Ireland Votes on Gay Marriage, Trouble for Duggar Family, a Nungesser Accuser Speaks: P.M. Links
Dreamstime Police shot two unarmed black men who stole beer from a grocery store.
- Connecticut state Senate approves affirmative consent standard for colleges.
- Ireland could become the first country to legalize gay marriage by popular referendum.
- Josh Duggar in hot water over molestation scandal.
- President Obama will announce executive action aimed at water regulation.
- Cathy Young debunked one of the Paul Nungesser accusers who talked to Jezebel, but Jezebel scored an interview with a different accuser.
- Does Christina Hoff Sommers need a safe space?
- The Wall Street Journal on "the trigger happy generation."
- The Onion: "College Allowing Students Individual Commencement Speakers To Make Ceremony Acceptable For All."
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