Steven Greenhut Says Let's Ban Taxis



A search of "taxi" and "car crashes" will reveal a long list of troubling news stories. In San Francisco last year, an Ohio couple died after a cab with bad brakes slammed into a concrete pillar. A year earlier there, a taxi driver who caused a deadly crash was identified as a man convicted in a notorious murder case, yet he passed the background checks. Normally, I would say this, sadly, is part of life. Driving is an inherently dangerous activity and despite a litany of state and local taxicab, driving, insurance, and other regulations, there's no way to make the world perfectly safe. But now my conclusion is different: The only solution to the taxi-safety problem is to ban all taxicabs from the roadways. Steven Greenhut admits he's being tongue-in-cheek, but he's only using the same logic the cab companies have used to stamp out rideshare services.