Feds Back Off Louisiana Voucher Program, House to Investigate Accuracy of Jobs Reports, Rob Ford Giving Up the Hooch: P.M. Links
Office of the Mayor The Department of Justice has abandoned its efforts to block Louisiana's school voucher program, but still wants the authority to review and meddle with things.
- The House Oversight committee will investigate allegations that unemployment reports were falsified in the months leading up to the 2012 presidential election.
- Occasionally drunken Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he's giving up the booze.
- Bitcoin's price has gone on an exciting adventure over the past 24 hours, even reaching a high of $900 before coming back down.
- George Zimmerman's latest charges include allegations he pointed a shotgun at his girlfriend. One presumes she is now his ex-girlfriend.
- The Obama Administration is still stuck playing defense of the Affordable Care Act as the latest information shows they were informed well in advance about problems with the federal exchange site.
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