NSA Finds Way to Bypass FISC Overseas, Putin Pushes Obama Aside in Power Rankings, Arpaio Wants Drones: P.M. Links


  • Edward Snowden's latest document drop reveals that the National Security Agency has managed to break into communications systems for Google and Yahoo overseas, which allows them to engage in surveillance, both foreign and domestic, outside the purview of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

  • Forbes has pushed American President Barack Obama aside in its list of most powerful people in favor of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi is having her staff get insurance through the Obamacare exchanges, but Sen. Harry Reid is not.
  • A woman in Fargo, N.D., says she's going to give letters to trick-or-treaters she deems obese rather than candy. Keep an eye out for news reports about terrible things happening to this one house in Fargo, N.D., Thursday night.
  • Social Security benefits will increase by 1.5 percent next year, the smallest increase since automatic adjustments were adopted in 1975.
  • Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio wants to use asset forfeiture money to buy drones to catch more drug-traffickers to get more asset forfeiture money.

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