Immigrants Have Mixed Feelings Over Obama's Announcement, Everybody Sues the President, Plague Is the Disease of the Week: P.M. Links
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Many immigrants are happy about the president's announcement of temporary amnesty for some, but the limited nature of what the guy can do on his own leaves them wishing for more.
- House Republicans filed suit against President Obama, alleging he overstepped his executive authority in implementing the Affordable Care Act. Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio filed suit against President Obama, alleging he overstepped his executive authority by extending temporary amnesty to some illegal immigrants. Can't a man take some unilateral action without getting his chops busted?
- Darren Wilson, the police officer under grand jury investigation for shooting Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, is reportedly negotiating his resignation with city officials. And, probably, planning to move very far away. Polling says black and white Americans view the case very differently.
- Britain's UKIP picked up another seat in Parliament, putting a bit of a crimp in the major parties' plans. The Euroskeptic party looks forward to even bigger gains.
- The Aereo videostreaming service filed for bankruptcy—a not unexpected development just months after the company got thumped in a Supreme Court decision.
- From Madagascar comes word of an outbreak of…bubonic plague? Cinematically horrifying diseases please take a number and wait until you're called.
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