A.M. Links: Congress Considers DHS Funding Bill, Blogger Avijit Roy Murdered in Bangladesh, Gary Johnson to Seek LP Presidential Nomination


Credit: White House / Flickr.com
  • "Hours from a partial agency shutdown, Congress is moving to approve a short-term funding bill for the Homeland Security Department that leaves intact Obama administration immigration policies Republicans vowed to repeal."
  • President Barack Obama is planning to use executive action to ban 5.56 M855 ammunition, a type of bullet commonly used with the popular AR-15 rifle.
  • British Prime Minister David Cameron is refusing to confirm media reports which have identified the ISIS terrorist known as "Jihadi John" as a computer programmer from West London.
  • U.S.-based blogger Avijit Roy has been murdered while visiting Bangladesh to attend a book fair. A prominent voice for atheism and secularism in that country, Roy had received multiple death threats from Islamic extremists.
  • Declaring himself a "reality-based candidate," former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson announced he will seek the Libertarian Party's 2016 presidential nomination.

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