S.C. Legislature Begins Flag Debate, Christie Attacks Cruz, Aid Not Forthcoming to Greece: P.M. Links
Credit: Jason Lander / photo on flickr South Carolina legislators have begun debate over whether to remove the Confederate flag from the state capitol in Columbia. The move could be approved by Thursday.
- Reddit users and moderators protested the termination of a popular employee who helped manage the "ask me anything" section with temporary subreddit blackouts.
- We noted over the holiday weekend Gov. Chris Christie targeting Sen. Rand Paul for criticism over the senator's positions on surveillance reform and privacy rights. Today, Christie criticized Sen. Ted Cruz for supporting a conservative group that backs challenges to Republican Senate candidates, a group that helped Cruz win his own race.
- The White House wants Greece to remain in the eurozone, somehow, but it's Europe's responsibility to figure it out.
- The European Central Bank announced today it won't be helping Greece's situation. Today they declined to expand an emergency assistance program. Greece could run out of money in days.
- An Italian surveillance company that sells snooping software to police, and spy agencies in countries like Ethiopia and Sudan appears to have been hacked.
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