A.M. Links: British Pols Suggest 'Political Surge' Against ISIS, 'Dread Pirate Roberts' Convicted, Senior Aides Leaving White House
White House A parliamentary committee has found the United Kingdom has no plan to deal with ISIS outside of following the U.S.-backed coalition, and suggests a surge of political experts to deal with the problem. A new report from the United Nations finds ISIS systematically torturing and killing children in Iraq, as well as using boys as young as ten as child soldiers and girls as sex slaves.
- Ross Ulbricht was convicted on seven charges related to the government's claim he operated Silk Road as "Dread Pirate Roberts." He faces between thirty years and life in prison.
- The health insurance company Anthem says it's been the target of a "sophisticated" hack attack. Tens of millions of customers could be affected but the company insists medical and financial details were not compromised.
- Two senior aides to President Obama announced they would be leaving the White House in the coming months.
- The president of Argentina sent out a tweet replacing r's with l's while meeting with the president of China, which some people found offensive. Tweets, incidentally, are going to start showing up in Google results soon.
- A sulfur-cycling micro-organism found off the coast of Australia hasn't evolved in more than two billion years and has survived five mass extinction events.
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