A.M. Links: Corruption Up, Respect for Property Rights Down in the US; NSA Used Radio Waves to Plant Spy Software in Computers; LA City Council Considering $15/Hour Minimum Wage for Hotel Workers
MAD Magazine The U.S. has fallen out of the top ten countries for economic freedom in the Heritage Foundation's 20th anniversary edition of the Index of Economic Freedom.
- The NSA has reportedly planted spy software in more than 100,000 computers, often using radio waves. In the meantime, President Obama is expected to propose changing the way the NSA collects Americans' phone records.
- A federal district judge ruled Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional.
- The LA city council is considering raising the minimum wage for workers at large hotels to $15 an hour.
- A state judge ordered New Jersey officials to provide a "status report" on the opening of medical marijuana dispensaries, half of which remain closed.
- The retired Florida cop and SWAT chief who allegedly shot and killed a man for texting in a movie theater was denied bail.
- The White House's press secretary, Jay Carney, says President Obama plans to meet Pope Francis and is looking forward to it, but declined to detail when or where that might take place.
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