Trump-Clinton in Virtual Tie With Record Unfavorables, Obama Headed to Hiroshima, Volcano Erupts in indonesia: A.M. Links


  • IFRC/flickr

    Two new polls out this weekend show Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a virtual tie, while Bernie Sanders leads Trump by 15 points in one of the polls. Trump and Clinton also both have unfavorable ratings above 50 percent.

  • Barack Obama is set to become the first sitting U.S. president to visit Hiroshima. Yesterday he was in Vietnam, which could see the U.S. lift an arms embargo against it.
  • A U.S. drone strike in Pakistan reportedly killed the leader of the Afghan Taliban.
  • Iraq has launched its latest military operation to take Fallujah from ISIS.
  • German chemical firm Bayer has made an offer to buy Monsanto.
  • The Mount Sinabung volcano in Indonesia erupted, killing at least seven.