IRS Still Sitting on Non-Profit Applications, Panetta Leaked Info to Moviemaker, Gun Control Fails in New Jersey: P.M. Links
U.S. Government Even as the IRS faces investigation for politically targeting the non-profit applications of conservative groups, it appears that over 200 such organizations are still stuck in limbo.
- The source for leaks to Zero Dark Thirty filmmaker Mark Boal, including the name of the Navy SEAL unit that carried out the Osama bin Laden raid and "top secret" information, was then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, himself. This was known by the White House prior to the November election, but is being released only now.
- Demonstrating a rare insight into the Constitution, Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested that bloggers may not be entitled to First Amendment protections. He apparently really meant that bloggers might not deserve the elevated protections accorded professional journalists which is … better?
- A poll conducted in both China and the United States finds that a majority of residents of those countries have low opinions of their overseas counterparts. Yeah, well. Sunday morning dim sum is still awesome.
- New Jersey's restrictive gun laws are impotent to prevent criminals from getting guns, say the beleaguered residents of crime-ridden Camden, New Jersey, and they say such laws elsewhere will be bypassed with similar ease.
- Denver politicians have decided not to opt out of Colorado's marijuana legalization, after all. Good call, if you want to hold on to those (mellow) tourist dollars.
- Private-sector data shows that the U.S. is adding jobs — 135,000 in May — very slowly.
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