
In the D.C. Examiner, on 3 Fixes to Government


In a last mini-excerpt from their book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch identify a Big Three of government dysfunction long overdue for reform:

Today, there are three great blots on the American Dream. Unsurprisingly, in all three areas, the state, at various levels, calls most of the shots, either through straight-up racketeering or by rigging the rules in a way that makes it nearly impossible for people to escape.

Americans, ever inventive, keep constructing elaborate workarounds to circumvent the tired regulations that support these three vast empires of concentrated political power.

But it's time to stop sneaking out windows and creeping through back doors. Forget "winning the future" -- if America has any hope of winning the present, it's time to confront head-on our profound problems with education, health care and retirement.

Read the whole thing here.