A.M. Links: James Comey Nearly Quit DOJ Over Eavesdropping, Court Orders California to Release Prisoners, Protesters in Brazil Number More Than a Million
RT President Obama's expected pick for the FBI, James Comey, reportedly nearly resigned from the Department of Justice a decade ago over electronic eavesdropping. Nearly.
- The FBI has deemed every agent-involved shooting between 1993 and 2011 as justified. Good shoot and all that.
- The deputy director of the Department of Environment in Tennessee claimed unfounded complaints about water quality amounted to acts of terrorism. There oughta be a Godwin's law.
- A federal court ordered California to comply with a previous court order and begin releasing some prisoners due to overcrowding. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers in places like Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, and South Dakota are looking to lower the prison populations by easing sentencing requirements. Tough times for "tough on crime" baloney.
- Absent more help from the West, Syrian rebels are manufacturing their own weapons. Wait till they get 3D printers.
- Protests in Brazil over corruption, poor public services and government preparations for the World Cup and Olympics have spread to more than 100 cities and now include more than a million Brazilians. Tudo não é bem.
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