

"Let's give it up for the Secret Service. I don't want to be too hard on those guys. You know, because they're the only law enforcement agency that will get in trouble if a black man gets shot."
—Saturday Night Live cast member Cecily Strong, during her White House Correspondents' Dinner remarks, April 25

"I'm not an upstanding citizen. I'm the evil that goes bump in the night in this city. Whoever don't know my name, know my face. But goddamn, can we at least get due process? Send me to jail for life, if I'm a criminal. I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight."
—Yusha Hasim Al-Fahd, a Baltimore gang member who helped form a barrier between protesters and police during the Freddie Gray riots, quoted in Bloomberg Politics, April 29

"Cyber is just pounding me from every direction."
—Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), chairman of the subcommittee on Homeland Security appropriations, during a hearing on cybersecurity funding for the FBI, March 27