Gun Rights To Feature During President's Speech, Long-Term Unemployment Persists, Government Tracking Raises Fears: P.M. Links
Self-defense rights, and attacks by politicians on the same, are expected to take center stage at President Obama's Sermon on the Mount State of the Union speech (which Reason's crack staff will be live-tweeting).
- Short-term unemployment may almost be back to normal, but the long-term variety remains at exactly triple its average from 2001-7. Economists say they're perplexed.
- Privacy advocates worry over the government's growing ability to track our movements by car, by drone and through social media.
- The lower house of France's national assembly approved same-sex marriage, moving the country's gays and lesbians one step closer to the ability to cheat on their spouses with the same wild abandon as their heterosexual compatriots.
- The U.S. is, at long last, withdrawing 34,000 troops — just over half the total — from Afghanistan.
- In one of the coolest pranks ever, hackers broke into the emergency broadcast system and inserted a voice and text alert of a pending zombie apocalypse that then went out over the air.
- Exercising the due diligence for which it has become famous, the Washington Post fell for a gag story that Sarah Palin is joining Al Jazeeraa.
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