Tamir Rice's Mother Speaks Out, Rand Paul Is the GOP Frontrunner, Budget Battle: P.M. Links
Facebook The mother of Tamir Rice, the Cleveland 12-year-old killed by police for having a toy gun, is "looking for a conviction."
- Fraternity supporters are calling on UVA to rescind its moratorium on campus Greek life activities in the wake of new revelations about inaccuracies in the Rolling Stone story.
- The Washington Post named Sen. Rand Paul the GOP frontrunner for 2016.
- Meanwhile, the Republican Party establishment is in search of a candidate it likes.
- "Efforts to protect women from a putative epidemic of violence have led to misguided policies that infringe on the civil rights of men," wrote Slate's Emily Yoffe.
- Why don't we all come together to fight about funding the government again? Say it with me: Shutdown, shutdown, shutdown, shutdown…
- There was a huge fire in downtown Los Angeles this morning.
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