A.M. Links: Eric Holder Says He Can Do What He Wants, Medicare Paying Millions of Dollars to Thousands of Doctors, Russia Denies Planning Invasion of Ukraine
screen grab At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder insisted he had a "vast amount of discretion" in deciding which federal laws to enforce and how to enforce them.
- In the first such data released in more than 30 years, Medicare is shown to pay out at least $1 million a year to 4,000 doctors. The average Medicare payout for a participating doctor is $77,000 a year.
- Up to twenty students may be injured after reports of multiple stabbings at a Pittsburgh area high school.
- Security researchers say they've found a massive breach of Internet security, which they have dubbed Heartbleed. Millions of passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data may have been exposed for several years.
- Brandeis University reversed its decision on awarding an honorary degree to the the Islam critic and women's rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali after facing criticism about the commencement speaker.
- Authorities in Ukraine promised to use force to remove demonstrators from government buildings, while Russia dismissed claims it was planning to invade the country.
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