Ohio Says No to Legal Weed, Maine Liberals Reject $15 Minimum Wage, Atheism on the Rise: A.M. Links
ENB Houston voters last night rejected the much-hyped Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, while Ohio voters said no to legal weed, and voters in the overwhelmingly liberal city of Portland, Maine, rejected a proposal to raise the mimimum wage to $15 per hour. See more on statewide-race result here and here.
- Nine percent of U.S. adults now say they don't believe in God, up from 5 percent in 2007.
- More than half of black millennials say they or someone they know has "experienced harassment or violence at the hands of police."
- British Muslims are increasingly afraid of their government.
- More evidence that humans empathize with robots "in pain."
- Cato Unbound editor Jason Kuznicki reviews Harry Frankfurt's new book On Inequality.
- Welcome to China's ghost cities.
- Men who do more housework have better sex, says science.
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