A.M. Links: White House Complains About Politics, Democrat Decries Democrats in Decline, Cost of a Cigarette in NYC Jails Reaches $30
George Eastman House/Foter.com The White House's EPA nominee, Gina McCarthy, faces nearly universal Republican opposition, leading the White House to complain about Republicans "playing politics," which is kind of like a baseball player complaining that the opposing team insists on playing baseball and not T-ball.
- Bill Clinton's former White House political director writes that the Democratic party is in decline. It's lost nine governorships and 56 House seats and will be at "considerable risk" after Obama leaves office.
- A ban on smoking in New York City's jails has led to the price of a loose cigarette to reach $30. The Corrections Department uses dogs to sniff out tobacco but the union objects to its officers (which are often the source of imported contraband) being treated like inmates.
- Paul Krugman, perhaps the most political and ideological "economist" in the country, says those warning of a stock bubble are being "political" or "ideological." See you at 20,000?
- The Heritage Foundation may be hiring a public relations firm after fallout from a report tagging the cost of immigration at $6.3 trillion.
- Ventura County in California passed an "urgency ordinance" requiring condoms in porn.
- The Minnesota House has approved a bill legalizing gay marriage.
- Arwa al-Hujaili became Saudi Arabia's first female lawyer.
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