A.M. Links: US Paratroopers Preparing for Possible Syria Mission, Pensions Suing to Stop Detroit Bankruptcy, Catastrophic Event Destroyed Mars' Atmosphere
NASA Paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division are conducting training exercises in preparation for a possible mission in Syria.
- Anonymous has posted what it says are the e-mail addresses and passwords of thousands of Congressional staffers.
- Two pensions in Detroit are suing to stop the city's bankruptcy, saying it violates public retirees' rights.
- The FBI has placed a hold on evidence related to the killing of Trayvon Martin, including George Zimmerman's gun, which was supposed to be returned to him this month. The Department of Justice is considering filing civil rights charges against him.
- The police department in Sanford, Florida is conducting an internal investigation into a cop who tased a 57-year-old man in the head.
- John McCain said immigration advocates are "not winning," while explaining efforts to target certain congressional districts to get an immigration bill passed in the House.
- A federal judge has ruled owners of the World Trade Center can't collect any more insurance money related to 9/11. They've already received nearly $5 billion.
- Adam Kokesh, in jail on gun and drug charges, wants to run for president to abolish the federal government.
- An unknown "catastrophic" event destroyed Mars' atmosphere four billion years ago.
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