
"Innocence of Muslims" Film May Not Be Real

Could've guessed that from the trailer


The biggest international news story of the month may be based on a total fraud. That's the sinking feeling reporters are getting about Muslim Innocence, the so-called "film" that ignited a flurry of riots from Algeria to Gaza to Egypt to Afghanistan. This morning, the producer of the film was introduced to the world by The Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press as Sam Bacile—an Israeli-American real estate developer who financed his film with $5 million from a pool of 100 anonymous Jewish donors. But from the moment those stories were published, journalists began chipping away at the credibility of Bacile's claims, including his very identity. Now some are doubting if his anti-Islam film is even a film in the first place—a mind-boggling thought given the international uproar it has caused for insulting the prophet Muhammad. Here's the case against its authenticity.