
FREE: Kindle Edition of High Desert Barbecue, Oct. 27-28


That's right. On October 27-28, the Kindle edition of High Desert Barbecue will be free, gratis, no charge to all-comers. Already have a copy? Impress your friends by gifting them with copies that don't cost you a  frigging dime. Hey, who's to know you're a cheapskate? I won't tell.

High Desert Barbecue, a book of the month selection of the Freedom Book Club, was reviewed by Prometheus Unbound as:

Equal parts prose that Kurt Vonnegut would approve of, eccentricity like you might find in a Coen brothers dark comedy, and libertarian morals embracing the permissive side.

Ars Gratia Libertatis called it:

A great read. Filled with likable characters, tons of humor, and a nice sprinkling of libertarianism throughout, its breezy style makes it an easy story to pick up and get into.

Remember, the totally free Kindle edition will be available Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28 here.

Because of High Desert Barbecue's participation in KDP Select, which makes this promotion possible, other electronic versions will be temporarily unavailable. However, the Nook, PDF and DRM-free ebook will be back with the new year.

The dead-tree edition remains wonderfully available, though.