer or others and only when the bystanders are not in jeopardy." In nearly every report where an officer killed a dog, the animal is described as "vicious" and charging toward police when it was shot. Supervisors reviewing these incidents found officers acted within department guidelines in every single one of the 40 reports reviewed by Reason.
Olson, however, says Detroit police have developed a pattern and practice of shooting dogs just for barking. According to an unredacted police report he provided, one of the officers who raided Smith's house, William Morrison, had shot 39 dogs prior to that day.
"That's a staggering number, and that's just one officer out of six involved in that case. Someone who's killed 39 dogs in the course of duty," Olson says, pausing, "is really hunting."
Morrison was previously a defendant in a 2010 civil rights lawsuit alleging excessive force and false arrest, as was Detroit Police Sergeant Roy Harris, who is also a defendant in Smith's suit. The earlier claim was settled for an undisclosed amount in 2012.
Morrison's kill count is far from the highest in the department. One Detroit police officer in the Major Violators Unit, which has handled drug raids since the city's scandal-ridden narcotics unit was disbanded in 2014, has destroyed 67 animals over the course of his time at the DPD, according to the police reports obtained by Reason. The officers' names and badge numbers were redacted in all of those reports, making it difficult to learn more about their careers.
The following account of that officer's 67th kill comes from a "destruction of animal" report filed after an April 14, 2016 narcotics raid:
Once the front door was breached, there was an Adult Size Vicious Pit Bull that would not allow the Crew entry inside the home. The canine viciously growled, showing his teeth. The action of the canine left no other alternative but to fire, putting the canine down […] Crew members continued to clear the location, to find no one inside.
Family Pets, Shot Through a Barrier

Smith's case is only one of several lawsuits filed this year against the Detroit Police Department for shooting family pets.
On January 27, a couple of weeks after the raid on Smith's house, officers from the Major Violators Unit broke down the door and stormed into Nicole Motyka and Joel Castro's house. It was another narcotics raid. The unit had tried to initiate an undercover marijuana buy from the house, according to a search warrant and affidavit, but the buyer came back empty-handed after Castro refused to sell to him. The police decided to raid the house anyway.
Inside, the situation quickly devolved into a bloodbath similar to the one at Smith's house. Motyka and her husband say their three pit bulls—YoYo, Blanca, and Junior, a one-year-old puppy—were behind a large wooden barrier in the kitchen.
According to officer testimony, the officers ordered Castro to the ground, where he yelled several times, "All I have is weed. Don't kill my dogs."
At this point, the officers' statements conflict. One DPD officer said the dogs charged when one of the officers "attempted to move the board out the way to enter the kitchen to clear the rest of the house."
But another officer testifying at the same hearing said the barrier was still in place, and the two dogs were trying to get through it. "They were trying to move the board and coming viciously," he said.
Motyka says the officer shot two of her dogs, including the puppy, over the barrier while the animals cowered in a corner of the kitchen. According to Motyka, one of the officers said, "We got some big ones here today," as animal control removed the dogs' bodies.
The Detroit Police were correct about there being drugs inside the house: 26 marijuana plants, to be exact. What they neglected to discover before busting open Motyka and Castro's door, detaining them at gunpoint, and shooting two of their dogs was that Castro was a state-licensed medical marijuana caregiver, meaning all the plants were legally owned. Castro and Motyka were arrested on drug charges, which have since been dropped. The Detroit police also tried to seize cash found at the house under asset forfeiture laws, but they ultimately failed in that endeavor as well.
"Someone who's killed 39 dogs in the course of duty," Olson says, pausing, "is really hunting."
Motyka and Castro filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in August against the city of Detroit and several of the police officers involved in the raid. The lawsuit argues Detroit enabled the violation of Motyka and Castro's constitutional rights by failing to properly train and monitor its police officers, and that the city has a de facto policy allowing such unconstitutional raids.
"I don't want anything to do with the Detroit police anymore," Motyka says. "You grow up being taught these are the people you're supposed to trust, and then they come in and kill your family. I have no love for them. None. They probably sleep well at night. We don't."
In nearly all of the recent incidents, the owners describe the Detroit police as being callous, even lighthearted, after shooting their dogs.
Two other Detroit residents represented by Olson, Hazell Hayes and Melvin Short, also filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city in June after their dog Penny was shot during a police search. "Y'all over here shooting dogs now?" a city employee asked a DPD officer in the aftermath of the raid, according to the lawsuit.
"Nah, it committed suicide," the officer allegedly replied.
Expensive Settlements
"Sergeant [REDACTED] announced crew's presence and purpose, then ordered forced entry through the front door. The officers proceeded to enter the location when they encountered a vicious pit bull that was foaming at the mouth and growling/barking aggressively. The pit bull charged at the officers. Fearing for their safety, Officer [REDACTED] fired one (1) shot from his department issued shotgun … and sergeant [REDACTED] fired one (1) shot from his department issued handgun, both striking the pit bull in the body area. The pit bull then retreated further into the residence. As the crew were clearing the residence, Officer [REDACTED] encountered the pit bull in the bathroom. The pit bull was bleeding profusely and began aggressive growling at Officer [REDACTED]. Fearing for their safety, Officer [REDACTED] fired two (2) shots striking the pit bull in the body area fatally wounding him. The crew proceeded to clear and secure the location with no further incidents […]
Also recovered and confiscated from this location was 0.4 grams crack cocaine with a street value of $160, multiple packaging baggies, and confiscated $341.00 in US Currency." —Detroit Police Destruction of Animal Report, March 4, 2016

On July 11, Durone Sanders and his pregnant fiancee had just moved into a new house on the east side of Detroit when they suddenly heard gunfire. Heavily armed police officers had shot their two-year-old pit mix through the back door. The bullet traveled through the dog and struck a living room wall inside. Police told Fox 2 Detroit they were searching for drugs, although the search warrant they used was for an unidentified man for an unspecified crime. The police ticketed Sanders and his fiancee for living in a vacant home and left.
These incident have already imposed significant legal costs on Detroit. In February, the city approved a $100,000 settlement with resident Darryl Lindsay after a police officer shot his French mastiff, Babycakes, while she was chained up outside his house. Lindsay says Babycakes was "very friendly."
"It was a people dog," he says. "I walked the riverfront every couple of days with her, and everybody wanted to pet her. She was more like a family member to me, because all my kids are grown. Like my new daughter."
Lindsay was sitting in his house eating lunch a little after 1 p.m. when he heard his dog barking. A group of DPD officers were gathered outside his house. There had been a report of gunshots fired from nearby, and the officers wanted to search Lindsay's backyard; the dog was standing in their way, secured to a fence with a metal chain.
Lindsay tried to open his window and ask for permission to bring his dog inside, but he says the officers pointed their guns at him and told him to stay where he was. A little while later, Lindsay heard the shots. Dash cam footage from a police cruiser shows an officer walking up to the dog, still chained, and shooting it twice. Another officer, exasperated, can be heard remarking on the video, "That dog ain't had shit to do with it."
The destruction of animal reports from the Lindsay, Sanders, Motyka, Smith, and Hayes cases were all missing from the documents handed over to Reason by the Detroit Police Department. Also missing were reports from a 2015 incident where an officer shot three dogs that were mauling a small child.

Detroit has settled in at least one other case: In May 2015, local country singer Alison Lewis was playing with her cattle-dog mix Millie in the open field where the old Tigers Stadium used to stand when the dog ran up to a police officer. The officer shot Lewis' dog in the face. Police described it as a jumping, barking pit bull that charged the officer, according to the Detroit Free Press. "That's absolutely not true," Lewis told local news channel WXYZ. According to Lewis' lawyer, Bill Goodman, the city of Detroit settled with her for $8,000, covering her veterinary costs and time lost from work. The dog survived.
Of course, Detroit is not the only city being hit with major lawsuits for shootings dogs. In September, a federal jury ordered the city of Hartford, Connecticut, to pay a whopping $200,000 to a family whose St. Bernard was shot by city police in 2006. Commerce City, Colorado, settled a dog shooting case in January for $262,500. In some of these cases, individual officers are being held liable for not just compensatory damages for the dog itself, but also punitive damages for emotional distress inflicted on the owners.
These hefty settlements are a relatively recent legal development, stemming from a 2005 ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that found that unjustified shootings of dogs by police are a violation of the Fourth Amendment's protections against unreasonable search and seizure. In that case, the city of San Jose was forced to pay out nearly $1 million to the families of two members of Hell's Angels whose dogs were shot by police during the execution of a search warrant.
The DPD declined to comment on any pending litigation for this story. It also refused to say what sort of training it offers or policies it has in place to govern officer encounters with dogs.
A public information officer told me I would have to put in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for those policies. While that sounds like a frustrating but typical response from a government agency, in this case it was also an obtuse one: Earlier this year I submitted a FOIA request for Detroit Police Department's manual of directives and was told they were exempt from disclosure.
A Clash Between Family Dogs and Militarized Police Tactics
There are currently around 83 million dogs in the U.S. Over the past century, they went from being outside farm animals to beloved family members. But at the same time that dog ownership started exploding in the U.S. in the '70s, so did the volatile police raids used to prosecute the drug war. The use of SWAT teams rose from around 3,000 deployments per year in 1980 to as high as 80,000 a year currently, putting more heavily armed officers than ever before in potentially violent confrontations with families and their pets.
"The two trends have collided in the family home," says Michael Oz, director of a documentary, Of Dogs and Men, released this summer that explores the topic.
Responding to costly lawsuits and media attention, several states now mandate training for officers on dealing with dogs. Colorado passed the Dog Protection Act in 2013. (Reached for comment, the Denver Police Department says it does not track dog shootings, so it couldn't determine whether the training had resulted in fewer incidents.) In Texas, the state legislature mandated dog training for police thanks to a three-year effort by Cindy Bolling, whose Border collie mix was shot by a police officer in 2012. And in Maryland, SWAT teams are required to report use-of-force incidents, including dog shootings, after a notorious 2008 drug raid on the house of the mayor of Berwyn Heights.
But many departments still don't train officers on how to read dog behavior. "In most cases, at best they get no training and no policy," Oz says. "At worst, there are departments where shooting the dog remains a matter of policy."
In smaller cities that receive less media and legal scrutiny, some police departments have shot a shocking number of dogs. Buffalo, New York, police, for instance, shot 92 dogs between 2011 and 2014, almost a quarter of them by one officer alone. The Palm Beach, Florida, Sheriff's Department shot 26 just in 2012.
The federal Justice Department has taken some steps to try to teach officers how to handle dogs. Dog trainer Brian Kilcommon produced a series of videos several years ago for the department's Community Oriented Policing Services program to train local and state officers on how to read dog behavior and respond to it appropriately. The videos are free to any police department that wants to use them, although Olson, the Detroit attorney, says none of the officers he's deposed has watched them.
Police officers and dogs, Kilcommon says, suffer from a deadly misunderstanding. The body language that police are trained to use on duty—imposing and authoritative—is the same body language that dogs read as a threat. And the behavior that dogs respond to a threat with—barking and growling—is the same behavior that leads police to shoot them.
"Dogs are there to warn the owner," Kilcommon says. "That same warning sequence is what gets them killed, because police don't know what they're looking at. I fully support police officers protecting themselves from being hurt. What is troubling is in many of these situations, there is not a threat. Their lack of education and understanding creates the situation. You look at some of the videos, and as far as I'm concerned, they're absolutely at fault."
Many police departments still don't train officers on how to read dog behavior.
For instance, the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board found earlier in October that an NYPD officer abused his authority when he shot a woman's dog a split-second after it slipped out the door of an apartment and began walking toward him, wagging its tail.
Cynthia Bathurst, executive director of the animal welfare group Safe Humane and also a co-producer of the Justice Department videos, says that while videos help, "there's nothing better than face-to-face." Bathurst says one Chicago SWAT team she's worked with has executed roughly 1,000 search warrants over a 10-year-period and only shot one dog.
"Please don't shoot my dogs!"

"Charged by white pit bull. Officer [REDACTED], fearing being bitten by the dog, fired one round from his department approved shotgun at the dog. The first round missed the dog and struck the floor and bottom of the wall. Officer [REDACTED] then fired a second round, striking the dog in the left shoulder. The dog then fled under a drawer in a hallway closet. Officer had to get onto the ground to get a clear shot. Officer [REDACTED] fired one shot from his department issued handgun, striking the dog in the left shoulder. The dog then fled to the bathroom and hid behind the toilet. The dog being in extreme distress, Officer [REDACTED] fired one more shot striking the dog in the head killing it." —Detroit Police Department Destruction of Animal Report, October 21, 2015
In Detroit, the number of drug raids has fallen steeply in recent years, from 3,462 in 2012 to 855 in 2015. The city says it's focusing in on big-time drug crimes, hence the name of the Major Violators Unit. But that still amounts to more than two raids a day—two violent, armed encounters per day between police, residents, and often their pets.
If the police narratives of these encounters are taken at face value, one might get the sense that every one of the dogs that DPD encounters on its drug raids is a violent animal trained to protect its violent drug-dealer owners.
For example, one of the destruction of animal reports obtained by Reason describes a December 1, 2015, narcotics raid on a house in west Detroit that resulted in the confiscation of a large bag of marijuana, a shotgun, and four empty pill bottles. Officers also shot three vicious, charging pit bulls, according to the report, killing one and wounding the other two.
What the police report doesn't mention is who else was in the house when officers started breaking down the door: Danuta Malysz, an elderly woman who has lived in the neighborhood since 1968.
"He was aiming the gun at the dogs, and I started screaming, 'Please don't shoot my dogs, please don't shoot my dogs!'" Malysz recalled in an interview with the World Animal Awareness Society a day after the incident. "He said, 'How many dogs do you have?' I said four, and one is the neighbor's. And then he started shooting."
Malysz was removed from the house by police after the first dog was shot. When the officers left and she was allowed back inside, she found her three dogs shot and bleeding out. She couldn't walk in the kitchen because the "floor was bloody, completely covered in blood." One of her dogs had been hit in the hindquarters, which is an unusual angle for a bullet to strike a charging, vicious pit bull.

Malysz said one of the officers told her as they were leaving, "Don't blame us, blame your grandson."
Over and over again, residents say the Detroit police officers who shot their dogs shrugged it off, as if it were a common and unavoidable occurrence. The experience has left owners like Darryl Lindsay, who received a $100,000 settlement, not only traumatized but bitter.
"They need some damn sensitivity training or something, I don't know what," Lindsay says of the DPD. "They come into your house and kill your family member and don't say nothing. Money is nothing. You couldn't give me enough for my dog. That's my damn dog. And then every time you hear a dog bark, you wonder if it's going to happen again."
Police are routinely asked, especially in cash-strapped cities like Detroit, to handle much more than traditional beat work, including things like mental health services and animal control. Without proper training and resources, they're often put in unwinnable situations.
But on the other side of the national debate on policing that has erupted over the last two years are communities demanding to be policed like communities rather than combat zones. If the Detroit Police Department doesn't reform policies that treat beloved pets like collateral damage in the war on the drugs, the shootings, and the lawsuits, seem practically guaranteed to continue.
"They don't need to be dog trainers," Safe Humane's Bathurst says of police. "They just need to know what to look for and defuse or control the situation with the resources available. It's the compassionate and right thing to do. It's better for community relations. And if that doesn't move them, the huge lawsuits should."
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Nothing defuses an explosive situation like blowing someone's pet to the great kennel in the sky.
That's ruff.
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How many Chinese/Korean restaurants are there in Detroit? Inquiring minds want to know....
1) Dogs are not people, they are property. I've owned dogs and had feelings for them. But no dog I've ever seen is worth $100,000 of taxpayer dollars.
2) There's an old saying that just about every sociopath/psychopath started with animals. What needs to be taken away from this is it's going to be a short bridge for these militarized cops to regard other human beings as no better than dogs and act the same way.
Let's keep the focus on human beings and their property and keep both safe from predators.
Just as a further observation regarding the election and its results. I drive through the rural portion of one of the "flip States" and all I saw were Trump signs. I thought about commenting on it prior to the election but figured it was localized. Well, apparently not. The connection? Interspersed between the Trump signs are "We Back The Badge" signs. Just a flavor that we've shifted from one populist, culture threatening camp to another. It would be nice if Reason worried about BOTH the same way. Because at the very least these rural folk haven't tended to set shit on fire when they don't get their way.
Kill a police dog and you will find out just what a dog is worth. Unless you are a cop. Cops were the number one killer of police dogs last year and are way ahead in the dead police dog count again this year. Their favorite method is cooking them to death in hot cars, but they have proposed some other ridiculous reasons for killing them that are clearly lies...such as "dog choked to death on tennis ball during training" and "dog ran into tree during training."
This has absolutely nothing to do with the election and whatever point you were trying to make about what Reason should 'worry' about.
"Dog ran afoul of short-tempered psychopath."
High velocity lead poisoning.
Not to you anyway.
toolkien, as a reader of this magazine should know that all value is subjective. Your appraisal is meaningless in the context of this discussion.
If the dog ain't worth $100K to the city, then don't shoot it. If the city wants to buy the dog, they can make an offer.
Dogs are not people, they are property.
They still have a right to not be murdered.
You cannot murder a dog.
Honestly, if you genuinely believe that, you're probably somewhere on the sociopath spectrum.
murder: "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another"
If you don't accept that you're probably somewhere on the stupid spectrum. Honestly.
You don't get to let words mean whatever you want them to. You are entitled to your
own opinion, but not your own facts. Don't let your feelings enslave your mind. It's counterproductive.
Yeah. Just like football teams, technically speaking, don't get "murdered" when they lose 57 - 3. It's still "murder."
Language, how does it even work?
Not murder in the strictest sense, but certainly unethical, inhumane and it would absolutely be against the law for you to break into someones home and shoot their pets unprovoked. Once again cops waging war on the citizens of this country and then wondering why they suffer blow back from it on a daily basis.
Personally, I value the life of a dog above that of most humans. Dogs aren't duplicitous, violent psychopaths. Every dog I've ever been blessed with in my life has been loyal and kind and brought me great happiness. I can't say the same for very many of the people I've met.
Lassie disagrees.
Unless the dog's first name is Pit, and last name is Bull. They have earned every bullet they have coming.
In my 45 years, I've always been around dogs. Every neighbor had a cow dog, shepherd, or hunting dog of some type. Never had a problem with any dog. Never had a reason to fear a dog. Then methamphetamine showed up. Every meth-head piece of shit owns a pit bull. I've been attacked by them walking down the road, minding my own business. Shot both of them dead, but not until they did permanent nerve damage to my left hand. Was attacked while riding my motorcycle down the road. That one took a good size chunk out of my right ankle, before getting almost decapitated by the chain.
Fuck every pit bull in the face, with a chain saw. They all deserve to die. They were bred for one purpose, and it wasn't to be a friendly neighborhood dog. They were bred to kill. I say return the favor.
Just to be fair. I'd be in favor of putting down the pit bull owners that like to steal my property also.
I am rescued a Pit and you are clueless. She is the most lovable dog I've ever had.
I don't doubt that dogs owned by drug runners have been trained to be vicious. The problem is not the dog but the owner. I understand your necessity but the bullets could have been better used.
That's fine, and you can feel that way. I don't, but I'll stipulate your first premise.
I have an AmStaff and a pit mix. I also have a wife and toddler. I live in a good neighborhood that's about a block away from fairly crime-ridden public housing, and there have been a rash of home invasions in my neighborhood, as in a couple of houses away from mine.
My dogs:
a.) provide companionship,
b.) protect my home and property,
c.) protect myself and my family,
d.) alert neighbors to people walking near our houses at night,
e.) have alerted us to things such as kitchen fires, snakes, various other hazards,
f.) catch and kill vermin
If I were to pay to have those services provided annually, it would probably exceed $100,000 over the life of a dog.
More than the average cop.
My main dog Ch Lazy C Fast N Furious CD RE URO1 RL1 (call name Flitzer) is my demo dog in my dog training classes. I've trained her for 3 years now and titled her in several dog sports and still have several more to go. She is the foundation bitch of my performance kennel. Each one of her puppies will go for around $2000. I've sunk thousands of dollars into her training, health, and show fees so that I can become a Rally, agility and obedience judge which will be my retirement career (because it beats the hell out of KFC). Starting over with a new dog will put me behind my schedule and cost me thousands of dollars extra because I would have to redo these titles before I can move on to more advanced titles. Killing her would have a huge impact on my future income.
My other dog Roxi is the light of my life. She ugly, slow and not real bright.
Both of my dog's are worth $100,000 of taxpayer money of an agent of the state kills them for no reason. Don't take it out on the dog owner; require the state to stand up to the sociopaths who are getting their jollies killing dogs so they aren't forced to pay out.
The dogs are a symptom of the police-as-terror-squad mentality.
Those dogs are worth far more than those cops. I'd like to see some gun owners defend themselves from thug officers for a change.
Assuming that we regard dogs as property and not living things worthy of some level of dignity, this practice of police murdering dogs is tantamount to entering a home to arrest a suspect and then burning the home to the ground. It is wanton destruction of private property, which is still proscribed by most Law Enforcement policies and upheld by most courts. The fact is that these killings are punitive in nature, and a law enforcement officer taking on the mantle of judge and jury is a total abrogation of the social contract by which societies allow civilian policing in the first place. Just my two cents.
With the thousands of violent family pets out there, I hope the UPS guy survives until at least Friday when they are supposed to be delivering the Dockers I ordered on Amazon.
The jack-boot-wearers can get honest jobs, where they can shoot old, suffering dogs (and dogs that have been duly convicted by a jury of their peers, of non-self-defensively mauling or killing people or their pets) at veterinary facilities. "Let them shoot dogs" should be our new rallying cry, since we have to soften the blow of taking GOOD jobs away from the GOOD drug warriors.
We need robo-cops with dog-dander-seeking missiles! Efficiently kill our doggies, and human-bear-pig-cops could be EASILY replaced with robots, at a VAST cost reduction to the taxpayers! Dead dogs are dead dogs, they don't mind one way or the other...
Funny, I never had a serious problem with a dog when working for UPS. Maybe I would have if I'd have carried a gun. More convenient and more fun.
Hey Y'all!!! I have the perfect fix for all of this, listen up!! Ya know how the "softies" among the cops crowds keep soft teddy bears and stuffed bunny waaaabbbitts in their trunk to soothe small children in "domestic dispute" situations, and so forth? Well, conversely, the hard-asses among the cops crowds needs to do SOMETHING to intimidate those arrogant citizens who DARE to defy their SACRED, Government-Almighty Blessed Devine Wills, I can understand that? Can't YOU, you heartless smellvillian, you?!?!... And so? I propose a win-win-win solution for us all! Y'all know how all the do-gooders want "no-kill" un-wanted pet shelters? I have worked (volunteered) in such places, I have seen way-hostile cats and dogs (some of them sick and ugly to boot) that are never, in a zillion years, going to get adopted? Yet? "No kill" even while they have no more room for adoptable strays.
So? When policeman is getting ready to have a happy ol' time shootin' up the family mutt, he says to family, "Here, pay me $50 dollars, and I will allow you to move your pot smoke or your domestic dispute to the local no-kill shelter, and I will kill some of their un-wanted mutts instead". OK? Family wins, no-kill shelter wins, in that they now have more room for adoptable pets. Cop wins, he gets $50, and some target practice. Done deal!!! (Alternate scenario, Fearless Cops keep un-wanted mutts-to-be-shot in their trunk, instead of the cute teddy bears, but you get the idea, I trust). ? This LOVERLY idea brought to you for FREE by the Church of Scienfoology. To learn more about Scienfoology, please see http://www.churchofSQRLS.com ?
The dogs are not always just family pets, regardless of how you portray them.
They are quite frequently weapons. Thanks to rampant gun-control in urban blight areas, people own dogs for self-defense. They own aggressive dogs that they can rely on to keep out burglars and other unfriendly visitors to their home. In rural areas, you see sheperds and rottweilers in this role. In urban areas with less living space, you see the smaller pitbulls.
They aren't pets. They are weaponized companions. For drug dealers they are a requirement of business. Bars on the windows and doors, fortress-like entryways, and pitbulls in the yard and house.
Yes the police go overboard far to often. But not all the time. The dogs are not always sweet little pets, but rather home-defense.
It's clear that shooting dogs has become part of their training or some sick fucking game at this point. If you're raiding a drug dealer's compound? Sure, you might expect the dogs to be hostile and ready to attack. But read these stories: people are deliberately trying to remove their dogs from being involved in a situation with the officers, and they're still getting shot. And these aren't even violent criminals most of the time, it's for shit like marijuana possession
Go fuck yourself, shitbag.
Only correct response.
ah, the child speaks. learn reading comprehension, boy.
SugarFree's got it right.
Yet 10 years I spent on the same streets working as a paramedic walking into these same homes without four weapons and a ballistics vest, and I never once had to kill a family pet to do my job.
And I encountered a lot of angry dogs.
These cops are fucking pussies. Goddam chickenshits.
What a crock of shit you posted.
Might I surmise that you're white - and the dog-shooting cops are black? I think most urban black people have some irrational fear of dogs - add the general "us-vs-them" attitude of cops with a dollop of SWAT on top, and you get a lot of dead dogs. I think it's as simple as that.
Nobody is buying your false flag racist baiting bullshit
No need to make this about race. Cops shoot dogs as a matter of course. The only color that matters to them is blue.
No need to make this about race. Cops shoot dogs as a matter of course. The only color that matters to them is blue.
Or maybe the dogs are black?
I agree. Postmen, paramedics, and visitors to homes don't seem to run into problems like these cops say they do.
Too many cops in this article seem to be trigger happy and don't really need an excuse to kill something.
I will say, the cops where we live are great. They are sensible, laid back and generally pet friendly. Many cities like ours are the same in the type of police they have.
Not my favorite choice of words, LarryWilson, but megadittos your sentiments.
So people have no business owning dogs for the purposes of self-defense? Is it time for "common-sense" dog control?
Oh wait, we already have jack-booted special forces wannabees kicking in doors and
confiscating shooting the shit out of
these "weapons" so I guess you are quite satisified with this.
As long as they get home safe.....right asshole?
When did I condemn the practice of owning dogs, or even violent dogs? I never said anything such thing. Learn to read, idiot.
I pointed out that owning aggressive dogs has become a big thing in urban blight areas and is in large part why we see greater police shootings of dogs. these aren't always fluffy pets. I also specifically stated the police go overboard far to often.
What part of that do you disagree with, or are you just stupidly shallow?
It's not my fault you posted a stupid screed defending the indefensible actions of our militarized police forces in a round-about way. With no evidence to back it up, you assert that many of these instances are the result of police encountering guard dogs. If that wasn't your intention maybe you'd better read down through the rest of the reactions to your blather because I wasn't the only one that inferred cop-sucking from it.
What you did was you missed the point entirely. Dog shooting was virtually non-existent before drug raids and no-knock warrants. Dog shooting was virtually non-existent before police discovered they could do it with impunity.
What part of that do you disagree with, or are you just stupidly shallow?
So...you can't read. At no point did I defend the police actions. I explained part of the reason of the rise which the article never even touches on and ended by saying the police often go to far.
You're childish inability for basic reading comprehension is sad, and just because other idiots are in the same boat, you think you are justified? yeh...compare yourself to "sugarfree"
"Dog shooting was virtually non-existent before police discovered they could do it with impunity." Yeh....lets see some data to back that up. oh..what...you don't have any and are just pulling crap out of your ass?
Dog shootings have always existed and frankly it would not be surprising if the ratio of police raids that encounter dogs to dog shootings is roughly comparable. We're seeing an increase in raids along with an increase in dogs, as well as a huge increase in transparency through media. It doesn't mean the problem is new.
So, I'm not going to disagree. I don't see that you even have a point to disagree with besides being butthurt.
The dogs are not always just family pets, regardless of how you portray them.
They are quite frequently weapons. Thanks to rampant gun-control in urban blight areas, people own dogs for self-defense. They own aggressive dogs that they can rely on to keep out burglars and other unfriendly visitors to their home. In rural areas, you see sheperds and rottweilers in this role. In urban areas with less living space, you see the smaller pitbulls.
They aren't pets. They are weaponized companions. For drug dealers they are a requirement of business. Bars on the windows and doors, fortress-like entryways, and pitbulls in the yard and house.
Yes the police go overboard far to often. But not all the time. The dogs are not always sweet little pets, but rather home-defense.
What a load of nonsense. Stop perpetuating the urban myth of the vicious guarding pit bull, etc. Look at the photos above. Read the text. Dogs on beds and sofas, dogs cuddling, people who take their animals for walks in the community, who are greeted as friends and neighbors. Real drug dealers/thugs, etc. use weaponized WEAPONS. Not dogs. Sure, they may keep big-muscled, block-headed dogs for the intimidation factor, but they don't use them to attack and defend.
And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. I've spent 10 years volunteering with shelters and doing outreach spay/neuter in poor rural and urban communities and have never once run into a weaponized companion.
Well, yeah since police departments are not required to track or report dog shootings, you're right I don't have any hard stats to back that up with.
Still waiting for you to show ANY evidence backing up your 'weaponized' dog theory......
There are stats about how many police officers have actually been killed by dogs: 0.
That's right. No cops killed by dogs. Police dogs have killed plenty of civilians, including young children. But dogs have not killed police. I can't find any citations about dogs having injured police in recent history, either.
Apologists for police thrill-kills are assholes. Personally, I think when a cop shoots a dog, s/he can either produce evidence that s/he was attacked and injured by said dog, or get suspended without pay, and pay restitution to the dog's owners.
That's not enough. The thug officer should go to prison. If the law doesn't currently allow for that, then the law needs to be updated.
If everyone reads your comment to mean X.
It did, if you as the author had intended Y there are some options:
1) literally everyone but you is an idiot (least likely option)
2) You fucking suck at writing
3) you actually mean Y, but have barely rationalized yourself into X
Nonaggressive dogs are just wonderful guard dogs. Unless they have to guard.
Go to Policeone and suck on some more cop cock, shitbag.
Lighten up Francis.
What part of this did you not understand...
"Yes the police go overboard far to often"
Police are experts at weaponizing canines.
More commonly, in poor neighborhoods, the dog is a cheap burglar-alarm. This is why so many poor families keep Chihuahuas in their yards. I'd like to know how a cop justifies killing a "vicious, charging" Chihuahua.
He attacked the cuff of my pants, and I just couldn't force him away by petting him or pushing him with my foot.
2 Samuel 12:1-6
I'm with David on this one.
So am I.
Wait a sec.. wasn't the parable about David banging one of his commanders wives and then ordering him killed to avoid the problems from being outed doing so?
One need not be perfect to be correct in a given situation.
Specifically it sets him up to get all huffy as above, then tell him "Yeah, asshole, you did something worse. So you're gonna get cuckolded in public, your family is gonna make the Plantagenets look like the Waltons and, oh, you're not getting an heir out of this thing either. And this is God letting you off easy, because he likes you and acknowledges that."
Can I just point out, someone named "Jones" is referenced twice in this story, but never explained who exactly that is. Isn't the homeowner Nikita Smith?
Pitt bull, pitt bull, pitt mix, pitt bull, pitt bull, pitt mix, ad nauseam. Why does everyone that has a warrant served have a pitt bull? Why aren't there tons of stories about cops shooting yorkies or teacup chihuahuas? When you see a news story about a person getting killed by a dog, what kind of dog is usually mentioned? Is it yorkie? Is it chihuahua? Here's a guide I wrote:
"How to not get your dog shot by police"
1. Don't get a dog that is capable of killing an adult on its own.
2. Don't deal drugs.
3. Don't let people who deal drugs into your house.
If you follow these 3 easy steps, I guarantee you won't have your dog shot by police. You're welcome.
Looks like you can't read, so I can insult you all I want and you won't know it. You are a half-bred small-domed parasite who skulks around bars after closing trying to beg straws from closing-up staff to save you the horror of licking the vomit up directly from the street.
I spit in your vomit, you wearer-of-rags.
I bet I can guess what kind of dog you have 🙂
Ah. no, I don't have a dog. Travel too much. But friends have pit bulls, and they are fine friendly dogs. About all I can say against them is that they get pretty focused on whatever they are doing, be it tugging on a rope or chasing a ball. You can lift them off the ground when they are hanging on to a knotted rope.
My first ever experience with their focus was visiting a friend of a friend and scratching their pit bull's neck, when something distracted it, and it took off towards the kitchen. My fingers got stuck in its collar for a second, and it dragged the entire couch across the floor without even noticing.
You got Tulpa'd bro.
It happens.
I own them, know the breed well. Lots of my friends own them, too, including one whose son is disabled and has a pit bull service dog. Another who takes her pit bull to retirement homes and hospice. I wouldn't own any other breed.
Ditto. Worked with a rescue until time and space became an issue. I'm a mutt man, but if I had to pick one breed for the rest of my life it would be APBTs. Smart, healthy, robust, very loyal, very good with people, no grooming issues, train easily. Not always wild about other dogs, which can be an issue, but I'll take it. Oh, and the horrible gas. Ugh, man, pit farts.
Pound for pound Chihuahuas can be as aggressive as any other breed, and if they did get near your throat they could and just might kill you. I agree with pointers #2 and #3, but...under the right circumstances a *canary* could startle an intruder into taking a fatal fall, so "pet that is capable of killing an adult" could be twisted to describe any pet.
We don't live in the world as it should be. We live in the world as it is. Let's say there are 100 instances of dogs getting in a fight in which it is always a chihuahua and a pitt bull. How many times do you think the chihuahua would win? How about a human vs chihuahua & human vs pitt bull?
This has nothing to do with pound for pound. It has to do with how dangerous a dog is to a human. Pitt bulls kill humans. Chihuahuas do not.
If the police limited their chickenshit murdering to pitt bulls, you'd have a point.
But since they don't, you just wasted more bandwidth percentage than I saved on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
If the police limited their chickenshit murdering to pitt bulls, you'd have a point.
Maybe. Even if pit bulls are more likely to attack people than other breeds*, that doesn't necessarily justify a summary execution. An increase in likelihood from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 5,000 could be described as "twice as likely" yet, in absolute terms, it would be vanishingly small.
* = This assumes a consistent, meaningful definition of "pit bull" as a breed and ignores any other relevant factors which likely have a stronger effect on likelihood than breed does
Somewhere I saw a webpage (which I can no longer find, alas) that had a chart showing 'pit bulls' to be used to help the police identify the breed. It had (real) pit bulls, standard poodles, labs, cockers, chihuahuas, a small child and a kitten. It was titled something like:
Police Officer's Guide to Pit Bull Identification.
There is a similar parody chart for identifying firearms. It showed that all "small" guns are Glocks and all "large" guns are AR-15s.
I wish someone would build a flintlock AR-15 just to troll the gun grabbers.
I mean, basically, pits are the AR-15s of a particular breed of idiot. They don't really know what they are, but they know if someone did something bad with a gun that was black, it was an AR-15, because everyone knows AR-15s are murder sticks.
A while ago I was curious about this, so I google'd "Ar-15 muzzle loading upper" and found a video demonstrating such a beast.
Here's the one I saw when I made that particular search. (Apparently there are other models out now...)
Ah, that's in the same vein as the 'Journalist's guide to firearms identification'.
Couldn't find it in a quick image search, but I'm sure it's out there.
Guess I should refresh more often...
Found it(or one of them anyway):
I once tried to kill a pit bull with my bare hands while I was buck naked.
True story. I was living with a longtime girlfriend who's daughter dumped her loving pitbull off on her as it was no longer convenient for the daughter to keep. I had a 10 year old Golden that I had had since a puppy. The pit had attacked the Golden a couple of times but I was right there to kick it off. One day I was in the shower when the girlfriend started screaming. I ran in the yard straight from the shower to find the pit with it's jaws around my beloved Golden's throat.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
Without a thought I dove into the mix and got my hand inside the pit's leather collar and grabbed it's lower lip with the other and opened it's jaws. I tried to choke the pit to death by twisting the collar. I held that fucker down for what seemed like forever until my hand and arm began to cramp. It's neck muscles were too strong for me to kill it. I gegan to realize I was going to have to let go of the pit and got scared as shit.
By this time GF was there with a shotgun. I held on as long as possible trying to kill it but couldn't. Finally I had no choice but to let go. I jumped and ran behind GF but the dog was too winded to give chase.
All of this while butt naked.
It ran away from home the next day.
I'm a professional behaviorist as well as a trainer. I get to work with dogs that have bitten or killed other dogs. There have been only 3 Pit Bulls that I've worked with that have killed dogs. All the others were breeds like Goldens (surprise!), Huskies, Mals and Boxers. Sorry you had a hard time with one dog but I've worked with thousands and I would say that your case is atypical.
Spell it correctly: pit bull. Which isn't even really a breed, but, rather, a designation, like "cattle dog" or "shepherd."
You don't often read the stories on this site, do you? Most of the stories on this site are about police at the wrong house, or chasing another person through a neighbor's yard, or at a house that got bought in the last few years that maybe had drugs in it a decade ago, or cops shooting a golden retriever.
Here's a better idea, don't ban drugs then you won't even need to go in most houses! Also, don't ban guns and people won't have an incentive to buy "dangerous" dogs.
I'm all for decriminalizing drugs and supporting the 2nd amendment. The reality is that folks in the hood love pitt bulls, and they are dangerous dogs. Why is there not an epidemic of cops shooting small dogs?
Again, you don't read this site very often. Cops may shoot more "pitt bulls" than others, but they shoot all types, too.
Also, pitt bulls aren't necessarily dangerous. That's just animal racism 😉
Can we test your animal racism? You will be placed in a room where three dogs in that room are going to attack you. There are two different rooms to choose from. Room 1 has 3 pitt bulls. Room 2 has has 3 chihuahuas. Which room would you choose? Keep in mind there are only 2 answers to choose from: Room 1 or Room 2.
That's "sizist", not racist.
And I could take all of the above.
Not biggest dog fan around here, but pit bulls have somewhat of a bad rap. Not their collective fault they are fetishized by the Michael Vick set. Clowns like that breeding and training any kind of dog will wind up with animal population that is on average more dangerous.
To be honest, pit bulls aren't physiologically the most dangerous dog either. They aren't particularly fast runners on those stubby legs, not the brightest dogs around, nor is their bite (broad jaws, not bite pressure, drive the appeal of them in dog-fight circles).
The potentially most dangerous dogs are police kinda dogs. Much closer to original blueprint of a wolf, much smarter (waaay smarter), way harder bite pressure combined with superior endurance and mobility compared to a pit bull.
Which one kills more humans, German Shepherds or Pitt Bulls?
We don't know. Quite often, when a dog is part of an incident, they rely on the owners, or their eyes to identify the dog. Any dog that has even the slightest *look* of a pit bull (they're called staffordshire terriers guys, lets not buy into the hype by continuing to call them "pit bulls") gets labeled as one. Even if it's not truly one.
Whichever breed is popular at the time as a guard dog or fighting dog.
TZ is correct. I have owned both pit bulls and German Shepherds, and am involved in dog rescue so I encounter a lot of pit bulls and other dogs. They are generally friendly goofy dogs, and are actually statistically less likely to bite a human than most other breeds. I currently have a large German Shepherd, while my two of my family members own pit bulls. The pit bulls are actually useless as watchdogs because they are too friendly and are happy to see even a complete stranger just walk into the house. On the other hand, if a stranger were to walk in to my house uninvited, he would definitely be badly mauled by the Shepherd.
Lennster, you are absolutely no different than a leftist, bed-wetting, gun-control pansy. "...They are dangerous dogs" is no different than "A folding stock makes AR-15 a dangerous weapon". A dog, as with a gun, is no more dangerous than the owner. There is no breed of dog that is inherently more dangerous than another. Do people train Pits and other breeds to be vicious? Absolutely. Is every Pit trained to be vicious? Absolutely not. Also, go watch a few police and military dog training videos, and then come back and tell me those German Shepherds are less vicious than a family's Pit.
I think it's pretty clear than Lenn's argument is leaning towards only a certain race of human's shouldn't be allowed to own Pit Bull's. It's not that he's against the dogs, per se, it's that he's against Black people being allowed to own dogs. I mean, the left doesn't want them to have guns for sure. I suppose dog's were just the next thing on the list.
The reality is that folks in the hood love pitt bulls...
Or, in other words, 'those people'. This is another reason why he's myopic when it comes to Pit Bull's. Never mind the fact that there are literally dozens of other dogs that are just as good or better than a PB to defend your home. Also never mind the fact that many of those breeds are more expensive, so you see really it's just an extension of poor blacks shouldn't be allowed to have anything more dangerous than silly string.
This is how you construct a bullshit argument out of whole cloth. Please note that the police themselves don't use PB's for any of their operations. They overwhelmingly prefer German Shepard's. Is that because they are less vicious? Laughable.
So what you're saying is that you've never been to the hood. Got it.
Yet you're ok with banning one particular breed of dog to one particular kind of owner.
News flash: Everyone has rights, whether you like it or not. Even those that live in the ghetto.
So when confronted with an argument that reveals your hidden preference, you double down. Got it.
Oh, and for the record, I was robbed at gun point in the projects. He didn't use a single dog, I should note.
How could he have used a dog? Cops killed all of them.
Maybe hoods are different where you are, but all of the ones I have been in have all different colors of people.
You'll know when you're in the hood, because you'll see houses with automatic gunfire holes all across their front. Not many of them, but they're there. Usually you need to drive a ways before you get to the barrio from the hood though. You'll know when you get there from all the houses painted Turquoise. The projects are easier; that's where all the government subsidized (section 8) housing is. Bonus points if the buildings are entirely Section 8 and not half-use. Beware street needles.
Go to wikipedia and search for fatal dog attacks.
Check out 2016. I'll be right here when you get back.
Already commented on this. Dogs get called pit bulls because they *look* like pit bulls and nothing more in most cases. Quite a few breeds have similar jawlines and can be mistaken for them. My dog is a mix between an American Staffordshire Terrier (what you keep calling a pitbull) and a Boston Terrier. Bets on what he would be labeled if he attacked someone? Not a Boston.
How many cops were killed by dogs last year?
30 cops were killed by one pit bull in my home town this morning. Here's the video! (Warning graphic, very graphic gore!!!!)
Why am I feeding the troll?
Lennster, the reality is if you knew your asshole from your elbow you'd know that APBTs and pit mixes are more popular in rural areas because they make good farm dogs, they don't have an undercoat so they don't get tangled, matted fur, and they're great for boar hunting because they're Molossers. That's a kind of dog bred to grab hold of an animal's leg and immobilize it until the hunters get there.
Lennster - You are too ignorant for others to value your advice. Why bother then?
#1 Fuck that. As long as people are responsible dog owners they can have any dog they want without the states permission.
# 2. Fuck that. People have a right to buy and sell whatever they please as long as they aren't committing fraud.
#3 Fuck that. People have the right to freely associate with whomever they please.
So inclusion: Fuck your guide. Automobiles kill more people then dogs and guns and everything else the banners want to ban. Until they open with banning cars then they are insincere assholes who just want to control the lives of their fellow citizens.
Wow, that's some nice authoritarian derp right there.....
Ever hear of the castle doctrine? Ever hear of the fourth amendment?
In your sick world view the fault lies with the victim of the crime because "they were asking for it." Even though in many cases the raid ends up yielding no narcotics or a misdemeanor possession charge.
Even the most cursory google search will reveal hundreds of stories/videos of cops executing dogs (all breeds) not because they have to but because they can. You are obviously either law enforcement or a family member whom will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify using terror tactics against your fellow citizens.
This is probably the one and only time it wasn't a pit bull.
Another one and only time it wasn't a pit bull.
Yet another one and only time it wasn't a pit bull.
They're good dogs Brent.
They are clearly monsters.
A pitbull Yorkie or a pitbull Chihuahua.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
A friend's 30lb cocker was written up as a vicious pit bull. She got about $5k, but that was back in the 80s. She has arranged to get on juries and has had about a dozen cases end in not guilty or hung, just because she refused or undercut the Officer's story.
1. Feel free to get whatever fucking kind of dog you like, because no matter what kind of dog it is, it has never killed a police officer. Ever.
2. Deal drugs if you like, because anti-drug laws are ridiculous overreaches of the nanny state.
3. Let anyone you want into your house, because it's YOUR HOUSE, because this isn't fucking Tehran, and the Constitution actually says the state doesn't have the right to come onto your property and enter your home without a warrant and cause.
4. Don't smoke that cop-cock, because it won't protect you, either from cop overreach or your own stupidity.
Even if your dog is capable of killing an adult, that doesn't mean it actually will kill an adult, and certainly doesn't mean it actually attempted to attack a cop. You are capable of killing an adult; should you be shot on sight?
Even if you deal drugs, that doesn't mean your dogs deserve to be shot. Also, dealing drugs should not be illegal at all in the first place.
Before the cops kill anyone or anything, there should be an imminent, credible threat to their lives. Anything else is an abuse of their authority and should result in prison time.
Don't get a dog that actually provides protection.
Goddamit stop Balkoing me!
As a dog owner myself, having lived in the NYC, the Bay Area, and now in the South, I've observed that one thing hasn't changed across the country: black people are typically terrified of dogs.
I'm curious what the correlation btw the dog-killing cop and his race looks like. I wouldn't be surprised if black cops are more biased toward killing dogs. Irrational fear triggers irrational actions. Maybe black cops need special canine counselling?
Is that the best troll you cam think of? Jeez, even the dumbest Dumbocrat can do better than that.
I have always thought that the racist trolls @ Reason have always been part of some attempt by progs to "plant seeds", hoping that awful-racist-discussion would ensue, allowing them to then point fingers at the 'evidence' of their horrific projections.
Because the Pando-accusations of being Holocaust Deniers, and the sorts of "Libertarians believe it should be legal to let your children starve"-stuff doesn't really seem to be getting any popular traction.
I have always thought that the racist trolls @ Reason have always been part of some attempt by progs to "plant seeds"
That's a pretty mean thing to say about Papaya SF and Free Society.
What's wrong with starving the kids?
If they're hungry, they should get a job.
Troll? It's a factual observation - and a widely known fact about blacks and dogs. Try to stay on topic.
The final line in my post should have had a smiley after it - that was intended as a joke.
Definitely true in the rural South.
My guess: another AddictionMyth sock.
One cop killed 67? It would seem the line of doing your job and looking for a reason to kill something was crossed a long time before 67.
The stories described here are pretty horrific, but in all honesty pit bulls really are a vicious fucking breed of dog and if these cops are executing them en masse then they're doing the city a favor. I know that's not a very libertarian perspective but fuck it, these dogs are a menace.
People always want to say that the breed is just misunderstood or they say "oh some of them are like that but mine is different". Yeah yours is different right up to the moment where he suddenly snaps for no goddamn reason and does something insanely vicious and horrible. They will bite their owners, bite strangers and other dogs, and they are fully capable of killing children or smaller family pets if left alone with them. Everyone knows this, it's common sense.
And it's not like this viciousness is some great fucking mystery, because they were BRED AS FIGHTING DOGS for hundreds of years. That may not be "fair" to the breed or whatever and it's fucked up that we as humans are responsible for this, but it can't be undone. Expecting a pit bull to be tame and trustworthy is like expecting a lab's ears to suddenly stop being big and floppy. It's a trait specifically bred into the dog, and all of the wishes and good intentions in the world can't change that.
Most pits never snap or do anything, you fucking imbecile. And by most I mean 99.999%.
Yeah..maybe in whatever fantasy land you are living in that's true, but in reality:
"Pit bulls make up 6 percent of the dog population in Canada and the US, but they are responsible for 68 percent of dog attacks and 52 percent of dog-related deaths from 1982 to 2009"
Even the most cursory and superficial Google search turns up tons of hard facts to back up what I'm saying, so go ahead and look it up yourself. Or just keep living in that fantasy world until your innocent little Sweetums suddenly mauls a delivery person or kills the neighbor's cat.
Hey, asshole - how many dog attacks and dog-related deaths are there, period?
1. You are committing a statistical error. What matters is the likelihood of the dog to attack a person, not the percentage of attacks committed by that dog's breed.
2. You assume that "pit bull" refers to a specific breed, or set of breeds, and that this definition is applied rigorously. The definition of "pit bull" in most people's minds is vague. It seems quite evident that many people attribute the name "pit bull" to dogs who commit attacks regardless of their actual breed.
Okay fine kbolino, if you can't do the math on your own and refuse to look up anything I'll do it for you.
U.S Statistics:
4.5 million dog bites per year * 68% = 3.1 million pit bull bites
Avg pit bull population = 5.25 million
So 3.1 / 5.25 = 60% chance of any individual pit bull being involved in a single biting incident in any given year. Multiply that by the number of years the dog is alive and little Sweetums suddenly doesn't look very trustworthy anymore. And Brochettaward's claim that 99.999% are tame is absolute bullshit.
The only major assumption I made above is that most biting incidents happen from separate dogs. Since these animals are (hopefully) destroyed after the first incident and almost certainly after the second, this seemed like a reasonable assumption.
And where did you get this stat that 68% of dog bites in the U.S. are from pit-bulls?
So you utterly failed to address (2) and in attempting to address (1) you've created two new problems:
(3) The 4.5 million bites per year figure is repeated everywhere but cited nowhere. I want to see an actual breakdown of how the data was collected and that number was computed.
(4) You assume every bite is committed by a different dog.
For example, according to the Insurance Information Institute page Dog Bite Liability, there are around 16,000 claims against homeowner's (and presumably renter's, although that's not clear from the source) insurance for dog bites every year.
If the 4.5 million figure is accurate, that means less than one half of one percent of them result in insurance claims. Of course, most insurance policies exclude "pit bulls" so that complicates the matter. But it seems dubious that for every claimed attack, there are over 200 unclaimed attacks.
Looking at some more sources, I see numbers in the 400,000?800,000 range for people who seek medical treatment (whether in the ER or through non-emergency medical practices) annually for dog bites. The insurance numbers might be misleading in this sense, although one should account for the rather important distinction between "I was seriously injured by a dog attack" versus "I was bitten by a dog". The latter category would cover everything from death to "didn't even break the skin".
There doesn't seem to be any reliable data readily available to support the number of "pit bulls" or the proportion of dog bites committed by them. There is some data on fatal attacks which can be found here that definitely indicates "pit bulls" commit the most fatal attacks. But they make no formal definition of "pit bull" and use the very weaselly "pit bull-type" designation for them.
Note moreover that, among fatal attacks mentioned in that study, those by "pit-bull type" dogs accounted for 28%. The study mentions that they only have breed data for 72% of the fatal attacks that were committed during the timeframe under study. Even if every attack without an identified breed was committed by a "pit bull-type" dog, that would raise the proportion to only 48%. The 68% number seems to be a complete fabrication.
(2) is such a weak argument that I didn't feel the need to address it. People don't have trouble identifying pit bulls, they know what they look like. If this introduces some error into the numbers, I'm sure it's minimal at best.
(3) I'm sure the exact figure depends on specific definitions of "bite" and "incident" etc but I'm not going to spend the time digging for some kind of official academic source since as you admit this number is repeated quite often and it stands as reasonable.
(4) This is also a fair assumption for reasons I explained above
So like the 1 in 5 women are raped in college statistic, it's made up and passed around by pants-shitting cowards as if it's fact. Gotcha.
Let me get this straight.
You have provided no evidence whatsoever that "pit bull" is a well defined and well understood breed.
You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the 4.5 million figure is accurate or meaningful.
You have provided no evidence whatsoever that every bite is committed by a different dog.
So my rejoinders are completely unaddressed as yet.
So let's do your back of the envelope calculation again with something approaching actual supported numbers.
16,000 serious dog attacks per year
? 28% of them by pit bulls = 4,480 serious attacks by pit bulls
? 5 million pit bulls ? 1 in 10,000 chance of serious attack by pit bull each year
Assuming a 10-year lifespan, that leaves roughly a 1 in 1,000 chance that any given pit bull will commit a serious attack over its lifespan.
1 in 1000 chance per year
1 in 100 chance over 10-year lifespan
Division, how does it fucking work?
You know what? I don't give a shit anymore, you win. Congrats!
In fact I'm really glad that you remain unconvinced, because at this point I'm kind of relishing the idea of your dumb ass getting mauled due to your own willful ignorance. So please by all means, surround yourself with pit bulls.
And make sure to keep them around your kids as well, just to fully cleanse your idiocy from the gene pool.
The only danger I've faced from any of the pitbulls I've handled is that they'd lick me to death.
Do we need to do this again? A lot of those statistics are skewed because dogs are labeled as a pit bull but may not truly be one. Or it could be a mix of that and something else. My dog is half Am Staff (pit bull) and half Boston terrier. Guess what side of the statistics he would fall on if he attacked someone (he wouldn't, he's very sweet)? Not a Boston.
I can't believe we're still doing this in the 21st century, having to defend a type of DOG against this kind of ignorant thinking. If galarant claims to be a libertarian, then he/she must conceded that we have to take everything on an individual basis. Deed, not breed. You can't legislate the actions of an entire group of ANYTHING based on the actions of a select number of group members.
Saying all pit bulls are dangerous because X amount bite X people in a year is like saying, hell, the majority of DWIs in El Paso are committed by people with Hispanic surnames, so damn it, let's just make it illegal for the Mexicans to drive cars. Or, better yet, shoot them all on sight.
You are claiming that statistically every pit bull will bite someone at least 8 times during their average lifespan.
My counter claim is that a troll has made 3 ridiculous comments in this particular thread at this point(time stamp: 1:49PM).
One of these is plausible.
Hey, asshole, how many dog deaths and dog related attacks are there, in total? That's the actual relevant metric when you are defending the reasonableness of your pants shitting.
Hey, asshole, how many dog deaths and dog related attacks are there, in total? That's the actual relevant metric when you are defending the reasonableness of your pants shitting.
The data is garbage. Lots and lots of dogs that ain't pits get written up as pits, just to wind up idiots like you and give the cops cover for greasing them.
First, its hard to identify breeds, even by experts:
One in five dogs genetically identified with pit bull heritage breeds were missed by all shelter staff.
One in three dogs lacking DNA for pit bull heritage breeds were labeled pit bull-type dogs by at least one staff member.
Lack of consistency among shelter staff indicates that visual identification of pit bull-type dogs is unreliable.
And that's people who don't have an incentive to over-identify pits.
As for your belief that pits are prone to snapping and going berserk, they are bred to be gentle around people and used to be called nanny dogs or nurse dogs because they were universally regarded as good companions for children.
Oh, of course! It must be people massively mis-identifying pit bulls, because that happens all the time. I mean, who can even tell what a pit bull looks like, right?
Or maybe it's the evil Anti-Pit Bull lobby inflating the numbers! That's an equally likely scenario. Anything to deflect from the obvious and overwhelming data that this breed is actually vicious.
Keep burying your head in the sand and you're going to find out the hard way.
Unlike you, R C Dean actually cited data to support his claim.
"Oh, of course! It must be people massively mis-identifying pit bulls, because that happens all the time. I mean, who can even tell what a pit bull looks like, right?"
In some cases, yes. Cross a Bull Terrier with a similar breed and see how many people mistake it for a pit bull. A lot I bet.
>Anything to deflect from the obvious and overwhelming data that this breed is actually vicious.
Data so obvious and overwhelming that you haven't managed to cite any of it.
No, they are not. That's why the AKC and dog trainers recognize that they are excellent family dogs and are particularly good with small children. Are they physically suited to fighting? Yes, they've been bred that way. But it takes environment, cruelty and specific training to turn their temperament to viciousness.
I rescued my pit off the street. You know who the "aggressor" is in our house? Our chocolate lab you fucking numbskull.
My cats routinely fuck my pits up. Not even ambushes, just sitting in front of their food bowls, ready to smack the shit out of them when they try to eat. 14-year-old cats put my two 80 pound dogs in check. Vicious, indeed.
Way to swallow the mass hysteria about pit bulls. They pass a temperament test 86.6% of the time. There are about 5 million pit bulls in the US and there have been 66 fatal attacks by pitbulls; in other words 0.00125% of pit bulls alive in a twenty five year period kill people; a lower rate than other breeds.
If you think that cops are doing people a favor by kicking in their doors and callously shooting their pets (which most owners think of as family) then I hope a confidential informant drops a bogus tip on your address real soon. I wonder if you'll be capable of the same self-righteous bullshit after you've scrubbed your dogs brains off the kitchen floor.
We could have stopped there.
"Never mind that whole "libertarianism" thing, guys. This is too important."
Everybody has an exception where they think liberty for others needs to be restricted. The problem is that, when you add up all of those exceptions across the population, you find that there are no liberties left.
Is this some veiled knock at my Campaign to Ban Bras?
Right, no case-by-case adjudication allowed when them rampagin' pit bulls start on one a them killin' sprees!
Hey, genius. What were they bred to fight?
Oh, and what were mastiffs bred to fight?
So, you're on board with a breed ban on mankilling mastiffs, right?
Or mankilling men.
This sounds an awful lot like the "yeah but we should do something about guns because guns can actually kill people, unlike knives, hammers, and a myriad of other common household implements."
Pit bulls and Pit mixes do kill people. It's rare, but it happens. 34 people died from dog attacks last year in the U.S., most of them from Pits and Rottweilers. Honestly, 34 people out of about 350,000,000 is not worth doing a damned thing about, regulation-wise. Over 35,000 people die in vehicle accidents every year...should cops come around and take away people's cars, too?
Eat my shorts, copsucker.
The only thing worse than this story are the comments. The fuck is wrong with you?
yeah they are pretty savage.
Yeah, it's almost as if otherwise reasonable people seem to have an irrational fear and hatred of pit bulls.
hmmm I wonder why that is?
I really don't have any evidence that this is true.
Because they are idiots?
Pit bulls were in the 1930's the most popular breed of family dog. Like marijuana, the only reason why people think they are particualrly dangerous is because of people spreading pant-shitting myths about them.
Bias is rarely rational even if it is reinforced by anecdote. People are entitled to their biases up until they start using those biases to justify harming others, such as by killing their animals.
Data is what matters and so far you have not demonstrated much understanding of how data is collected and analyzed effectively.
Because people are fucking stupid emotional cunts, duh.
Because you're an irrational and fearful person, I suppose.
*Assumes facts not in evidence
It's almost like you're peddling bullshit and hysteria or something.
A Reason expose on police shooting dogs?
Uncut Tulpa bait.
Seems like it worked, 3 socks at least.
Yeah, it's hard to choose.
The comments on this thread are feral.
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
ah, that's better
What a pitty.
Graphic Image Click to View
Not once did we get that option on Chris Christie pics. Not. Once.
Evil cat rubs paws together, purrs "Good, good."
In Detroit, pussy grab *you.*
Tell me about it.
*fumbles for neosporin"
So, cops shooting dogs next to people. Cops shooting through doors.
That's some good policing.
Dogs are Protective of the Pack, and also very dangerous, and can inflict severe wounds, distract the officers, who can thenmaybe get shot. NOt at all hard to figure that out.
And yet many of the shootings happen in situations where the police had ample opportunity to be aware of the dogs' existence and to get the owners to ensure the dogs are leashed and won't cause trouble.
In other cases, though?especially during narcotics raids?officers have been known to leave a bloody trail of destruction behind them, with the officers' narratives often differing wildly from the stories told by the' owners. Instead of simply acting to protect themselves from "vicious, charging" animals, these folks say, Detroit police executed their dogs while the owners pleaded with them to stop. DPD officers shot some dogs while they were chained or confined, shot others merely for growling, and in some cases chased dogs from room to room and shot them multiple times before they finally died.
Yes, There is Nothing to be worried about here, nothing at aLL.
Dogs Cops are Protective of the Pack, and also very dangerous, and can inflict severe wounds, distract the officers, who can then maybe get shot. Not at all hard to figure that out.
'Sup Dunphy.
A good solid "maybe". What more do you need to indulge in killing animals??
This article must have made it to some police site.
Or Facebook.
Drudge link.
But a lot of articles go up on Facebook. This seems to be a particularly enraged group of puppy-murderers.
Someone needs to start policing Facebook for fake news stories.
I'm not sure these aren't all the same person.
That's possible, too. It's working a nice racism angle the whole way down.
Yup, something like that. Way too many random fans of dog murderin' popping up in these comments.
I think it's going viral. Dogs, Detroit, "Blue Lives," and violence all in one place? I've received this link from five different sources already.
It appears police no longer use critical thinking skills. Another symptom of the militarization of domestic law enforcement
I'm offended by your implication that cops used critical thinking skills to begin with.
If two cops are responsible for 100 dog shootings, can we move this out of the "isolated incident" column?
This is horrible tragedy for all concerned. I hope the authories find out the truth about why these officers acted as they did and make sure it never happens again. Something is not right about the whole story. I believe in giving the police officers the benefit of the doubt, but this story does not ring true. What happened and why? To the pet owners whose dogs were slaughtered, I am so sorry this happened to you.
Most dogs are better than most people.
"But how would you like to get up some morning and stare a dog in the face?"
There are too many in police work who like to kill, and they can get away with killing animals. Justice would be a bunch of informers giving tips leading to raids of politicians and policemen's homes and killing their pets. Then maybe something might happen. The government has gotten out of hand and its purpose turned on its head. Instead of protecting us, we now have a bunch of government employees who like to go around killing dogs in their jobs.
They should be working at the animal shelter, but I'll bet their smiling and maniacal looks while doing it, will lead to them being fired. They are sick individuals, that shouldn't be in government.
When was the last werewolf attack in Detroit?
You're welcome.
Damn, his science is too TIGHT!!
Thank you, Sigivald!
Back in the long ago (1980's) dobermans were considered the "bad" killer dog, likewise associated with drug dealers, etc. Then it morphed into rottweilers. Now this supposed breed, which is really not a specific breed of dog, more of a look as other posters have pointed out, is the "bad" dog. Any large dog, or small ones for that matter, can do some damage if provoked, blaming a whole segment of the dog population as dangerous dogs is as ridiculous as any other blanket statement. One of the "bitey-ist" dogs we ever had was a grouchy poodle.
The aggressive personality and tough muscles are a genetic trait, not determined by breeding papers. But I've seen a bull terrier get along just fine with a man who'd been attacked by a Chihuahua. The fact that a man can easily stomp a Chihuahua to death is no deterrent; for all we know vicious Chihuahuas (and other tiny indoor-pet dogs) may be suicidal anyway.
Dogs whose ancestors were bred to be tough are more likely to do more damage if they turn vicious, or be more useful companions if they don't. Dogs who are mishandled by humans (or who have diseases like rabies) are the ones that turn vicious.
2013: 14 Americans killed by dogs. 13 of the dogs were pit bulls. An individual is perfectly justified in concluding that pit bulls are more ferocious and deadly than other breeds. You want to prevent police from shooting your pit bull? STOP BREAKING THE $&@?!-ING LAW!!
Remind us of which laws were being broken for each instance, pleaseandthankyou.
Oh, and you'll kindly point out which ones required deadly force.
If that "statistic" doesn't give away that "pit bull" is a totally made up designation, I don't know what does. And it's a good thing the cops have never gone to the wrong house and killed their dogs before.
>An individual is perfectly justified in concluding that pit bulls are more ferocious and deadly than other breeds.
If that individual is a perfect fucking moron, sure. Par for the course over at PoliceOne, I'm afraid. Go slurp some more cop taint.
That's a pathetic amount and doesn't support your case. And even if you break the law, that still doesn't necessarily justify thug officers shooting your dogs. Also, you don't have to break the law: Thugs could come to your house by mistake or to harass you.
This reporting is superficial and biased. While obviously it is repugnant for a cop to shoot Lassie or Lady, the dogs referenced here are NOT "pets" but, rather, weapons. Where is the discussion of why these suspected drug dealers and users possess these weaponized animals in the first place? Why is it even legal to possess these killer dogs in residential neighborhoods, at least without stringent permits and a showing that one has an appropriate space for the cruel beasts in the first place. Can one own a lion and keep it at home in Detroit? One expects better, more thorough reporting in Reason.
Let me guess: you're not a libertarian are you, sparky?
Good point. An 800 pound wild predator is pretty much the same thing as a 70 pound domestic dog. Seems totally reasonable to me, fellas!
How high are you? Ballpark it for us. Scale of one to purple.
How many police lion shootings have there been in the last five years?
As Richard Pryor said, "They was home."
(originally part of a bit where a man who killed all eight people in a house why did he shoot everybody)
Sir digby, do your own d@#n research.
Kbolino, your comment is a non-sequitor.
Ribaldish, strong argument, Einstein.
I have a simple solution to the over-militarized dog-killing cop problem; take away their guns and give them only tear-gas, clubs, stunners and tasers. Also stuff them in transmitting cameras that they can't turn off, and give them random drug-tests for stimulants and steroids. Take back all the second-hand military hardware that the army gave them, and take it to the National Guard armories where it belongs. If the cops find themselves with a "situation" that they feel they can't handle without guns, let them send for the National Guard.
Holy cow, seriously guys, you have to proofread your work before you post. And was there an editor on this? It's an interesting subject but tough to read.
You've got to understand, some of these animals are vicious due to physical abuse or other trauma that was uncorrected by any serious attempt to tame or train them. So naturally they often can't get along with dogs.
Always remember: all animals were created equal, but some were created more equal than others.
how many dogs had to die before mike vick went to prison again...?
Only MONEY can solve this problem.
If a dog has an insured value, of say $10,000, and is then shot by police on private property, the owner would then file a claim against their policy. So, as with all insurance companies the victims insurance will then subrogate the damages from the responsible party.
No insurance company is going to eat $10K and not follow through on subrogation. The only questionable part is which policy will pay, the depart. or individual.
In the subrogation process, both insurance companies be contacted by the "Animal Mortality" insurance. After that process they would likely have their insurance premiums increased. For example, a wrongful death of a rich CEO carrying an "Executive Life Insurance Policy" could bankrupt a LEO department. Encountering an "insured dog" would likely take many LEO's by surprise.
Also, since LEO's can be held personally accountable for a Title 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit, a dog getting shot by a LEO can be deemed an "unreasonable seizure". So, when a dog "insured for a named dollar value" is shot, it can trigger a claim to be made against the individual officers personal insurance. Being personally liable, in an instance like this, could conceivably render the shooting officer uninsurable, OR at minimum, result with an increased personal insurance premium, due to claims being filed by any side.
We need all LEO heads to tell officers, "Don't even think of shooting dog while employed here unless you fear for your life."
You people have all missed the point. There aren't enough humans left in Detroit. If they shot them like everywhere else, someone would notice. So dogs. Cats are next, unless the the casino's improve.
You people have all missed the point. There aren't enough humans left in Detroit. If they shot them like everywhere else, someone would notice. So dogs. Cats are next, unless the the casino's improve.
It was important enough to be posted twice. Or so thought Reason
Some pet killings are clearly intended to provoke a violent reaction by their owners, giving police and excuse to shoot them or at least leading to more serious charges. Example: FBI raid on a prominent gun collector, where a female FBI agent stamped on a Manx kitten.
Good point Piolenc.
Most cops are okay, but some should not be police. Police management is not doing its job in weeding out the maladjusted and/or just plain mean and sadistic.
I have worked with animals for years and find it hard to believe that there are that many vicious dogs that 'attack' the cops. Especially when it happens over and over with the same cops. These guys should not be allowed to be in law enforcement.
Police management should not just take the word of the cops and move on. Maybe they should also be replaced.
Standard disclaimer: If you threaten my dogs on my property or in my home, I'm putting two in your forehead, badge or no badge, and I'll go to my grave with a clear conscience.
The common denominator here is drug busts. It seems like in almost every instance these are raids, typically marijuana raids, and the socioeconomic background of the people involved seems to be, shall we say, not the type of folks who know which side the salad fork goes on. There are police who are obsessed with authority, and they get off on wielding it against people who aren't in a position to resist or get any real revenge. Mostly, you don't see this happening to well-off people in white-collar neighborhoods, the mayor of Berwyn Heights notwithstanding.
My dad was a cop, I have friends who are cops, and most of them are decent people trying to do an unpleasant job. Oftentimes they're asked to do too much, because of the ridiculously complex regulatory state in which we live. This isn't to excuse bad cops. The problem isn't just bad cops, it's corrupt leadership. Good cops leave because they report people like this and get shitted on for breaking the blue line.
Among other things, it is troublesome to know that the settlements related to the incidents caused by unmentionable cops are paid for by us taxpayers. If the police that do these things had to compensate the victims out of their own pockets, I suspect that things would be different.
When you recruit ex-military into the police force you get cowardly thugs who'd prefer shooting a human but are sure dogs are unarmed.
What do you expect from coproaches? But for some reason conservatives like to defend incompetent police employees as much as leftists like to defend incompetent public school teachers.
I have no problem with pits being shot dead. They are terrible animals and their owners are terrible people.
It's NEVER the dogs. It's the owners. Pit Bulls can be the friendliest , most meek dogs around.
Problem is , when an owner does treat them badly, they are a powerful animal to raise ill-tempered.
Meanest dog I ever met was a poodle mix. It'd bite anybody.
Somebody should have put that poodles owners down.
So you don't consider each case on an individual basis, and instead say that an entire breed of dogs should be killed, and that their owners are necessarily terrible people?
This article sure did attract a lot of cop suckers.
Really weak trolling, man.
I think the city of Detroit will have to settle out of court because of shooting through a closed door. This is similar to what happened at Ruby Ridge.
The first thing that BATF agents did after exiting the cattle car when arriving at Mt Carmel church outside of Waco in 1993 was to shoot the dogs that were contained in a dog pen. There was absolutely no reason to shoot them. I've always believed it was these shots which spooked agents in the front who started shooting indiscriminately into the building which contained mostly children and elderly people. David Koresh and his father in law Perry Jones had come to the door unarmed and both were shot, perry jones fatally. The front door would've shown that bullet holes were only coming in from the outside but the door 'was lost' during the trial, only to be found in a government evidence locker years later.
Some of us have been outraged since then. That was the pivotal moment in my life when I realized our government and its agencies could do anything it wanted, even mass murder on international television, and spin the story so that the masses not only excused it all- but were CHEERING WITH JOY wanting to get back to the 'regular scheduled programming'. Who is cheering now?!
Different approaches in law enforcement.
The local sheriff had been to the compound several times, always arriving in daylight, driving a marked car, and in full uniform with badge visible. He was greeted politely, and any issued addressed in civil dialog.
One incident was a report of machine gun fire. The Davidians took the sheriff to their gun range, and showed that all weapons were legal, none full automatic. The complainer had heard several people shooting, and "assumed" it was a machine gun. No problems for the sheriff.
The feds show up in full combat gear and start climbing through windows. Chaos ensues.
There is no substitute for professionalism and courtesy towards civilians.
To pretend I am on topic, this little history lesson applies to how drug raids are conducted, with or without dogs.
Why Are Detroit Cops Killing So Many Dogs?
Because they know they can get away with it.
And you had to write 3000 words on it when one sentence was enough.
Maybe, all the citizens may enforce the second amendment and have a FN SCAR H in their homes, so, if a "law enforcer" breaks in without a warrant, you can bring hell to him and their accomplices.
The carnage of our unjust and immoral War on Drugs spreads faf and wide...
That's FATF and wide, with flash crashes...
Many of these dogs are mean, some trained to attack. Police kill them for their safety
Yeah, they kill them when they're on leashes, in crates, and behind doors, for "safety."
Fuck off, cop cuck.
Of course the foremost impetus for these raids is the never-ending drug war tyranny!
Revolution NOW!
until I looked at the paycheck saying $4730 , I did not believe that...my... brother woz like actualy bringing in money part time from there computar. . there friend brother started doing this for less than 7 months and resently paid for the morgage on there home and bought a new Cadillac .......
until I looked at the paycheck saying $4730 , I did not believe that...my... brother woz like actualy bringing in money part time from there computar. . there friend brother started doing this for less than 7 months and resently paid for the morgage on there home and bought a new Cadillac .......
Two can play at that game...
"Major Violators Unit" & "undercover marijuana raid"
These two phrases used in the same sentence tells me everything I need to know about the state of law enforcement in this country.
To paraphrase Morgan Freeman in .... I forget what movie...
"Some dogs just need killin'!"
Do you think if I started sending large quantities of dog treats and small ziplock bags to these police stations, the officers would start giving the dogs treats to diffuse the situation instead of shooting them?
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RE: Why Are Detroit Cops Killing So Many Dogs?
Because these sons of bitches didn't vote for Trump or Hillary.
Does Reason think people have a right to keep Grizzly Bears or Crocidiles in the home?
If so, this article makes sense.
If not, well, pitbulls are no better.
One of the dumbest comments in a thread filled with them. Congratulations, pussy.
until I looked at the paycheck saying $4730 , I did not believe that...my... brother woz like actualy bringing in money part time from there computar. . there friend brother started doing this for less than 7 months and resently paid for the morgage on there home and bought a new Cadillac .......
until I looked at the paycheck saying $4730 , I did not believe that...my... brother woz like actualy bringing in money part time from there computar. . there friend brother started doing this for less than 7 months and resently paid for the morgage on there home and bought a new Cadillac .......
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Monsieur le Maire, Monsieur le Commissaire
Nous sommes ?c?ur?s que certains de vos agents aient habitude de tirer sur les chiens, sous pr?texte de comportements mena?ants - selon eux - et ceci en contradiction avec les dires de t?moins directs. Nous pensons qu'il y a deux raisons : il n'y a pas suffisamment de formations par des personnes comp?tentes. Ces formations devraient ?tre obligatoires pour ceux intervenant apr?s du public, et nous vous supplions d'instaurer imm?diatement de tels programmes. Ceux qui refusent, ou qui continuent de r?agir de fa?on inappropri?e doivent ?tre disciplin?s s?v?rement, ou ne plus avoir affaire au public. La deuxi?me cause est un d?gout pour les chiens, d?j? une raison pour exclure ce type de personnes de toute responsabilit? en rapport avec le public, ou une tendance ? abuser de l'autorit?, surtout du fait qu'ils sont arm?s. Certains ne devraient pas porter d'arme, et devraient travailler loin du public : Les agents impliqu?s devraient ?tre destitu?s de leurs armes et travailler ? dresser des PV ou dans les bureaux,sans contact avec le public.
Nous vous prions d'agir pour prot?ger le public, car il est d?j? incroyable qu'il n'y ait pas eu de victimes humaines, parmi ceux voulant prot?ger leurs animaux de compagnie.
Nous vous rappelons que ces incidents ternissent l'image de votre ville ? une ?chelle internationale. Nous esp?rons qu'un terme sera mis ? ces abus par un engagement officiel suivi.