weekly contests

Reason Weekly Contest: Trigger a Campus Protest

Last week's winners revealed.



With college students debating whether "God bless you!" after a sneeze constitutes a microaggression—the jury seems to be out—come up with the next phrase to be outlawed on campus.

How to enter: Submissions should be e-mailed to contest@reason.com. Please include your name, city, and state. This week, kindly type "MICRO" in the subject line. Entries are due by 11 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, Dec. 14. Winners will appear Dec. 18, right here at Reason.com.

In the case of identical or similar entries, the first one received gets credit. First prize is a one-year digital subscription to Reason magazine, plus bragging rights. While we appreciate kibbitzing in the comments below, you must email your answer to enter the contest. Feel free to enter more than once, and good luck!

And now for the results of last week's contest: A Times Square miscreant who slugged a cop while dressed as Spider-Man and was arrested a second time for cursing out a cop while dressed as the Incredible Hulk had us asking you for a cheesy headline about the next superhero acting badly.


Ant Man Accused of Micro-aggression -- K.C. Decker, Denton, MD


Wonder Woman Detained for Overcharging Ride Sharers in Invisible Car -- Sean Simpson, Hampton, VA


Headless Horseman in Topless Bar -- Colin Blake, Boston, MA


Thor Arrested After Refusing to Check Hammer at JFK -- Anne Jablinske, Prescott, AZ

Captain America Arrested for Building Cardboard "Border Wall" in middle of Times Square -- Edward Perovic, Winnetka, IL

"I couldn't find a phone booth." Superman Naked in Times Square -- Jim Noble, Boulder Creek, CA

Iceman Loses His Cool -- Tom D., Phoenix, AZ


Man of STEAL: Superman Caught Pickpocketing

Flame OFF: Human Torch Passed Out Drunk

Flash Flashes: Caught With Only a Mask

Irony, Man: Tony Stark Caught Shoplifting Candy Bar

Urine Big Trouble: Dark Knight Found Relieving Himself in Alley

POW! BAM! Whiz? Green Goblin Red with Rage as Batman Pees on Shoes

GREEN WHORE-NET: Prostitution Sting Nabs Man Dressed as Britt Reid

Deceived John Complains: "Wonder Woman is Wonderful—But Not a Woman!" 

Professor XXX: Wheelechair Bound Man Caught Peddling Bootleg Pornography

Robbin' Robin—Former Sidekick Tries His Hand at "Asset Forfeiture"

WANDER Woman: Amazonian Warrior Found Stumbling in Drug-Addled State

Stupor Man: Is That Liquid Kryptonite in That Brown Bag?

Chilly Willy: Mr. Freeze Braves Winter Weather to Expose His "Icicle"