No Fly List On Trial, Revenge Porn Versus the FTC, California Could Raise Legal Smoking Age: A.M. Links
x-ray_delta_one/Flickr A judge will hear arguments today on the constitutionality of the federal government's "no fly list."
- New legislation introduced in California would raise the legal smoking age from 18 to 21.
- David Frum concern trolls Democrats about political correctness.
- Mitt Romney will supposedly announce this morning whether he plans to run for president again.
- The Federal Trade Commission reached a settlement with Craig Brittain, the alleged operator of a "revenge porn" website, which requires him to obtain "affirmative express written consent" from anyone "whose intimate parts are exposed in a photograph or video." Lee Rowland of the American Civil Liberties Union called the decision "a mixed bag."
- Is a European-style "right to be forgotten" stealthily creeping into our legal code?
- Maybe Rand Paul's dream of a libertarian-Democratic alliance on criminal justice reform isn't so crazy after all.
- IBM plans to sequence the microbiomes of food ingredients to help prevent outbreaks of things like listeria and salmonella, with the goal of developing a simple test available for commercial use.
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