When Can You Stop Fretting Over Your Tax Return?, Romney Edging Out Obama, Former GSA Head Slams Own Conference: P.M. Links
Tax experts say that, unless you've gone full-on creative, your tax returns should be free from IRS scrutiny in six to eight years.
- Almost-crowned as the presumptive GOP nominee, Mitt Romney is slightly out-polling President Obama.
- Ousted GSA head slams controversial annual training junket as "raucous" and "arrogant."
- Two federal judges question the constitutionality of allowing the federal government to regulate every economic activity under the sun.
- Ron Paul supporters take over a Republican congressional district meeting and outrage a local candidate by being all civil libertarian-ish and tolerance-y.
- Spain challenges Italy to a contest to see who can tank the euro first.
- Forget arguments over self-defense or race -- Bill Cosby says guns did the deed in the Trayvon Martin case.
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