Ebola Fight to Cost $125M/Month and Could Last More Than a Year, Twitter Sues FBI, DoJ Over NSA Spying, Lena Dunham Wants You to Vote Again: P.M. Links
Girls American troops might be in Africa for more than a year and they will have contact with Ebola, says the Pentagon. An Army general in Africa says the U.S. will spend an estimated $750 million in the next six months alone fighting Ebola in Liberia. The Coast Guard is issuing new protocols for dealing with ships from Ebola-stricken countries. Since a Spanish nurse became the first person to contract the disease outside of West Africa, the World Health Organization warns that an Ebola outbreak in Europe is "quite unavoidable."
- We've "tried to achieve the level of transparency our users deserve without litigation, but to no avail," states Twitter, which is suing the Department of Justice and the FBI for information about the National Security Agency's surveillance.
- According to an exclusive report from Reuters, Missouri authorities are coordinating intelligence with out-of-state law enforcement agencies and, potentially, the FBI to prepare for potential riots if a grand jury decides not to charge Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown.
- American airstrikes in Kobani, Syria, are unsuccessful, apparently. Turkey says that ISIS is near capturing the strategic border town. The FBI is asking the public for help identifying English-speaking members of ISIS.
- The Drug Enforcement Agency is tightening its rules for certain painkiller prescriptions. We're going to have to take a closer look at those "back problems," grandpa.
- California is experimenting with a cloud-seeding drone to combat the drought.
- Nothing says "voting is important" like Lil' Jon and Lena Dunham dancing.
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