Brian Doherty on the Government Preventing Medical Marijuana Users from Owning Guns


If you are a medical marijuana patient in one of the 16 states (plus the District of Columbia) that allow for it, you've got reason to believe lately that the government has it in for you. You've got federal raids on the places where you can conveniently buy your medicine, the governor of Arizona trying to overturn in court her citizens' choice to institute a medical marijuana system, and Michigan's attorney general trying to make life as hard as he can for those using the system his state's voters approved by 63 percent. And as Senior Editor Brian Doherty reports, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is now getting in on the action too. According to the BATFE, you lose your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms merely by letting your state know you might want to take pot medicinally.