VID: Larry King on Drugs, Cryonics, Politics, Airplane Sex Orgies, and Half-Libertarianism
The broadcast legend talks about new media, his online shows, and how he would have interviewed Osama bin Laden.
Originally published on April 3, 2014. Text below:
Radio and TV legend Larry King has been broadcasting since the late 1950s and is best-known for his long-running CNN Show Larry King Live, which helped define long-form talk TV as he interviewed everyone from actors such as Marlon Brando to presidents such as Bill Clinton.
The 81-year-old King is currently hosting PoliticKing on Ora TV which airs on Hulu, the internet, RT, and other outlets. It's owned partly by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim as well as by King himself, and guests have included Christian personal finance guru Dave Ramsey, former Clinton Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, socialist independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Young Turks host Cenk Uygur. Last year, King's show on head trauma in the NFL was nominated for a News and Documentary, the only web-based program so honored.
Nick Gillespie sat down with King at Reason's DC HQ to talk about how much media has changed during King's career, why he agrees with half of what libertarians say, why he's going to be cryogenically preserved if and when he dies, and how he would have interviewd Osama bin Laden.
About 30 minutes. Produced by Todd Krainin. Cameras by Meredith Bragg and Krainin.
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1:07 - What are Larry's two shows, Politicking and Larry King Now, all about?
3:33 - Larry's ideal government: A kind king. (Preferably Larry King).
7:19 - Larry and Nick debate Obamacare, Medicare, war, and the national debt.
12:18 - The art of the longform interview.
16:10 - Traditional journalism, new media, and the FCC.
21:02 - Libertarian politics.
22:34 - Deregulation will cause people to have sex orgies on airplanes.
28:00 - Larry King will attain immortality through cryonics.
29:44 - Best interview ever: Frank Sinatra, Sandy Koufax, or Danny Kaye?
31:29 - The best goodbye in the history of Reason TV.
This is a rush transcript. Check for accuracy against video.
Reason: What's the goal of your show and why should people watch it?
Larry King: Well first Nick, I was shocked to be nominated, because three years before that I got a lifetime achievement from the Emmys. So I figure, if you get a lifetime achievement your life's sort of over, right?
Reason: That's right, so you're in overtime?
King: How would I be nominated for an Emmy where I've already – it's like going to the Baseball Hall of Fame and playing for the Dodgers. So I was thrilled--
Reason: Why didn't you win?
King: We were the only web show nominated, so we lost to Bob Schieffer, Face the Nation, he's an old friend, a good guy.
Reason: Oh come on, say something bad about Bob Schieffer.
King: Nothing you could say, and his brother used to be the General Manager of the Houston Astros.
Reason: Ok so that's an insult, one of the few teams who hasn't made into the World Series.
King: You know your baseball, Nick.
Reason: A little bit, and we'll get to baseball later-
King: We better.
Reason: So what about your show, though, do you have a particular goal or hope for it?
King: I do two shows. Larry King Now is a potpourri, we have anywhere from broadway stars to political figures to writers etcetera. Like Larry King Live on CNN. And Politicking is all about politics, and we do that twice a week and Larry King Now three times a week. And Politickingwas the idea of RT which licenses our show, so I don't work for RT but they license our show and they pay Ora TV for the right to carry and they carry two a week, and they put no stipulations on us, we've had more critics of Putin-
Reason: And when RT airs your show, you aired grievances against Putin without it being cut-
King: Many times. They don't cut a thing.
Reason: Would that matter if they were?
King: I wouldn't want to be licensed by them if they did, because I wouldn't want to work for a place.
Reason: So talk about PoliticKing. Why are you doing specifically a political show now, are politics more interesting than they used to be?
King: Well when I left CNN, we didn't do a lot of politics on Larry King Now, one because we taped it and it played the next day. You couldn't stay on top of an issue. PoliticKing though is very close. We'll tape it on Tuesday and air it on Wednesday. And I love politics, and I miss the political scene, I lived in Washington for 20 years, now I live in LA. I like politics, we talk about politics a lot.
Reason: What do you like about politics – you have every type of [ideological] guest on.
King: Politics makes the country go 'round, I mean you could laugh at it but, we need politics, we need politicians, I'm not so sure that the two party system is the answer.
Reason: You would prefer one party? An autocracy, perhaps a tyranny? You're coming out in favor of world communism right now?
King: I don't want fascism. I think John Kennedy, the best idea to save politics, a kind king.
Reason: Oh really, you're in favor of a kind Larry King?
King: I would accept it. In other words, a monarchy that leaves us alone, gives us healthcare, need that. Takes care of our needs, and at the same time, laissez-faire.
Reason: Do you need [tax-funded] healthcare? I mean, you've written a number of best-selling books about heart disease and whatnot, you're rich enough. Why should anyone in America pay for anything for you?
King: Nothing, they should not. But why should we be 17th in the world for infant mortality? Why should Cuba deliver faster medical services than the United States?
Reason: Maybe they beat their citizens so they need it more? I dunno. So you would say-
King: If I could perform the perfect- It would be a one payer system, yes.
Reason: But you were saying basically, it would be that all the government would do is supply healthcare, and then let everything else, laissez-faire?
King: No. Healthcare, provide an army for defense.
Reason: Defense, not offense.
King: I wouldn't start a war, no. Patrol the streets.
Reason: Police, courts.
King: Police, absolutely. I love a democracy, I wouldn't have a democracy where the public votes on everything, because that would be insane.
Reason: That would be anarchy. So what are we doing now in which the public should just be like "You have no say."
King: Well now we have what we have now, which is in my 81 years on the earth, I've never seen politics at a lower esteem than they are right now. We have a house divided, and not just divided, people don't like each other. When I-
Reason: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it that clear to you, but you know I'm giving off that vibe of not liking you.
King: You don't like me?
Reason: No, I'm not saying that, but you just said people don't like each other.
King: I stepped in here and I felt anti-Semitism rain through the building.
Reason: It's not anti-Semitism, it's because you're old.
King: Ageism.
Reason: It's ageism.
King: Oh, if I were only in China. Where they revere us! I can't believe I'm 81, by the way. But no the antipathy, the anger that exists. I mean we had country where Goldwater and Kennedy were great friends. Orrin Hatch was Ted Kennedy's best friend.
Reason: But do we want politicians to get –
King: We need compromise.
Reason: I mean it's one thing for citizens to get along-
King: The only answer to a republic is compromise. And unfortunately many in this country don't understand that if you don't compromise, you have a stalemate.
Reason: It seems to me, we're going through a budget season now, it's as likely to happen where instead of compromise, you get the worst kind of that where Obama says, "Let's have the government run the healthcare system," which I have real problems with. But then the Republicans will say, "Ok we'll go along with that, but give us a lot more money to start wars overseas." That's a compromise but it's going in the wrong direction.
King: You can go halfway a little. So you have Obamacare, which is not a one payer system, and now we have 10 million more people getting healthcare that didn't have it before.
Reason: We also have people getting kicked off their insurance, and we don't know how it's going to slow down medical innovation.
King: I'll take you back in history before you were born, Nick Gillespie.
Reason: Ok.
King: I did a debate in 1962 in Miami, between Ed Annis, president of the AMA, versus Sen. Hubert Humphrey. The debate was about Medicare, and the president of the [American Medical Association], said: "Medicare will never work. Doctors will not cooperate with it." And this is 1962. "And if we pass Medicare, this country will be bankrupt by 1980." That was the debate. In 1938, the Republicans, all of them, voted against social security. Called it-
Reason: 1935, but yes.
King: Called it socialism. Do you know anyone who would turn away social security?
Reason: Yes, and Medicare is bankrupting the country.
King: But not by 1980.
Reason: No, but in the late 80s, this is something that Ronald Reagan did, one of the reason why we pay so much in payroll taxes was to save Social Security and Medicare….I would argue Medicare systematically robs from younger, poorer people to pay for wealthier, older people. Medicare is mostly funded by taxes paid for by working people to people like you who can afford it.
King: I don't need Social Security, and I don't need Medicare. When you say wealthy older people-
Reason: Relatively speaking.
King: What percentage of older people would you define as wealthy?
Reason: The people 65 and older, they have the most assets, they've saved their entire lives-
King: What percentage would you call wealthy?
Reason: They have, it's fewer than 10 percent are below the poverty line, you're more likely to be below the poverty line if you're under 30 than if you're over 65.
King: So you're saying that most people over 65 don't need their Social Security check. You're saying that 90 percent of people over 65---Nick. Nick! Nick!
Reason: They are above the poverty line, that includes Social Security. What I'm saying is that we should not be funding welfare state programs based on age. I think that we should do that on need. And most elderly people could get by on reductions in Social Security. The system is bankrupt, the system returns negatively to people about under the age of about 55.
King: I've heard this, and you could argue it all day long. I wonder how this country exists. How does it exist?
Reason: We've run up a lot of debt. Will we have to pay off debt eventually.
King: Clinton didn't.
Reason: Actually he did run up the debt a bit but that was very good!
King: We had a $2 trillion surplus.
Reason: Yeah. You get no argument from me, that was better. What we had under Bush was a government that spent more and taxed less even as revenues rose.
King: Lyndon Johnson, just reading a great book by Joe Califano, published originally in '91, now republished. Lyndon Johnson funded war and the great society without increasing taxes.
Reason: He did increase taxes, he left with a balanced budget because he had a war tax, and I think we should always have war taxes for sure. If we're gonna fight a war we should pay for it in the here and now.
King: Would you say that we fought three unnecessary wars?
Reason: Oh at least. Probably more than that.
King: Maybe four.
Reason: Korea, Vietnam, First Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq, definitely.
King: I agree with all of those, except Korea. Korea maybe-
Reason: World War I as well.
King: No.
Reason: Talk about Joe Califano. He was in the LBJ administration, he's a huge anti-drug person.
King: He's a good friend, I've interviewed him.
Reason: Are you in favor of legalized drugs?
King: Yes, I disagree with some good friends like Mario Cuomo, the late Mario Cuomo, was a dear friend. He was a wonderful liberal, outstanding, just a great.
Reason: You would define your politics generally as, you're kind of like a New Deal liberal.
King: Yeah, I never bring it to the air though.
Reason: Why not?
King: Because I think my opinion is irrelevant. The kind of show I did was to inform, and the guest counted. What the guest thought counted, I tried to ask the best questions I could, listen to the answers. I never learned anything when I was talking. That's the best way I describe my show. My show was: My opinion didn't count, whether it was a movie or a political election. I thought I'd ask good questions.
Reason: You helped define the long-form interview for radio and TV. Do you feel that that's a lost art? What do we need to do to recapture it?
King: I don't know.
Reason: We have new outlets where we could-
King: You would think what goes around comes around. But the youth today, you talk to our youth, they want it now, they get in, get out, get in, get out.
Reason: You hate children, don't you? Even as you helped to make the long-form interview a common form, you were often accused of doing softball interviews.
King: I never understood that.
Reason: Ok, let's talk about that. People would say, look at your interviews with Marlon Brando or OJ Simpson in the 1990s, these were guys that were going through all kinds of scandals and you'd never bring that up. So you disagree that those were softballs.
King: Totally. First of all, never bring it up with OJ Simpson? I brought up his wife beating. With Brando we brought up the Jewish thing. He made this statement on my show that Hollywood's run by Jews.
Reason: Did he mean that by the way?
King: What?
Reason: Did he mean that in the most basic…
King: He apologized later. What he had the feeling was he was a strong battler for minorities, the American Indian, I admired Brando.
Reason: And Jews don't count as minorities? Or not in Hollywood?
King: Well they're 2 percent of America, maybe 1.5 percent, I'd say they're a minority. In Hollywood they're not a minority. They don't own any banks.
Reason: What do you do when Marlon Brando goes off on his tear about how Jews control Hollywood?
King: What I did was ask him what he based that on. He said, well not that they control it for Jews, but they don't let in Mexicans. How many Mexicans do you see starring in Hollywood? I said do you blame that on Jews, or is that kind of the American culture? So we had that discussion, and he took a lot of heat. For example, someone told me we made front pages inNew York Times more than any talk show. We're the only radio talk show to win a Peabody [journalism award]. I must have done something right. When people accuse me of softball I never understood it because I often ask, give me the question. A lot of what I did, my interviewing style, since I had long-form, was I did little lead-ups. Let's take an example. I'm going to interview Osama Bin Laden. The worst first question is--
Reason: You ask him if the Jews control Hollywood?
King: You're funny, Nick. The worst first question to ask Osama Bin Laden is, Why did you bomb two buildings in New York City? Worst question. One, it makes me look defensive.
Best first question to ask him: Why did you leave one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia to live in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Why? Now, I don't know what his answer will be, right? So I can't assume the next question. But there I have him telling me how he got to be what he is. What I'm trying to do is walk in his shoes. By doing that, we eventually will learn what led to the man who ordered that bombing. Because nobody evil thinks they're evil. Hitler didn't go and come his hair and say, I am a terrible person, right? So to get what motivates what they did is you don't go in assuming they're a terrible person, you go in troubled, wondering, asking questions. That's what I did.
Reason: Who were your models as a media personality? You started in '57, so you've been at it for a long time. Who were the people that inspired you?
King: As a kid, I loved Murrow. My heroes were the early days of radio.
Reason: This is like the CBS news guys, Murrow, Cronkite, Sevareid.
King: Those guys. That was a terrific age. That was when the news was CBS.
Reason: Do you think we're better off now, that big networks like CNN or CBS, even Fox, they're losing market share, big movie studios are scrambling, there's a million outlets such as Ora that are showing up on new things like Hulu or just Youtube. Are we better off that there are so many more outlets now, or are we missing anything by having this concentrated few outlets?
King: Yes and no. I like a lot of the new, I like the fact that there's more information. One of the problems when there's more information is [people try to] get it quick rather than get it right. And that's a danger. I think the Murrows got it right.
Reason: Didn't Murrow spend most of his time doing non-political stuff?
King: Oh, on Person to Person. You gotta go back to World War 2, great reporting. Ed Murrow in London. Some of the best foreign press reporting ever was done by that CBS crew. He didn't hire people on how they looked, hired a lot of newspaper people. Person to Person, he did a lot of movie stars and stuff, other than that he ran CBS news. Ran it very strongly and independently. They let him get away, that news department was not a profit maker at CBS. Now news is a profit [center] and it wasn't.
Reason: Is that a problem?
King: News shouldn't be a profit.
Reason: So what should it be then?
King: Independent.
Reason: And something that networks carry out of a sense of public responsibility?
King: They make enough money. Sure. Used to be that way when the FCC had, remember "equal time" [provisions]? I loved-
Reason: Nobody benefitted from equal time! LBJ used the FCC in licensing requirements as a cudgel to keep people off the air, the same thing that Nixon did. Franklin Roosevelt talked about that. Do you think that radio was better when the FCC regulated things very tightly?
King: Absolutely. I worked in it. I worked in it.
Reason: Maybe it was better for you.
King: It wasn't better for me. For example, when I did my show, when we gave you 15 minutes, and we had to give the other mayor candidate another 15 minutes, what was wrong with that?
Reason: Do we have a lack of mayoral candidates getting equal time today?
King: Sure.
Reason: Really?
King: Of course. You gotta buy the time. You think that every candidate gets equal time?
Reason: No no no.
King: Well they did when I was starting.
Reason: All I'm saying is that people have access to media in ways that they didn't before, and I know that an outfit like Reason, a small magazine, an intellectual magazine, now has a website that pulls 4 million visits a month, a million views on YouTube, none of this was happening under the old days of equal time, when things were regulated. I'm worried about net neutrality, the idea of the FCC, the same agency that's spent a decade litigating Janet Jackson's nipple at the Superbowl, they're gonna be in charge of the internet? I'm worried about that stuff. Shouldn't you be?
King: I don't, why are you so against net neutrality, what's wrong with it?
Reason: Because I don't want government dictating terms of how we get on or off the internet. I don't have a Mexican billionaire in my back pocket to throw out there.
King: That's cute.
Reason: So talk about, so you-
King: I like regulation. You'd let it run amok and the inmates are running the asylum. For example, so you reduce regulation so now one guy could own six radio stations in the same market, that's absurd. That doesn't serve the public. Does not serve the public.
Reason: Does it matter when most people get radio [online] or they can listen to podcasts, they can do anything they want.
King: They can, but the major sources of information…
Reason: But they're declining, right? Because they're not actually any good….
King: I favored the FCC's requirements of equal time, it served us well, and I think it produced better candidates.
Reason: Really?
King: Yeah.
Reason: There you may have some standing, because certainly the candidates were getting, in my lifetime-
King: You may have minority candidates that you never get to hear from.
Reason: You were saying that you don't like the two party system, would you like to get more parties with access to the airwaves?
King: Sure. What's wrong with more parties?
Reason: Nothing, the more the merrier.
King: I've favored the Libertarian, every campaign I have ever covered always had the Libertarian candidate.
Reason: You always have a lot of third party candidates on.
King: That's correct, always. And I moderated the third party debate a couple years ago.
Reason: Which of the third parties wins your heart, if you could come out…
King: I'll tell you why I like the Libertarian party. Because everybody agrees with half the things the Libertarian party says. In other words, if I'm a liberal, I agree with that half. If I'm a conservative, I agree with that half. But if you're a conservative, you certainly don't agree with Rand Paul on the army, [you don't want] to bring all the army men back home. I agree with that.
Reason: And you like gay marriage, you like drug legalization.
King: Absolutely.
Reason: Ok. So why can't a libertarian ever win half the votes? They get none of them.
King: I like to regulate unregulated businesses. In other words, who is the greatest libertarian in the history of American politics?
Reason: Depending on how you define…
King: That's a Larry King question.
Reason: That is a good question. Besides Osama bin Laden?
King: American Politics. Osama…
Reason: I would say…
King: Do you know this little known, great checker player.
Reason: Really? I thought you were going to say he wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars. One of the things we celebrate a lot at Reason is one of the ways in which Jimmy Carter is nobody's idea of a libertarian, but he deregulated the trucking industry, deregulated the airline industry, freight rail. He deregulated more industries than Ronald Reagan ever did.
King: Ronald Reagan was not a conservative.
Reason: He's not a libertarian for sure.
King: Richard Nixon was a liberal.
Reason: Oh yeah. Who do you think is the best-
King: You favored the deregulation of the airlines?
Reason: Absolutely
King: Oh my god.
Reason: Oh yeah. Well, tell me why you don't?
King: Let's check airfares today.
Reason: Yeah. Let's.
King: Let's check routes today, check how crowded planes are.
Reason: Yes. Why do so many more people--wait, so you're saying planes are crowded because people can afford them and they're going from places people are and want to go?
King: They're crowded because this airline decides, we control flights to Des Moines.
Reason: No, but this is so much less than under regulation.
King: Why should we fly 10 flights a day, we'll fly 5 and we'll cram them all in.
Reason: Should Ora TV say, we're gonna run 50 programs a day, or run 5 that actual get an audience?
King: Well you try with 50, you hope to have-
Reason: But every study shows airlines are safer, more people fly, and adjusted for inflation, [ticket prices are lower]…
King: I guess you would just like anything goes, right?
Reason: Uh, yes.
King: Ok.
Reason: Airlines when they don't have recourse to the government to regulate the routes and money and the profits, they make sure that they don't fall out of the sky and respond to consumer need more. But you disagree with that.
King: How many airlines are out of business since then?
Reason: Oh, tons. They're constantly going in and out of business, but the important thing is that planes keep flying. So you care about the corporate-
King: I got an idea and maybe you'd favor this. One airline.
Reason: No, no you see, I like many airlines. You like Aeroflot, you're sad that-
King: Aeroflot, I don't like Aeroflot at all, but they have a great flight from LA to Moscow. They have a 777, goes once a day to Moscow.
Reason: For like one person, right? And you fly first class, right?
King: Yes.
Reason: So trust me, you have no idea what it's going on in the back, in coach.
King: You fly in the back?
Reason: Oh absolutely. Absolutely and I'm glad that I can.
King: Let me ask you a question, Nick Gillespie. What goes on back there? I bet sex goes on back there.
Reason: Oh it's like a Mile High Club.
King: And you love it.
Reason: You know what, anything that's peaceful, as long as everyone's volunteering.
King: If I'm walking on a plane and a couple, a heterosexual couple or a homosexual couple, are having sex, and the rest of the people-
Reason: You know I don't see sexual preference, Larry. I just see race.
King: The rest of the people are just reading the paper, it's ok.
Reason: It depends, if you're told ahead of time that you're taking a plane where spontaneous sexual activity might be breaking out…. You know you're beyond money, you're the richest person-
King: Oh stop!
Reason: The only person richer than you is your Mexican billionaire friend Carlos Slim who is funding your operation on RT!
King: He's worth $77 billion.
Reason: That's a lot of dough.
King: I want to ask you a question. You think I'm not a good interviewer, huh?
Reason: No, you're telling me things about myself that I haven't even admitted to a therapist.
King: You have skirted a question.
Reason: Which question?
King: Who is the most famous libertarian?
Reason: The most famous libertarian…
King: You never answered it.
Reason: In terms of politics?
King: Yeah!
Reason: I don't know. I don't know that there's any. Maybe Gary Johnson, the governor of New Mexico.
King: I like Gary a lot, we've had him on a lot.
Reason: Other than helping New Mexico be less of a basket case and being a great ambassador for libertarianism, I don't know.
King: I like Gary Johnson a lot, we've had him on a lot. He's a good guy, I agree with half of what he says.
Reason: Alright, there you go. So who do you think is the greatest libertarian?
King: Well…
Reason: And Larry, while you're pondering that, why did you bomb those buildings in New York? Why did you order the bombing of those buildings? You see I was drawing you out.
King: You're cute Nick. I'll tell you what Nick, let's all listen to Nick Gillespie, I've got an idea. No police. Come on Nick. Less government. Handle your own. Run your own block. You don't like the bank robber? Kill him. Let's do the Nancy Grace approach to the courtroom. When charged, you will appear in court on the day specified and you will be shot. No trial, save a lot of money.
Reason: So you're in favor of Ferguson-style policing, because that works out so well? Right Larry, you're saying you can't question the police!
King: No, the blacks would control all the neighborhoods.
Reason: So that sounds pretty libertarian. So they don't have to be policed?
King: You could wear whatever badge you want. Whatever uniform you want. You could go nude if you want.
Reason: You are just constantly bring up this sex and nudity!. You, 81 years old, are on your eighth marriage-
King: Seventh.
Reason: Seven women, eight marriages. Come on, read your bio. You must be doing something right. Let me ask you this.
King: You're jealous aren't you?
Reason: Insanely.
King: It's showing through.
Reason: Are you still into cryonics?
King: Yes. I'm putting it in my will. I'll tell you why. I'm an atheist. Most libertarians should be atheists.
Reason: Many are.
King: To believe in something above you. You don't believe in anything!
Reason: I believe in all sorts of things. But yes, you don't believe in an after life, so you want to be around.
King: I want to be around to pick up the pieces. That's an old song. But yes, I want to be around, and the only possible guarantee is cryonics, where they inject you with a compound that will keep you and put you in a tube, and if they cure the disease, they wake you up.
Reason: And you're gonna talk to Ted Williams when you wake up.
King: They don't put your head in a jar, that's a misnomer. I was just on Dr. Oz's show, and he showed me exactly how they do it. They take the body and immediately put an injection in to keep the blood flowing.
Reason: You're not betting on Dr. Oz as your afterlife physician, are you?
King: I'll take anybody.
Reason: So when you wake up-
King: You don't like Dr. Oz?
Reason: Dr. Oz, there's a lot of ethical questions about his snake oil-
King: The government shouldn't control it.
Reason: No I don't think so, absolutely not, he should be free to sell stuff, and people should be free to critique it and analyze it and offer an independent evaluation. Other than the people who wake you up from cryonics, who would be the first people on your talk show panel?
King: Depends what year it is and who's around? But I would ask questions, I'll meet new people and find out-
Reason: So, you, Ted Williams' head, and maybe a couple people who are just from the current time?
King: Walt Disney.
Reason: Best interview ever: Sinatra, Sandy Koufax or Danny Kaye?
King: Sinatra. Koufax is not that variable enough. He's a good guy but he's not.
Reason: Is Sandy Koufax gay?
King: No. What are you kidding me?
Reason: There's a long standing rumor about him.
King: That's a joke. He's happily married.
Reason: Does it matter to your audience, he's a greater pitcher, a great character after his baseball career.
King: What are you talking about, he's very quiet.
Reason: Yeah but he's a good guy, he's always done right by people.
King: Great guy. A very liberal Democrat. Nobody's perfect.
Reason: Well, he can work on that. Does it matter to you, as a person--you're 81, you're in your 7th decade in media? Something like that--
King: 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s… yeah 7th.
Reason: Do you ever feel like you're getting out of touch with what your main audience wants?
King: You know what keeps me going is on Ora we do a lot of hip-hop stars and stuff.
Reason: Who's your favorite rapper?
King: Lately… who's the guy I had on, not Ice T….
Reason: Ice Cube?
King: Ice Cube, I like Ice Cube but who's the guy we had on…
(voice): Bow Wow
Reason: Oh he's no longer Little Bow Wow, don't make the mistake of calling him Little Bow Wow or he'll bite your head off.
King: I had him on. I know. You know all about this.
Reason: I know a little about this. So who is the-
King: I gotta run.
Reason: -greatest interview ever, name it, besides this one of course.
King: Sinatra.
Reason: Alright. Well thank you so much.
King: Thank you so much Nick Gillespie.
Reason: Larry King.
King: Irish, Italian.
Reason: Hosting PoliticKing on Ora TV which airs on Hulu, RT, all over the internet. Larry King, thank you so much.
King: My pleasure. It's so nice to be among…. "Reasonable people."