UN to Vote on Iran Deal, Congress to Start Deliberating, Charlie Hebdo Not Doing Any More Mohammed Cartoons, Ashley Madison Hacked: A.M. Links
The United Nations Security Council is expected to vote on the Iran nuclear deal as early as today, irking opponents in Congress, to which the deal was submitted this weekend. The United States says the deal does not take military force off the table in the future.
- Auhorities in Yemen say 57 civilians died when Shi'a rebels bombarded the city of Aden, where Saudi-backed pro-government forces have been pushing out Iran-backed rebels who took over earlier this year.
- Protesters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where a gunmen killed five Marines, demanded more military action against radical Islamists abroad and a repeal of the law prohibiting recruiters from carrying firearms while on duty.
- The editors of Charlie Hebdo, where Islamist gunmen massacred the editorial staff in January over its various cartoons of Mohammed, say they are done with Mohammed cartoons.
- New York City's mayor, Bill de Blasio, is planning to impose a cap on new drivers using Uber this week.
- A judge has ordered that Dinesh D'Souza receive psychological counseling. D'Souza's community service for breaking campaign finance laws was also extended.
- The U.S. embassy in Cuba has re-opened as the two countries restore full diplomatic relations.
- The adultery website Ashley Madison has been hacked. Hackers claim to have broken into the company's user database and financial records.
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