Bomb Hits Bangkok, College Football Unionization Efforts Rejected, Star Wars to Take Over More of Disney Parks: P.M. Links


  • A bomb blast in Bangkok, Thailand, has killed at least 18 and injured more than 100. The explosion was reportedly centered near the popular Hindu Erawan shrine. Nobody has claimed credit for the explosion as yet.

  • The National Labor Relations Board has rejected the efforts by Northwestern College's football team to unionize. The Board decided unanimously that they do not have jurisdiction over state-run universities and colleges.
  • There's a push underway now to change Mississippi's flag in order to remove the Confederate emblem from it.
  • Even more Hillary Clinton emails have been flagged for review to see if they contain classified material that should not be publicly released.
  • Three years ago Californians passed a ballot initiative taxing corporations to create an estimated 11,000 green energy jobs a year. Guess what happened next! The state didn't create all those jobs, obviously.
  • The White House announced today it was launching a plan to treat heroin addicts rather than punish them (what a coincidence!) in order to counter the current "epidemic." They are nevertheless going to also keep trying to fight the drug by trying to go after the sources, so the drug war won't be scaled back much, if any.
  • The governor of Utah has ordered state agencies to stop giving federal money to Planned Parenthood within the state.
  • Star Wars fans should start planning trips to the Disney parks in California and Florida in the next couple of years, if only to complain about everything they get wrong.

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