Now Come Fears of Copycat Shooters, Kentucky Clerk Still Refusing Marriage Licenses, Dozens Found Dead in Truck in Austria: P.M. Links
Credit: Cory Doctorow, Flickr A person was taken into custody at Mississippi State University after reports of a possible shooter. The suspect was apparently a college freshman who was making homicidal and suicidal threats, but turned out to be unarmed.
- A clerk in a Kentucky county is still refusing to hand out any and all marriage licenses, in defiance of a court ruling ordering her to do so, because of her objection to same-sex marriage.
- The bodies of at least 20 people, possibly Syrian migrants, were found in the truck in Austria. There may be as many 50 dead, and officials believe they died of suffocation.
- Airbnb has hired a Democratic operative with ties to the Clinton administration and several New York politicians in order to help it battle state lawmakers trying to control or ban it.
- Being late to work 111 times over two years is not enough to lose your job if you're a New Jersey school teacher.
- The California Department of Education really doesn't want people comparing old test scores to the new test scores using Common Core standards. So they just deleted 15 years of standardized test scores off sites.
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