A.M. Links: Janet Yellen Confirmed to Fed Chair, Pot Prices in Colorado Double, NYC-Based Satanists Want to Build Monument in Oklahoma City
Satanic Temple The Senate voted last night to confirm Janet Yellen's nomination to Federal Reserve chair. She is the first woman in the hundred year history of the Fed, but is expected to continue the policies of her predecessors.
- At least 100,000 people eligible for Medicaid are still waiting to be enrolled due to problems with the Obamacare website.
- Tea Party groups are pushing back against new regulations for tax-exempt organizations proposed by the IRS.
- In less than a week, the price of marijuana in Colorado has doubled as, surprise!, government regulations have helped leave supply far short of demand.
- Americans are living longer than ever, with the average life expectancy of today's babies approaching 80, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Factoring for Obamacare?
- LA County's 71-year-old sheriff is expected to resign today, a month after 18 of his deputies were arrested in a federal corruption and civil rights abuse investigation.
- The Satanic Temple, based in New York City, hope to erect a ten-foot-statue of Baphomet at the Oklahoma state capitol. They say they want it to promote compassion and empathy, and it would also function as a chair for people to sit on the lap of Satan. Does New York have one?
- Dennis Rodman says Kim Jong Un is his friend and he loves him. He's returning to North Korea, bringing other former NBA players for an exhibition game for Kim's birthday. He says he doesn't want to tell Kim how to do things but hopes the game brings an opportunity to "talk about certain things."
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