The Purge Presents Election Year in Dystopia, Judge Blocks Mississippi Religious-Objections Law, Military Prepares to Welcome Transgender Troops: A.M. Links
Will Loretta Lynch accept the FBI's recommendations regarding Hillary Clinton's private email server? The Attorney General is expected to say today.
- A federal judge blocked a Mississippi law allowing clerks to recuse themselves from offering marriage licenses to same-sex couples and businesses to refuse service to gay or transgender people.
- How the U.S. military will implement its new policy on transgender troops.
- The Purge: Election Year "feints toward real-world politics…notably in how it pits a multicultural underdog coalition against a white power structure abetted by neo-Nazi mercenaries with Confederate flags and swastikas on their uniforms."
- Californians will vote on whether to raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes by $2.
- The U.S. District Court for Southern Indiana has blocked the state's ban on abortions motivated by the fetus' sex, race, or potential disability.
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