Syria Signals Willingness to Transfer Chemical Arms to International Control, 31 Million People to Remain Uninsured Under Obamacare, Japan Scrambles Jets in Response to Unidentified Drone: P.M. Links
- Russia's foreign minister followed up John Kerry's call for Syria to surrender its chemical weapons by urging Syria to transfer them to international control, something the Assad regime says it supports.
- Government projections show up to 31 million people remaining without insurance under Obamacare by 2023.
- Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former Congressman running a long-shot campaign for New York City mayor says he doesn't want to go back to Congress, because the Tea Party stopped making it a place to "solve problems."
- The former deputy chief of mission for Libya who testified in Congress about the 9/11 Benghazi attacks, Gregory Hicks, says he is being punished by the State Department.
- Japan scrambled jets after an unidentified drone appeared to approach the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. The craft did not enter Japanese airspace.
- A candidate of the libertarian Liberal Democrat party in Australia, David Leyonhjelm, won one of six Senate seats out of New South Wales.
- A group of private equity owners in Canada is purchasing Neiman Marcus for $6 billion.
- If Tropical Storm Humberto doesn't become a hurricane before the morning of September 11, it will be the latest first hurricane of the Atlantic season since satellite tracking began in the 1960s.
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