Election 2016

NYC's Voter Registration Problems Present Ironclad Case for Limited Govt.

Should bureaucrats who can't even maintain voter rolls be in charge of more and more parts of your life?


One of the sub-stories of yesterday's New York presidential primaries is just how totally screwed up the Democratic Party voter rolls were in the city so nice they named it twice.

As The Daily Beast reports,

The many messes drew rare national attention to the sad sate of voting in New York City, where broken machines, erroneous counts and worse are commonplace experiences.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tweeted at 11:50 a.m., "There's nothing more punk rock than voting. #GetOutAndVote", had to change his tune by the end of the day. WNYC reported this morning that 126,000 Brooklyn Democrats had been removed from the voting rolls since last fall.

De Blasio obviously knows as little about punk rock as he knows about running a city (the musical movement that inspired songs such as "We Got the Neutron Bomb," "Blitzkrieg Bop," and "Pay to Cum" wasn't exactly a get out the vote operation). But de Blasio is dutifully called for reinstatements of purged voters, investigations, blah blah blah, as reports pour in about polling places not being open on time, having no workers, broken, machines, you name it.

On a macro level, the story coming out of New York is that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is going to be the next leader of these United States. That is dispiriting, to say the least.

On a micro level, the NYC Voting Fiasco of 2016 is a stark reminder of precisely why you don't want bureaucrats and government officials running or controlling more and more aspects of your life. They are not very good at it and they really don't give a good goddamn about it. There are some things government should be involved in (I'm thinking, I'm thinking…) and they should be good at those few things. But if it can't even reliably figure out who is eligible to vote, how the hell is it supposed to regulate everything from Uber to the size of sodas without totally screwing the pooch?