Republicans Seek to Be Anti-Romney for 2016, South Africa's Police Really, Really, Really Corrupt, $67 Million to Explain ObamaCare Decisions: P.M. Links
(davelawrence8 / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND)
Romney who? Potential Republican candidates for president in 2016 have no idea who this Romney person you're talking about is.
- Here's some perspective on corrupt police forces: In South Africa, nearly 15,000 police officers have been convicted of serious crimes ranging from drug-trafficking all the way to murder. But they're still on the force.
- Due to a negative response, a school district in California is abandoning a social media policy that could have punished students for "liking" or retweeting something the school considered inappropriate.
- Syria's civil war continues to drift into Lebanon, as an explosion at a Hezbollah compound in Beirut killed 10 and wounded 120.
- Health and Human Services has released $67 million in grants to pay people to explain to other people how to actually make decisions under ObamaCare.
- Australia's largest bank has closed the accounts of a Bitcoin payment processor in the country.
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