If You Care About "Free Minds and Free Markets," Please Give to Reason's 2011 Webathon


We're in the final days of Reason's annual webathon, during which we're looking for 500 donors to help us spread the word of "Free Minds and Free Markets."

If you give $10, you get to see your name - or whatever name you choose to enter - up there in the contributors banner at the top of the page.

With $100, you get a year's subscription to the award-winning print edition of Reason, a t-shirt, and a bumper sticker.

For $250, you get all that, plus a signed copy of my and Matt Welch's The Declaration of Independents, another subscription (gift it to a frenemy) and more…

 Go here for a full list of giving levels and what you get for them - there's a lot of fun stuff to check out.

All donations are tax-deductible and will be used to help us jump higher, run faster, and work harder in the pursuit of bringing you - and the world - the best libertarian news, views, and opinion.

If you can't make a donation, then take our Reason.com reader survey and get a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. We'll be using the survey results to help inform our coming overhaul of our online presence.

Here's a sample of what we're up to. Click below to watch Jim Epstein's excellent new video, "Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland."