
RU Sirius' Open Source History of Mondo 2000


RU Sirius (AKA Ken Goffman) was one of the guys behind Mondo 2000, the magazine that along with Wired helped conceptualize and catalyze digital culture. He's working on an "open source history" of how the mag came into being and it's rush to read, the sort of deep-tissue DIY remembrance that should make you want to go out and change the world:

I have moved from Brockport, New York to the San Francisco Bay Area (starting off in Berkeley) with a "note to self" in my pocket — the only thing I could write during several months of writer's block, after a briefly successful academic and small town rock and roll career as a writer of fiction… and writer and singer of song lyrics. The note contains my California to-do list: "Start the Neopsychedelic Wave. Start a Neopsychedelic band. Start a Neopsychedelic magazine."

Read the whole thing at the great site 10 Zen Monkeys.

Reason on Sirius, etc.