Obama Not Dealing With Entitlement Spending in Budget, FCC Backs Off Newsroom Study, For Now, Utah and Colorado Looking to Raise Minimum Smoking Age: P.M. Links
Kamila Gornia/flickr President Obama will be dropping any attempt at controlling the growth of entitlement spending from his proposed 2015 budget.
- The Federal Communications Commission is temporarily suspending a planned newsroom study, so it can be "corrected" to alleviate concerns.
- Ted Nugent said he was apologizing for calling President Obama a "sub-human mongrel," but not to the president but "on behalf of much better men than" himself.
- Detroit's filed a debt restructuring plan that includes cuts to what it owes to pensioners and creditors.
- Utah and Colorado are moving forward on proposals to raise the smoking age to 21.
- The Ukrainian parliament approved a new constitution, part of a deal struck between the government and opposition to end months-long street demonstrations.
- Venezuela sent paratroopers into the border town of San Cristobal to crack down on protesters and "restore order."
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