Anxiety Rises Over Looming Greek Vote, Rahm Emanuel Wants Pot Decriminalized, Gary Johnson Shakes Up Election Calculations: P.M. Links
After a series of horror stories about nearly life-long U.S. residents being deported because they weren't citizens, the federal government has announced plans to stop booting otherwise law-abiding residents who arrived here as minors.
- Political officials around the world are prepared to slip into formal pants-wetting mode should election results in Greece prove as disastrous as many people fear and fuel concerns about the future of the eurozone. While bookies slightly favor a conservative win, the race is too close to call.
- Drawing growing notice and polling well in western states Gary Johnson is seen as posing a threat to Romney's hopes to win New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado on his way to taking the White House.
- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel added his voice to the growing chorus calling for less-draconian marijuana laws. Under a proposed ordinance, police would write tickets for possession of 15 grams or less of pot.
- As evidence of just what the Obama administration thinks of the public's increasingly tolerant opinions on grass, six people connected to a California chain of medical marijuana dispensaries face federal charges for their actions, which are in compliance with state law. The IRS seized the bank accounts of another dispensary in Sacramento.
- Three Wyoming residents filed suit against the Federal Election Commission over complicated rules requiring grassroots political groups to register as political action committees.
- A year after the Monument Fire torched its water lines to nearby mountains, Tombstone, Arizona, is still battling the feds for permission to rebuild the pipes.
- Cave art found in Spain has been dated back over 40,000 years, raising the likelihood that it represents the efforts of Neanderthals.
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