Celebrities For Ron Paul: Juliette Lewis Edition


Ladies Love Disco Brotherman Ron Paul, apparently. Last month it was chanteuse supreme Kelly Clarkson, this week it's queen of the damned, Juliette Lewis:  

For the uninitiated, Lewis played the weird girlfriend in Natural Born Killers, the weird daughter in What's Eating Gilbert Grape and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and is the former weird lead singer of Juliette and the Licks. She is NOT a Republican. 

(Rumor had it that California ska-pop band No Doubt also endorsed Ron Paul on Twitter last night, but really their account was hacked.) 

In other news from the celebrity/politics nexus, fashion prince Simon Doonan tries "to read at least one thing" on the New York Times Op-Ed page every day "because I don't want to become a complete idiot"; Snoop Dogg, recently arrested for having too much fun, would like to get high with President Obama: "Before I even said 'Hi' to President Obama, I would change the aroma of the room. And then we could start conversing after we had that aroma change. You know what I'm talking about?" Yes, Snoop, we know exactly what you're talking about. So does the president, for that matter