A.M. Links: Obama Administration To Call in Scholars To Help With Obamacare Site, 16 of 26 Presidential Candidates Disqualified in Afghanistan, Prosecutors Say Slain Tsarnaev Brother Was Named in Triple Homicide


Credit: The White House
  • The Obama administration will be calling in scholars known for their technological expertise and familiarity with government programs to help address glitches affecting the health insurance exchange website, which Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) jokingly said is being run by Nigerian email scammers.
  • The Independent Election Commission in Afghanistan has disqualified 16 of the 26 presidential candidates, saying that the candidates had either kept citizenship from another country or did not have evidence of enough support.
  • Federal prosecutors claim that Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed shortly after the attack, was named by Ibragim Todashev as a participant in a triple homicide. Todashev was shot and killed by authorities during questioning.
  • The readouts released by France and the U.S. of the conversation between Obama and Hollande on the NSA spying on French phone records are different.
  • The White House reportedly fired National Security Council staffer Jofi Joseph last week after it was discovered that he was behind the twitter account @natsecwonk, which included some rather unflattering posts relating to officials in the Obama administration.
  • Peru's air force has reopened its Department of Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, which researches reports of UFOs and extraterrestrial sightings.

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