Wisconsin Recall Effort Limps, Cory Booker's Words Resonate, Europe Threatens World Economy: P.M. Links
- Cory Booker may be backing away from his criticism of the Obama campaign's attack on Bain Capital, but his words seem to have taken on a life of their own.
- With polls showing their candidate between four and nine points back, Wisconsin Democrats are facing the likelihood that their once-vigorous campaign to unseat Governor Scott Walker is falling short.
- The OECD sees the world economy growing by 3.4 percent this year — so long as Europe's financial woes don't turn into an international buzz-kill.
- Staying classy, and perhaps a little sexually confused, an NYPD sergeant was recorded threatening to sexually assault a man who had illegally parked along a Brooklyn street.
- A federal judge struck down a Utah law that would have restricted the Internet publication of material that is constitutionally protected, but might be deemed "harmful to minors." Such restrictions interfere with the First Amendment rights of adults, said the court.
- After years of heavy spending to "stimulate" the economy, Japan has the highest debt-to-GDP ratio of any major economy, and a brand-new, two-level credit downgrade.
- A new Quebec law intended to muzzle student protests has, not surprisingly, invigorated demonstrations. Before taking to the street against the law, students were ticked off about hikes to the province's lowest-in-the nation public-university tuition.
- After the imposition of trade restrictions and currency controls, and the seizure of a foreign-owned oil company, Argentina's economy is, shockingly, starting to sputter.
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