Reason Morning Links: Occupy Fomenter Suggests Calling it a Day, Murder-Drone-Deploying, U.S.-Citizen-Assassinating Obama Slams GOPers for Waterboarding Remarks, Online Piracy Act Staggers Into the Spotlight


  • Several GOP presidential candidates said Saturday night that they would bring back waterboarding if elected torturer-in-chief. President Barack Obama, who once threatened to drone-murder the Jonas Brothers but then murdered some Pakistani teenagers instead, responded thusly Sunday night:"Let me just say this: They're wrong. Waterboarding is torture," he said. "It's contrary to America's traditions. It's contrary to our ideals. That's not who we are. That's not how we operate. We don't need it in order to prosecute the war on terrorism. And we did the right thing by ending that practice." Bonus link: David Frum(py) on what the GOP candidates should have said
  • Congress critters are insider-trading, but it is not illegal because it is "honest graft." 
  • Rep. Lamar Smith's Online Piracy Bill is moving forward, albeit slowly. 
  • From The Guardian: "Adbusters, the Canadian activist group which helped spark the movement, is even considering calling on occupiers to declare 'victory' for phase one and go home for the winter – clear recognition that numbers are likely to dwindle anyway and make it increasingly difficult for the protests to maintain momentum and generate headlines." 
  • EFF, the Cato Institute, the Center for Democracy and Technology,Public Knowledge, and TechFreedom have all asked SCOTUS to do away with the FCC's power to regulate indecency. 
  • The Bush tax cuts aren't going anywhere. 

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